Electrodes For Cast Iron
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Electrodes For Cast Iron Aarya Elect rodes have a wide range of MMAW products for various type of welding. TypicalWeldMetalChemistry TypicalMechanicalProperties Description/Application WELDINGPARAMETERS(AC/DC+ ) Size(mm) Amp AARYA – NICI AWS:ENiFeCI C : 1.50 Hardness : 190VPN Aarya – NICI AC/DC (+) graphite coated allpositioning electrodes electrode depositing weldmetal which contains nickel and iron. Ideally suitedfor cast iron to steel welding and repair of varietiesof cast irons. The weld deposit has superior bondstrength and shows greater tolerance to impurities inthe cast irons. Welds are easily machinable. 2.50 X 350 70-90 Mn : 1.30 3.15X350 100-130 Si : 0.35 4.00X350 140-180 Ni : 52.0 5.00X350 190-220 Fe : Balance AARYA – CI AWS:ENiCI C : 1.50 Hardness : 170 VPN Aarya – CI an AC/DC (+) type electrode produceda soft and stable arc with low currents. Theelectrode deposits a soft, crack – free and soundweld on grey cast iron. Welds can be machinedeasily.Surfacing of the above materials, cast machineryparts engine blocks, bearing blocks, frames, foundrycastings, etc. 2.50 X 350 70-90 Mn : 1.30 3.15X350 100-130 Si : 0.35 4.00X350 140-180 Cr : 1.25 5.00X350 190-220 Ni : Balance Fe 4.50