Single Gas Monitor
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We are offering single gas monitor. The toxirae 3 is a full-featured single-gas monitor that offers unequaled cost of ownership value. The toxirae 3 is compatible with the autorae lite bump and calibration station. Stel, twa, low, and high alarms can also be recorded. The detector is warranted for 2 years and maintenance free with replaceable battery. Lowest cost of ownership on the market. rugged steel housing for harsh environments. fastest instrument response time on the market for better protection and worker safety. fastest bump station on the market with highest productivity, putting workers back to work quickly. compact, low-cost bump and calibration station enables the ability to put the bump capability where it is needed.
fixed gas detector
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FirstSense Safety have come up with "Made in India" Wireless Gas Detector, remoREAD, which offers the following advantages: Will Detect Gas even if there is no power supply. Detector continuously ON Mounted in the un-manned area as zero maintenance is required No Cabling required Wireless Communication to Controller and Mobile without any distance limitation Rechargeable Battery (6+ Months Battery life) Mobile Alert based system for Gas Leakage Real-Time Location of Gas Detector intimation
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