Zimzum Tablets
Z-efficiency in digestion & metabolism. Highlights Improves digestive functions & appetiteCorrects Hepato-bilary disordersRegulates liver functions & stimulates enzyme secretionsImproves metabolic powers & normalise GI motivityCorrects fatty debility & malnutrition due to digestive disorders Indication IndigestionLoss of appetiteChronic gastritisHyperacidityChronic constipationHeart burnColic pain & gripesDyspepsiaFlatulence, nausea & vomitingEpigestric distress Dose & Direction For Use : 1 Tab BID After Meals Presentation : 10 x 10 Blisters
...moreVitazest-SF Capsules
Vital vitamins for Zest & energy streams. Highlights Perfect strength builder & RejuvenatorsNeuronal Power & Neuro tonersDigestive & Metabolic PowerPotent Anti-oxidant with immunity powerProvides all essential nutrients in easily absorbable & assimiable form Indication Growth & DevelopmentsGeneral weakness & fatigueMalnourishmentsPre & Post operative illnessProlongs sickness, indigestion & weight lossNervine & physical debilityLoss of appetiteConvulsionsGeriatric weakness Dose & Direction For Use : 1 Cap BID With Milk Presentation : 1x10 Blister
...moreVatanil Capsules
Perfect medicine for vat disorders. Highlights Restores functioning & mobility of jointsRestores articular cartilage & fusion of the jointsReduces swelling of synovial cells and synovial membrane & restores synovial fluid balanceCures stiffness, morning stiffness, inflammation, pain, tenderness̢۪ & associated feverTreats R.A. well & thus reduces chances of damage to vital organs like lungs, kidney, heart and liverModifies auto-immune response & resolves inflammation fasterSafe, natural & free from drug-dependabilityPowerful substitute to DMARD & comprehensive anti-arthritic drug Indication Rheumatoid arthritisInfectious arthritisNon-articular rheumatismSoft tissue rheumatismOsteoarthritis & OsteomylegiaCervical & lumber SpondylitisAnkylosing spondylitisFrozen shoulder syndromeArthralgiaSciatica, Stiff neck, leg cramps & goutLumbago & other muscular-skeletal disordersNeuromuscular pain & neuritisSports injuries & fractured bones Dose & Direction For Use : 2 Caps BID Presentation : 1x30 Plastic Jar
...moreU Care Syrup
Par excellent UTI care. Highlights Prevents reoccurrence of urinary tract infectionsSafe 7 sustained diuretics with no side effectsRegularises execratory functions, neutralises acid & normalises urinary pHPotent anti inflammatory, analgesic, astringent & cooling actionsAs supportive therapy with the treatment of calculi & BHP Indications Acute and chronic UTIBurning & Scanty micturitionChronic Nephritis,pyelitis, virginitis & urethritisCystitis, Nocturea, DysureaUrinary incontinence and Obstructive urinationRenal colic, Urinary retention, Post-operative UTIUTI associated symptoms like fever & chills, Pain in pelvic region, back pain etc Dose & Direction For Use : 10 ml TID Presentation : 100 ml & 200 ml Pet Bottles
...moreStolex Syrup
Powerful remedy for kidney stone & renal calculi. Highlights Expels renal calculiControls absorptions of stone forming substancesProven anti inflammatory, analgesic & diuretic actionsMaintains crystalloid-colloid balance & prevents reoccurrenceRelieves burning micturitionMaintains normal UT physiologySupportive treatment for bledder stone Indication Urinary calculiRecurrent calculiNon Specific UTIKidney StoneProstatitisDiuresisAcute renal colic Dose & Direction For Use : 10 ml TID Packing : 200 ml Pet Bottle
...moreStocare Capsules
Powerful remedy for kidney stone & renal calculi. Highlights Expels renal calculiControls absorptions of stone forming substancesProven anti inflammatory, analgesic & diuretic actionsMaintains crystalloid-colloid balance & prevents reoccurrenceRelieves burning micturitionMaintains normal UT physiologySupportive treatment for bledder stone Indication Urinary calculiRecurrent calculiNon Specific UTIKidney StoneProstatitisDiuresisAcute renal colic Dose & Direction For Use : 2 Caps BID Presentation : 1x30 Plastic Jar
...moreSnofat Capsules
Novel & excellent anti obesity treatment. Highlights Clinically well documentedProven lipid regulator & Cholesterol controllerReduces LDL & HDLReduces risk of ischemic heart diseasesReduces fat accumulation & gives sustained, long lasting weight lossTones ups vital organs & endocrine glandsImproves metabolic powersReduces excess sugar & Fats concentration of bloodTones up renal & excretory functions Indication ObesityOverweightEndocrine disordersMetabolic insufficiencyHigh cholesterol Dose & Direction For Use : 2 Caps BID before meals & with honey and water Presentation : 10x10 Blisters
...moreSleepnorm Capsules
Peaceful nights & thus refresh days. Highlights Promotes uninterrupted and non-REM sleep.Increases duration and quality of sleep. Patient feels awaken, refreshed and recharged.Regulates circadian sleep-rhythm and increases calm waves (alpha waves) of brain.Makes person energetic, alert and productive during day time and can work with optimum strength.Non habit forming, no side effects, promotes ALL-NATURAL sleep.Changes thoughts and behaviour pattern effectivelyMaintains neuronal health, corrects nervous debility and recharges the nervous system.Promotes metabolic conditions for neuronal plasticity, Calms down agitated mind & gives sense of Wellbeing Indication Primary and secondary, chronic and acute insomnia and related symptoms like difficulty in falling asleep, nocturnal awakening, early morning awakening, fatigue, lethargy, slow reflexes, poor concentration, poor memory, drowsiness, headache, irritability, unexplained pain, CFS, restlessness & poor immunityJet leg syndrome & Disease induced insomnia.Caffeine, tobacco and alcohol induced insomnia. Dose & Direction For Use : 1-2 Caps 1 Hour before Bed-time Presentation : 1x30 Plastic Jar
...moreSilenta Capsules
Brain without anxiety & worries. Highlights Natural, effective and ideal antidepressant, anxiolytic, mood- stabilizer & anti convulsant.Normalizes functioning of neuro transmitters.Change thought and behaviour pattern effectively.Maintains neuronal health, corrects nervous debility and recharges the nervous system.Promotes metabolic conditions for neuronal plasticity, Calm down agitated mind and gives sense of Well-being. Indication Anxiety and Depression and associated symptoms like. insomnia, fatigue, anorexia, pain, phobias, irritability, restlessness, vertigo, tremor, sweating, palpitation, dizziness etcObsessive compulsive neurosisPsycho sexual disorders, Addiction & DementiaEpilepsy, Schizophrenia, Hysteria, Mania, Bipolar disorders & DelusionsHallucinations, Agitation, Tension headache & Emotional shocksPsycho-somatic and behavioural disorders.Child age psychological problems like enuresis, psycho retardation, hyper-activity, stammering- speech, learning disability & attention deficit disorders Dose & Direction For Use : 2 Caps BID Presentation : 1x30 Plastic Jar
...moreShe Smyle Hair Oil
Hair care beyond compare. Highlights Supplements all essential amino acids & micronutrients at the root level & improves blood circulations at hair folliclesSurely generates new hairMakes hair long, black, smooth, strong, dense & more beautifulGives her a pride of healthiest, silky & beautiful hairReduces mental stress & thus stress caused hair fall Indication Mal Nourished HairChronic Hair Fall & AlopeciaDandruffFolliculitisGreying & Whitening of hairThinning & splitting of hairDisease related hair fallScalp & follicle infectionsHair fall during pregnancy & child birth Dose & Direction For Use : Apply in the roots of hair and all over the scalp Presentation : 100 & 500 ml Pet Bottles
...moreShe Smyle Dandruff Cure Oil
Dandruff free hair- long, black & beautiful. Highlights Reduces dandruff fast by reducing inflammation, itching and rate of shedding the scalp.Restricts growth of fungus named Pityrosporum Ovale so controls sebum production on the scalp.Breaks scratch-and-itch cycle, so restricts itching, soreness and infection in hair follicle & thus controls flakes and hair fall. Cure associated symptom like facial dry skin. Indication Dandruff and liceSeborrhoeic dermatitisAs an adjuvant treatment in Tinea captis scalp infection Dose & Direction For Use : Apply in the roots of hair and all over the scalp and wash after 10 hour Presentation : 50 ml Plastic Bottle
...moreShe Smyle Capsules
Builds hair better for her ‘Grace & Appeal. Highlights Supplements all essential amino acids & micronutrients at the root level & improves blood circulations at hair folliclesSurely generates new hairMakes hair long, black, smooth, strong, dense & more beautifulGives her a pride of healthiest, silky & beautiful hairReduces mental stress & thus stress caused hair fall Indication Mal Nourished HairChronic Hair Fall & AlopeciaDandruffFolliculitisGreying & Whitening of hairThinning & splitting of hairDisease related hair fallScalp & follicle infectionsHair fall during pregnancy & child birth Dose & Direction For Use : 1 Cap BID /TID Presentation : 1x10 Blister
...moreRhumacare Tablets
Reliability superior anti rheumatic remedy. Highlights Restores functioning & mobility of jointsRestores articular cartilage & fusion of the jointsReduces swelling of synovial cells and synovial membrane & restores synovial fluid balanceCures stiffness, morning stiffness, inflammation, pain, tenderness̢۪ & associated feverTreats R.A. well & thus reduces chances of damage to vital organs like lungs, kidney, heart and liverModifies auto-immune response & resolves inflammation fasterSafe, natural & free from drug-dependabilityPowerful substitute to DMARD & comprehensive anti-arthritic drug IndicationRheumatoid arthritisInfectious arthritisNon-articular rheumatismSoft tissue rheumatismOsteoarthritis & OsteomylegiaCervical & lumber SpondylitisAnkylosing spondylitisFrozen shoulder syndromeArthralgiaSciatica, Stiff neck, leg cramps & goutLumbago & other muscular-skeletal disordersNeuromuscular pain & neuritisSports injuries & fractured bones Dose & Direction For Use : 1 Tab BID Presentation : 1x10 Blister
...moreRhumacare Oil
Topical oil for rheumatism & joint pain. Highlights Faster, deeper & excellent absorption through skin to provide anti inflammatory, analgesic & anti arthritic actionsEnsures faster mobility of joints by deep penetration.Counter irritant and rubefacient action stimulates blood circulation & relieves muscle spasm, stiffness, numbness & swelling areas Indication Infectious arthritisOsteoarthritis & OsteomylegiaCervical & lumber SpondylitisAnkylosing spondylitisFrozen shoulder syndromeArthralgiaSciatica, Stiff neck, leg cramps & goutLumbago & other muscular-skeletal disordersNeuromuscular pain & neuritisSports injuries & fractured bones Dose & Direction For Use : Apply on affected area and gently massage. Presentation : 30 & 100 ml Pet Bottles
...moreNeurovit-SF Capsules
Excellent treatment for neurological disorders. Highlights Improves motor control, muscular movement and muscular strength.Improves communication between sensory nerves and CNS.Improves other symptoms like Lack of coordination, Disorientation, Numbness, Speech-impairment, & Memory lossReduces risk of muscle atrophy and permanent paralysis.Corrects other associated symptoms like Drooling, Hearing loss, Vision loss, Severe headache, Neck pain, Tremor, Rigidity, Difficulty in talking, writing & speaking etc.Makes patient able to perform his daily task better. Indication Paralysis; both bilateral and unilateral, paraplegia quadriplegia, facial paralysis.Degenerative disease like Parkinson disease and parkinsonian gait.Neuropathic disorders, peripheral neuropathy and associated pain.Bell's palsy, Cerebral palsy, Multiple sclerosis , Muscular dystrophy etc Dose & Direction For Use : 1 Caps BID Presentation : 1X60 Plastic Jar
...moreLukokare Tablets
Cures chronic leucorrhoea. Highlights Regulates pH, Maintains & tones up uterine functionsProvides uterine support & restores estrogenic balancePotent anti microbial, anti inflammatory immune modulator & reduces frequency of reoccurrence7Corrects psychological factors so reduces anxiety, stress & restores emotional balanceControls excessive discharge by unique astringent actions & reduces foul smelling of secretionsEffectively Treats complications like back ache, pain in lumber and abdomen regions, weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, constipation, head ache, burning sensation & itchingCompletely non-toxic, free from any side effects & totally safe during pregnancy Indication Specific & Non-specific LeucorrhoeaTrichomonas Vaginalis & Bacterial VaginalisVulvo vaginitisVaginal CandidaciesVaginal Irritations Dose & Direction For Use : 2 Tabs TID Presentation : 10X10 Blisters
...moreLucocare Syrup
Ultimate for complicated leucorrhoea. Highlights Regulates pH, Maintains & tones up uterine functionsProvides uterine support & restores estrogenic balancePotent anti microbial, anti inflammatory immune modulator & reduces frequency of reoccurrence7Corrects psychological factors so reduces anxiety, stress & restores emotional balanceControls excessive discharge by unique astringent actions & reduces foul smelling of secretionsEffectively Treats complications like back ache, pain in lumber and abdomen regions, weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, constipation, head ache, burning sensation & itchingCompletely non-toxic, free from any side effects & totally safe during pregnancy Indication Specific & Non-specific LeucorrhoeaTrichomonas Vaginalis & Bacterial VaginalisVulvo vaginitisVaginal CandidaciesVaginal Irritations Dose & Direction For Use : 10 ml TID Presentation : 200 ml Pet Bottle
...moreLivzyme Syrup
Hepato protective, corrective & restorative. Highlights Most potent liver protective, corrective & restorativePromotes hepatic cellular regeneration thus restores the liver functions rapidly & ensures optimum bile secretionPotent immune booster with anti viral, anti bacterial & anti inflammatory activitySignificantly inhibits cell proliferationRestorative for digestive & metabolic powersNormalises SGOT, SGPT & serum bilirubin level Indication Fatty LiverJaundiceHepatitisCirrhosis of liverInfective hepatitisViral hepatitisHepatic fibrosisAnorexia & ConstipationLoss of weightHepatic toxicityAlcoholic Liver damage Dose & Direction For Use : 10 ml TID Presentation : 100 & 200 ml Pet Bottles
...moreLivzyme Drop
Efficacy with safety in kid liver care. Highlights Most potent liver protective, corrective & restorativePromotes hepatic cellular regeneration, thus restores the liver functions rapidly and ensures optimum bile secretionPotent immune booster with anti viral, anti bacterial & anti inflammatory activitySignificantly inhibits cell proliferationRestorative for digestive & metabolic powersNormalises SGOT, SGPT & serum bilirubin level Indication Fatty LiverJaundiceHepatitisInfective hepatitisViral hepatitisHepatic fibrosisAnorexia & ConstipationLoss of weightHepatic toxicity Dose & Direction For Use : 10-15 drops TID Presentation : 25 ml Drop bottle
...moreLivzyme Capsules
Hepato protective, corrective & restorative. Highlights Most potent liver protective, corrective & restorativePromotes hepatic cellular regeneration thus restores the liver functions rapidly & ensures optimum bile secretionPotent immune booster with anti viral, anti bacterial & anti inflammatory activitySignificantly inhibits cell proliferationRestorative for digestive & metabolic powersNormalises SGOT, SGPT & serum bilirubin level Indication Fatty LiverJaundiceHepatitisCirrhosis of liverInfective hepatitisViral hepatitisHepatic fibrosisAnorexia & ConstipationLoss of weightHepatic toxicityAlcoholic Liver damage Dose & Direction For Use : 1 Cap TID Packing : 3 x 10 Blisters
...moreliver disorder medicine
Kumarika Powder
Beauty & charm through nature. Highlights Acne sebum & bacterial, fungus infectionsDries up the pustules & clears acnePotent anti inflammatory so cures burning and itching of the skinActive astringent, remove excess oil from the skin & soothes the facial skinEnhances blood circulation in the facial skinEnhances fairness & gives the face a radiant glow Indication Acne vulgarise (pimples)Blackheads & blemishesDark spots & scarsMarks & darkness under eye Dose & Direction For Use : Mix 1 T.S. With Rose Water (Summer)/Fresh Milk (Winter) & apply the semi-solid paste. Wash after 20 Min Presentation : 40 gms box
...moreHerbitone Tonic
The company is amongst the famous Suppliers of Herbitone Tonic in Gujarat, India. Highlights Perfect strength builder & RejuvenatorsNeuronal Power & Neuro toners Digestive & Metabolic Power Immunity powerDigestive & Metabolic Power Potent Anti-oxidant with immunity powerProvides all essential nutrients in easily absorbable & assimiable form Indication Growth & DevelopmentsGeneral weakness & fatigueMalnourishments & AnemiaPre & Post operative illnessProlongs sickness, indigestion & weight lossNervine & physical debilityLoss of appetiteConvulsionsGeriatric weakness Dose & Direction For Use : 10 -15 ml BID Presentation : 200 ml Pet Bottle
...moreHerbitone Drop
Herbal powerful tonic for infants. Highlights Builds Blood, improves body functions and restores immunityProvides all essential nutrients & thus energy and StrengthsEmpowers digestive and Metabolic EfficiencyPromotes physical & mental development.Provides good anabolic powerPromotes sound sleep and weight gainMake baby healthy ,fair and cheerful Indication Malnourishments & weight lossRicketsInadequate Milk FeedingAnaemia & General WeaknessInfantile Diarrhoea & teething troublesAcute & chronic Infections due to lack of immunityAnorexia, constipation, indigestion & colic pain Dose & Direction For Use : 5-10 drops BID Presentation : 15 ml Drop Bottle
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