Kare® - the Easiest Bank Management Software
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Kare® - the easiest bank management software - a brand of pinsoftek specially meant for business persons to manage their bank own. It is specially useful for small to enterprise companies, doctors, professionals and manufacturing units. features: any no. Of year, company wise password, easiest new year process, report output on screen & printer, fastest print than never, computer based training, renumbering facility for receipt, and payment etc. Easily management of bank of companies and individuals. general reports: cash book, bank register, journal voucher, general ledger - (ac wise & groupwise.), roj-mel. special reports: comparison of two accounts & two years, expense summary, account confirmation, negative cash indication, bank reconciliation, summary of accounts. document printing: cheque receipt, cash receipt, cheque payment and cash payment. utilities: data backup & restore, usage of function keys, missing documents, invoice design, year end process, balance sheet & trial balance checker, bulk modify for account, products and transactions.
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