Biomass Gasifiers Dealers in Ahmedabad

(3 products available)
  • Biomass Gasifiers

    Biomass Gasifiers

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    Biomass gasification is a process of converting solid biomass fuel into a gaseous combustible gas (called producer gas) through a sequence of thermo-chemical reactions. The gas is a low-heating value fuel, with a calorific value between 1000- 1200 kcal/Nm3 (kilo calorie per normal cubic metre).

  • Biomass Gasifier

    Biomass Gasifier

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    Specifications Gas after filteration is feed to engine. Problem addressed: There are lots of villages in the country which are still not electrified or are receiving power erratically. Given the limited global supply of fossil fuels, search for renewable energy has been on the top of the sustainability agenda.  Biomass gasification, a century old technology, is viewed today as an alternative to conventional fuel. In gasification process, wood, charcoal and other biomass materials are gasified to produce so called producer gas for power or electricity generation. Mr Rai Singh Dahiya observed that the users of biomass gas (producer gas) as a fuel generally complain about choking in the engine after running for a certain period of time. He solved this problem     Product:  The innovator has changed the conventional design of gasifiers specially the filters and cooling units to get clean gas and ensure smooth operation of engineat low operational cost. It is a down draft typebio mass gasifier, compact and efficient system for converting Bio Mass into producer gas which is used as a fuel in running Diesel Engine by making  little modification on engine.  The Biomass is burnt  in a furnace packed from all the sides and having one outlet to pass the gases to other chamber where these gases are cooled and then passed through the filter for filtration. This filtered gas is then feed to the engine, as a substitute to diesel or like  other fuel, for its running.    Technical specifications :  Capacity-5kw to 50 Kw, Three Phase, P.F. 0.8, water cooled, Two Cylinder, four cylinder, six cylinder and eight cylinder Self Start, Alternator with complete standard accessories (without Battery).  

  • Best Deals from Biomass Gasifiers

  • Biomass Gasifier

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    Biomass Gasifier, Chain Sprocket, guascor power biogas, Roll Forming Machine

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