Dried Black Lemon
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The organization is a trusted name based in Ahmedabad(India) and known for its fair pricing policy. Emerged as an eminent Supplier, we are well-known for dispatching the comprehensive range of Dried Black Lemon.
Dehydrated black lemon
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Best Deals from Black Dried Lemon
black dried lemon
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Due to its origin in the Persian Gulf, it has inherited Persian name Omani Lemon. This Omani lemon black is not only an all-time favorite kitchen ingredient of Arabic regions but it is equally popular in Gulf countries. Apart from being used in meat, seafood, rice dishes, it is also applied in tea, used to clean your bowels, and even treating scurvy. It is aptly beneficial in dissolving gallstones, kidney stones and calcium deposits, lowering blood pressure, adding radiance to face, relieving from a headache, reducing acne, reduce the chance of breast cancer and calcium deposits. Helpful in nullifying the free radicals that promote aging and many other diseases, black dried lemon can be considered as the staple food ingredient for every household.