Comet Chemicals Jodhpur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

  • Arrron Reacto

    Arrron Reacto

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    The information submitted in this publication is based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application, these data do not relieve processors ofthe responsibility of carrying out their own tests and experiments; neither do they imply any legally binding assurance of certain properties or of suitability for a specific purpose. It is the responsibility of those to whom we supply our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed.   ARRON REACTOARRON REACTO is a superior quality and high performance thickener for Reactive printing application.ARRON REACTO is an acrylic based thickener for acqueous printing systems which performs viscous and smooth printing paste. ARRON REACTO has its application for both printing of cotton and synthetic ARRON REACTO can be stored at ambient conditions for long span. ARRON REACTO is capable of being used directly into the printing paste.   Salient Features ARRON REACTO provides better dry/wet fastness, imparts better handle and enhances the colour yield thereby imparting brightness to the fabric. Main feature of ARRON REACTO is the sharpness of the prints on all kinds of fabrics. Because of its rheology ARRON REACTO can be printed over a wide viscosity range whilst still maintaining excellent definition, coverage and color yield compared with sodium alginate. ARRON REACTO can be printed with less bled pressure or smaller magnet bar than would be used with alginate paste of the same viscosity, allowing finer definition and printing 3-4 times higher speed than normally be possible with alginate on rotary machines.Compared alginate ARRON REACTO gives consistently superior color yield and coverage. ARRON REACTO shows 10-15% improved color yield on most shades and up to approx 25% with Turquoise on viscose. ARRON REACTO is unaffected by bacterial attack. Printing pastes prepared with ARRON REACTO will have far superior shelf lives than alginate based counterparts. ARRON REACTO is compatible with all classes of dyes and natural thickeners except cationic dyes and thickeners. PasteFirst, the recommended ancillary ingredients are dissolved in the water, then the recommended dosage of ARRON REACTO is added. Print paste can be mixed right after stock make-up. Complete hydration is occurs immediately, far different from alginates which take up to 24 hours.Hard water may influence the soft handle, the additional use of ARRON COWASH LW HWor any complexing agent and addition of Natural thickenr.Washing off Rinse in cold water (Max 30) with overflow and/or Spray, we suggest addition of 1 g/l of ARRON or complexing agent. Warm rinse at 50-60oC Wash at 90-100oC with ARRON COWASH LW Hot rinse at 60-80oC StorageARRON REACTO should be stored at ambient temperatures. Do not store in metal containers.PackagingARRON REACTO is available in 130 kg drums.

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Comet Chemicals

  • Mr. Arpan Gupta
  • B-701/710, Mondeal Heights, S. G. Road, Ahmedabad - 380015, Dist. Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Jodhpur

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