Kasuri Methi
10 Per Pack
Fenugreek Seeds
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Best Deals from Fenugreek Seed
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Bitter in taste, methi seeds are of excellent medicinal virtue. They are a great blood purifier, laxative, help in maintaining metabolism, prevent constipation and act as an antidote for several skin problems. Methi paste, applied on the scalp, helps in nourishing and regenerating hair.
Fenugreek Seeds
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10 Metric Ton (MOQ)
Fenugreek is small stony seed from the pod of a bean-like plant. These seeds are hard, yellowish brown and angular. Some are oblong, some rhombic, other virtually cubic. They are available whole and dried, or as a dull yellow powder ground from the roasted seeds as dry roasting enhance the flavor and reduces the bitterness. Fenugreek is an ancient spice and is mostly used in Middle East, Northern- Eastern Africa and India, especially for pickles. In India, its fresh leaves are eaten as a tasty vegetable, which is prepared like spinach. Fenugreek is exported in whole & powder form . The major producing sates of fenugreek seeds in India are Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh & TamilNadu .The harvesting season for fenugreek seeds is from February to April. Indian Names Hindi : Methe Bengali : Methe Gujarati : Methe Kannada : Menthya Malayalam : Ventayan, Uluva Marathi : Methe Oriya : Methe Punjabi : Methe Sanskrit : Methe Tamil : Vendayam or Venthiyam Telugu : Mentulu or Menthulu Urdu : Methe Name in international languages Spanish : Alholva French : Fenugrec German : Bockshorklee Swedish : Bockshornklee Arabic : Hulba Dutch : Fenegriek Italian : Fieno Greco Portuguese: Alforva Russian : Pazhitnik Japanese : Koroha Chinese : K'u - Tou Quantity Stuffed in FCL :- 20 FCL - 22.50 to 23.00 M.Tons