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Instagram ID: Healthy.Indian.Bites
Facebook & Youtube ID: HealthyIndianBites
GOD has given most precious gift to us-HEALTH. And it is important, we CARE about it. Now a days, life is full of Tension, Stress and Anxiety. And in this Hustle-Bustle, we forget to care about ourselves. Consequence of that is, we become Mentally-Physically disabled dependents, suffering due to health issues. Thus, fail to live life fullest. This is our voluntary effort, to share our cooking experience, making best use of technological advancements. Also, we have gathered some room on social media, to share our culinary art with you all on HealthyIndianBites.
In HealthyIndianBites, we cook and promote healthy, nutritious, palatable food recipes. We consider food eating habits of Indian family and present regular vegetarian diet food meals-Rice, Vegetables, Fruits, Legumes and Whole grains. Cooked food recipe, on low heat cooking methods-Steaming, Boiling, Sauté, Grill and Baking, in home environment kitchen. Shared recipes are less oily and less spicy diet food recipe, we cook and eat regularly. It helped us loose 10-15 kgs, gradually, following Sedentary lifestyle.
In HealthyIndianBites, we promote diet, that is good source of Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins, Dietary fiber (soluble and insoluble). Also, diet that induces prebiotic and probiotic bacteria that helps improve digestion. Finally, diet that improves metabolism, cholesterol, blood sugar level and reduce body weight. Hopefully, our honest effort helps people EAT RIGHT LIVE RIGHT, maintain right lifestyle and avoid health issues-Obesity, Cholesterol, Cancer, Diabetes, Vitamin B12 deficiency, Mental stress, Hypertension etc.
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