HP Heaters Dealers in Ahmedabad

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    The needs of the power generation industry include year-in and year –out reliabity, optimum performance for maximum efficiency, and absolute on-time delivery to meet plant outage schedules. All of Mazda feed water heaters are designed in accordance with HEI standards, TEMA and ASME section VIII code. Mazda uses state-of –the art computer programs to perform the thermal-hydraulic and mechanical design of each feedwater heater we fabricate. Each Mazda Feed water heater will contain from one to three separate heat transfer areas of zones including the condensing, desuperheating and sub-cooling zones. Economics of design and particular performance needs of your plant will determine the design parameters of your feed water heaters from Mazda. Mazda thorough understanding of these factors enhances its ability to communicate clearly with power design engineers . Mazda designs enable power engineers to anticipate maximum efficiency from the turbine extraction steam in preheating the boiler feedwater.

  • hp heaters

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    • pressure ratings range: 400 and 1,500 psig.

    A Low-Pressure Feed water Preheater or Heater in power plants, heated with bleed steam and having a two-pass tube bundle of the tube sheet type of construction, has a carrier design for the tube bundle having side plates running parallel to the tube bundle and one or more supporting plates disposed perpendicularly to the tube bundle. In the center of the bundle between the cold and the hot leg are suction tubes through which non-condensable gases are drawn off in the zones of lowest pressure. The supporting plates are each made of a single piece and are thus continuous, and the partition consists of individual sheet-metal parts which are connected to the supporting plates. In one embodiment, the sheet-metal parts of the partition and the supporting plate are connected to one another by indentations on each side of the sheet-metal part which faces the supporting plate and by a corresponding opening in the supporting plate. LP Feed water Heater’s pressure ratings range between 400 and 1,500 psig.

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  • hp heaters

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    hp heaters, Industrial Fans, Water Cooled Heat Exchanger, Exhaust Fans

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