Metallurgical Image Analysis Software
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Image Analysis & Micro-Measurement Software Introduction - Ver. 4.0 is A new generation Image analysis Software meant for Metallurgist to do analysis in the simplest way. This is a single screen window based system. The System is flexible, independent to adopt any capture card, camera and Microscope. Ver. 4.0 can handle monochrome, gray (8 bits) and colour (24 bits) images. Multiple images of any size can be opened and displayed on the screen for analysis or comparison. The software support most common formats like BMP. JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF & PSD. The live image can be observed and captured on the same platform. Since the system is made in window environment, graphs and charts displayed on the monitor can be quickly transferred into other window based program like MS Word, MS Excel or any other commercial window based software for the use in reports and presentation Ver 4.0 Image Analysis software can be used in Steel plants, Metal forging industry, Oil & gas industry, Material Science, Mineralogy metal and metal strength analysis Cement (Klincker) quality control and where ever Metallurgical microscope are used in. This Package is very useful Educational Institutions and All Material Science Technocrats And Metallurgists. Measurement Tools. Calibration Length Angle Perimeter Width Radius Area Color Counting Flakes Draw Free Circle Metallographic Tools Grain Size Phase - ASTM E 566 1245 Decarburization - ASTM E 1077 Coating Thickness - ASTM B 487 Nodularity - ASTM A 247 Porosity - ASTM 276 Inclusion - ASTM E 454 – E 1245 Particle Measurement: Density Filters Invert Annotation Back Ground Removal Amalgamation Phase on Rectangular Area Amalgamation Some more Features from Main Menu: Save & Save As Report Preview Zoom Inclusion DIN DIN PER Gallery Company Name Delete Calibration: Open Image & Convert Show Capture Modify or Comparison Gray Scale Resize Picture Options Capture
Metallurgical Image Analysis Software
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Backed by a team of professionals, we are offering a broad assortment of Metallurgical Image Analysis Software to our customers. These are used for conducting calculation, automatic analysis, and submission of metallurgical reports. Our offered analysis software is developed using the latest technology in adherence with industry norms. Other Details: Low complexity User friendly Compatible Easy to install Software modules are: Grain Size Porosity Graphite Flakes Inclusion Nodularity Percentage of Peryite Ferrite Martensite RA Carbides Hardness(Micro) Case depth Decarburization Depth Measurements like length, width, angle, area etc
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Metallurgical Image Analysis Software
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