Zircon Sand
250 Metric Ton (MOQ)
pleasequoteyourbottomrockpriceforthebelowqueryas perourrequirement product name : zircon sand price validity :at least3months delivery : cif icd sanad/ icd khodiyar, india packingcost :itshouildbeincludedinthematerialcost quantity : 25000 tonnes per annum quality : 65.5% zro2 payment terms : 90 days from bl date pricebreakdown : pleasequotethepricebreakdown,materialcost,freightcost,documentlegalizationcost, quality/quantityinspectioncharges etc.tobeshownseparatelybasedondeliveryterms. documentsrequiement 1] thedocuments, i.ecommercialinvoiceandcertificateoforigintobecertified/ legalizedbylocalchamberofcommerce. 2] foreachshipment thevendormust send a copy ofbl/awb,invoice &packing list,certificateof origin,insurance certificate. etc.within 5 daysprior to thedepartureofthe vessel /flight byemailandfax. “14-21 days free demurrage time at destination port” 3] forshipmentswhichareconsignedtothebank,thevendormustsendtheoriginalshippingdocumentsviacourierontimetoreachopaque ceramics pvt ltd. ###designate bankbeforethearrivalofthevessel toenableopaque ceramics pvt ltd.toclearthegoodswithoutincurringdemurrage/detention. 4] demurrageandallincidentalexpensesonaccountofdelaysinreceiptofproperandcompletedocumentationfromthevendorwillbebilledtoandbornebythevendor. labeling&packaging requirement: packing should be standard seaworthy exportablepacking pallets/bags/bundles/boxes/cartons must beproperly secured to ensure thegoodsareintactduringtransit andhandlingatthe port. supplierisrequiredtoprintpermanently(nonremovable)labelsmentioningthecountryoforigin(madein###.#.),nameofthemanufacturer&the materialnameoneach bag/item/boxes/pallets/cartonetc.tobeexportedto india. supplierisrequiredtoprovide opaque ceramics pvt ltdthedigitalphotographsoflabelingforverificationandapproval,priortoshipment. anyportdemurrageorcontainerdetentionchargesincurredduetowrong/improperlabelingwillbe onresponsibilityofthesupplier ‘s head. thedescriptionofthematerialonlabeling/invoice/certificateoforiginmustbethesameasgivenonthep.o. /schedule agreement/contracts. if any consignment shipped to opaque ceramics pvt ltd isadjudged by india custom authorities to be wrongly labelled or without label, theconsignmenthas to be returned to the port of origin and the supplier will bear the cost of re-export. supplier will be responsible for any port demurrage, container detentionchargesandoranyothercharges arisingdueto wrongorimproperlabelling. methodofpacking - ____________________________ packing should be standard seaworthy exportable packing. pallets or bundles must be properly secured to ensure the goods are intact during transitandhandlingatthe port. inspectionandrejection all goods and services furnished hereunder will be subject to inspection and test by opaque ceramics pvt ltd at all times and places and will be subject to opaque ceramics pvt ltd's final inspectionand approval within a reasonable time after delivery. opaque ceramics pvt ltd may reject goods and services not in accordance with opaque ceramics pvt ltd's instructions, specifications, drawings,data, or seller's warranty (expressed or implied), or for untimely delivery. opaque ceramics pvt ltd may return rejected goods to vendor at vendor's expense and opaque ceramics pvt ltd shall haveno further obligation for such goods. payment for any goods or services shall not be deemed acceptance and in no event shall opaque ceramics pvt ltd incur any liability forpaymentfor rejected goodsorservices. righttocancel opaque ceramics pvt ltd reserves the right to cancel the purchase order, or any portion thereof, without penalty in the event that deliveries are not made within the specified time,withoutliabilityfordeliveriespreviouslymade andacceptedbyopaque ceramics pvt ltd.
Type : Zircon Sand
Packaging Type : HDPE Bags
Packaging Size : Loose, 1000 Kgs And +
50 MT (MOQ)
Zircon Flour
50 MT (MOQ)
50 MT (MOQ)
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