vat service
Getting Sales Tax Registration under Central Sales Tax Act and Delhi VAT. Consultancy on matters related to Sales Tax including Tax planning. Preparation of VAT (Value Added Tax) returns. Filing of ElectronicManual VAT returns. Help in obtaining statutory forms. Liaison with VAT authorities. Getting Sales Tax Assessments done. Filing and pleading appeals wherever necessary. Consultancy on matters related to Delhi Works Contract Tax Act 1999.
...moreTaxation Services 01
Registration under Service tax. Consultancy for maintenance of proper records. Consultancy for proper accounting for Service tax. Consultancy on various issues relating to Service Tax. Compilation of data of Cenvat credit. Assistance in availment of notified Abatements. Utilization and availment of service tax credit in accordance with the Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004. Computation of Service tax payable. Preparation and filing Returns. Getting assessments done
...moretrade mark registration service
Most of the people are unaware of true advantages and benefits of Intellectual Property Rights in Ahmedabad. You need to find and get in touch with some experienced Trademark Consultant in Ahmedabad who can guide you with the benefits of trademark for establishing a brand name of your company in the market. The entire process needs to be thoroughly understood before proceeding ahead. A talented person who deals with Patent Registration in Ahmedabad can explain you about the complete process involved in getting your company’s patent registered with the concerned government authority. However if you need all of these services, then we are there to help you out.
...moreIncome Tax Services
Consultancy on various intricate matters pertaining to Income tax. Effective tax management, tax structuring and advisory services. Tax Planning for Corporates and others. Designing restructuring salary structure to minimise tax burden. Obtaining Advance tax Rulings. Obtaining No Objection Certificates from Income tax department. Obtaining PAN for assessees, employees etc. Advance tax estimation and deposit. Assessing the liability towards deferred taxes. Providing regular updates on amendments, circulars, notifications & judgments. Filing Income Tax and Wealth Tax returns for all kinds of assessees. Filing Income tax returns for employees of corporate clients. Services of assessment, rectification, obtaining refunds etc. Expertise in complicated direct tax assessments. Filing and pleading appeals under various provisions of IT Act. Special expertise in search, seizure and prosecution litigation. Advice on future tax implications in respect of the potential acquisition. Opinions on the various Double Tax Avoidance Agreement related issues.
...moreCorporate Governance Services
We at Shah Patel Shukla & Associates will help you to gain the Government Subsidy and Tax Exemptions, which you have rights to get from the government. After all it’s your i.e. taxpayer’s money. You don’t need to beg your own money back from the government, nor do you need to pay bribes to get your subsidy. All you have to do is; get in touch with one of our Best Government Subsidy Consultant in Ahmedabad. Alternatively, if your company is still not registeredincorporated, and if you are facing limited budget issues; in that case also the government subsidy can be availed. This will reduce your financial burden and solve your problem related to limited budget. Our company can deliver you dual services i.e. Company Formation in Ahmedabad + Government Subsidy Consultant in Ahmedabad.
...morecorporate finance service
Preparations of Project Reports. Preparation of CMA data for bank loans. Private placement of shares, Inter-Corporate Deposit, Terms loans, working capital limits, etc. External Credit Borrowings (ECBs).
...moreAuditing Services
Indepth study of existing systems, procedures and controls for proper understanding. Suggestions for improvement and strengthening. Ensuring compliance with policies, procedures and statutes. Comprehensive review to ensure that the accounts are prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Policies and applicable Accounting StandardsIFRS. Checking the genuineness of the expenses booked in accounts. Reporting inefficiencies at any operational level. Detection and prevention of leakages of income and suggesting corrective measures to prevent recurrence. Certification of the books of account being in agreement with the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account. Issue of Audit Reports under various laws.
...moreAccounting Services
Accounting System Design & Implementation. Financial Accounting. Budgeting. Financial Reporting. MIS Reports. Financial Analysis. Asset Accounting Management. Depreciation and Amortization Schedules.
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