Lactocal Gel
Unique Liquid feed supplement containing Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12 and Zinc. LACTOCAL GEL is a Unique Calcium tonic with enhanced strength of Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12 and Zinc for more milk and good health.
...moreShelodex Ointment
Shelodex is an Iodine ointment containing Methyl Salicylate for external use in the treatment of mastitis and for Inflammation on any part of the body of animals to relieve pain but it should not be used on broken part of the skin. Shelodex is an ideal Iodine ointment for yoke and rope galls and preferred by veterinarian as an anti inflammatory Iodine ointment. Iodine in Shelodex possesses antiseptic property and has got deep cleansing power. It kills the growth of micro organism developing in the wounds such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa.
...moreCalciphos Bolus
Calciphos is useful in irregular Oestrus cycle, low milk yield and low immunity. It cures under Developed Genitalia, Silent Heat and Weak Calving. It makes the reproductory system stronger. With the high mineral and vitamin content it also makes the mother and child animal stronger and healthier. It helps in activation of ovaries and development of fetus during
...moreFeedvet-M Powder
Feedvet-M is an excellent combination of vitamins, Macro and Micro minerals and essential Amino acids for livestock and Poultry. To ensure balanced nutrition.
...moreLactona Bolus
Lactona Bolus is a highly patent tranquilizer, behavior modifier and effective tranquilizer for Agalactia, Hypogalactia and irregular lactation and dairy cattle due to psychological factors of Agalactia. Among the Lactogenic herbs one of the potent herbs Adiantum Lanulantum (Jatamasi) is an effective drug against psychosis and acts as a potent tranquilizer by inducing lactogenic potentiality of milch cattle for increasing of milk by eradicating the psychological factors along with other lactogenic herbs.
...moreAgrical Powder
AGRICAL powder is a superior mineral mixture with essential Amino acids. It’s essetial minerals and combination of multi vitamins ensures balance feed and enhances performance. It is the most economical mineral mixture compared to the competitive brands available in the market.
...moreGasopain Bolus veterinary medicine
Tympany or Bloat is a common problem of ruminants, sheep and goat. If left unattended it can be a threat to the life of an animal. Tympanites is a name applied to the drum like condition of the abdomen which results from distension of the stomach or bowels with gas as the result of fermentation, decomposition constipation or of simple obstraction whereas Bloat is a condition of Tympanites wherein the rumen becomes distended with gas and pressure is exerted upon the diaphragm, the animal eventually dying either from asphyxia or shock.
...moreFeedmin Bolus
Feedmin bolus corrects the Ruminal statis by stimulating Rumen motility, cures indigestion & makes rumen environment ambient for growth and survival of microflura by regulating the ruminal pH.
...morePurgovet Bolus veterinary medicine
Purgovet bolus provides quick relief from acute constipation and is well accepted as drug of choice in chronic constipation. Being a herbal preparation it is non habit forming, fast effective, natural as well as safe Laxative and Purgative.
...moreEkkol Liquid
Ekkol heals the wounds and cures infections and infectious ulcers. It is also useful for broken horns and the infections arising thereafter. It works miraculously for infections of the heels and foot rot condition. It is beneficial in skin diseases of animals, and works against bacteria and fungal infections.
...moreSeptikill Ointment
Septikill ointment is a broad spectrum multipurpose ointment for external use in animals for various skin diseases. It is antiseptic, bactericidal, fungicidal, acaricide, anti pruritic, anti inflammatory and fly repellent.
...moreVeterplex-LC Feed Supplement
It is the complete mixture of vitamins and amino acids required for the improved metabolism. It helps to improve the immunity system, digestive system, as well as reproductive system. Most importantly it helps to increase the feed utilisation due to improved metabolism.
...moreDigesta Powder
Digesta powder is the complete solution of the animal health regarding its digestive system. It is the best way to treat zymotic condition as well as anorexia and stress.
Tonical is a tonic which boosts up every system of animal. It immunizes the body as well as regulates the digestive system thus it cures the conditions like indigestion, anorexia, dyspepsia etc. It is highly recommended by the veterans for general debility of animal. As it contains only herbal ingredients so it is 100 % safe and effective.
...moreStomachic Powder
Stomac is the effective remedy for the treatment of all type of stomach problems as well as nourishment. It includes only herbal ingredients in its composition so it is 100% safe and effective.
...moreWormokill Bolus
Wormokill removes harmful worms lying in the stomach such as ringworm, hookworm, roundworm, etc. and thus imparts effects similar to Albendazole. It acts as Ascericide, Nematocide and Tachicide and Improves digestion and increases appetite Wormokill is specially recommended in poultry farms for keeping the hens healthy and strong. Besides being the best anthelmintic, it is tonic and carminative in nature. It reduces the inflammation and pain of bacterial cause. It is also sedative and analgesic by nature. Reduces pain due to internal bacterial infections.
...moreLivodin-12 Liquid
Livodin-12 being a hepato stimulant helps to metabolise and utilise feed nutrients as optimal level and also improves FCR, as hepato protective. Livodin-12 protects liver against hazard of Aflatoxins, Antibiotics, Sulphonomides and Anthelmentics where as being a Antihepatotoxic Livodin-12 protects the injurious effect on liver cell. Therefore we rightly claim that our Livodin-12 is a complete liver care formul
...moreUtrona Bolus
Utrona tab. bolus is a high power polyherbal product in tablet and bolus form and has stimulating and ecbolic effect on uterine musculature. Utrona being uterine tonic expels the contents of the uterus and placenta completely and safely with no side effect and avoids the possibility of endometritis, metritis and pyometra. Hence Utrona in used to recommend as preventive immediately after calving and also for timely involution of utrus Being totally herbal, utrona is very safe, nontoxic and it does not decrease the normal milk production compared to urgot and hormonal therapy and thus Utrona is well accepted utrine tonic and ecbolic by veterinarin. By virture of ecbolic activity, Utrona tab.bolus separates the matrnal and foetal cotyledons and induces a smooth contraction of uterine muscles which regulises lochial discharge to avoid the possibility of utrine infections. Utrona also helps to tone up the uterus and reduces unproductive intercalving period.
...moreVymet Oral supplement
VYMET LIQUID is a concentrated liquid feed supplement containing Vitamin A, D3, E and B12. It acts as a powerful Antistress multivitamin Liquid for better productivity of Livestock and poultry.
...moreRegulin Capsule
Regulin, a non hormonal herbal preparation in bolus and capsule form, seems to produce a gonadoltrophin like action. Regulin has been formulated from the potent medicinal herbs for stimulating the Ovarian function, ensures Oestrus and timely ovulation in animals. Regulin is very safe being an Ayurvedic product and is being used increasingly by the veterinarians to activate ovaries, stimulates ovulation and brings animal in heat in time. Regulin possesses gonadotrophin like activity and causes gonadotrophic response by stimulating the hypothalamus to further bring about release of oestrogen and progesterone. Regulin also stimulates the ovarian function, ensures oestrus and timely ovulation.
...moreLactocal-B12 liquid feed supplement
It is he oral liquid feed supplement of bio-available organic Calcium, Vitamin D3 & Vitamin B12 which is useful for general debility and fatigue. It provides an optimum growth and body weight gain.
...moreLactona Tablet
Lactona Bolus is a highly patent tranquilizer, behavior modifier and effective tranquilizer for Agalactia, Hypogalactia and irregular lactation and dairy cattle due to psychological factors of Agalactia. Among the Lactogenic herbs one of the potent herbs Adiantum Lanulantum (Jatamasi) is an effective drug against psychosis and acts as a potent tranquilizer by inducing lactogenic potentiality of milch cattle for increasing of milk by eradicating the psychological factors along with other lactogenic herbs.
...moreDiavet Powder
Diarrhoea is a common symptom of either specific disease or Gastro intestinal infection. Whenever there is diarrhoea for more than 3-4 days, loss of condition is very much marked. Diarrhoea not only impairs digestion but results in dehydration causing mortality. Diavet bolus is a powerful antidiarrheal to check diarrhoea and dysentery of varied etiology more effectively.
...moreBanotone Syrup
Banotone is the best herbal remedy to improve memory. It works positively on the nervous system, increases memory power, alertness, learning, mental health and brain functions. It also controls situations like hysteria, nervous headache and other neurotic conditions. Banotone stimulates neurons in the central nervous system and enhances memory. Banotone provides nourishment to the brain and make it powerful, alert and sharp.
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