Surya Front Loading Domestic Cook stove
Easily Portable and easy to operate.
Surya Force Draft Domestic Cook stove
Solar Waste Water Evaporator System
The Waste water will be pumped on a Metal Open tray (painted with absorber paint) through a simple pump and from there it will be falling on the Receiver by gravity. The receivers will be heated by concentrating solar energy. The temperatures on the Receivers will be more than 1,000° C. The falling water on the receivers will start evaporating and the rest of the water which is not evaporated will be heated up. The heated water will fall again in the nearby Solar Pond through a sprinkler system and the cycle will be repeated continuously. To control the flow of water, we will be installing level indicator with a controller to make the process completely automatic. TSS reserves the rights for any improvements in the above specifications, which can lead to higher efficiency and cost reduction of the system.
...moreSolar Tunnel Dryer
Solar Tunnel Dryer is one of the Chipset forms of solar dryer and it is one of best efficiency due to Direct Conduction Heating, and Solar Radiation Heating. And can be used for small drying capacity of around 10 kg per day to 500 kg per day. Ideal For Drying Ginger, Garlic, kassava, Carrot, Jackfruit etc.
...moreSolar Thermic Fluid Cooking System
World’s First Solar Hybrid Cooking System for all cooking needs: Several static concentrators of 32 sq. m. reflecting / concentrating solar rays on one receiver each. The Thermic fluid heated in the receivers due to solar energy goes to Hot oil storage tank. The system is connected with Thermic Fluid Storage tanks and Hot oil pipelines that in turn are inter-connected with the boiler and cooking vessels for all your cooking needs. Applications in Gurudwara serving Langar, Residential Schools, Mid-Day Meal program, Military and Defence teams deployed in remote and urban areas, hotels, Jails, Institutions, Industries providing Canteen facilities to Employees, Temples, Ashrams and many more catering to more than 200 to Several Thousands Persons daily. Seen in photo here are several static concentrators reflecting / concentrating solar rays on one receiver each. The Thermic Fluid is heated in receivers due to solar energy in Storage tank. The system would have a central tracking system so that the concentrators track the Sun automatically. The system has back-up boiler (Thermo-Pac) which will be operational only in non-sunny days and hours. The system is connected with Hot Oil Pipelines that in turn are inter-connected with the boiler and cooking vessels as shown in the drawing. TSS reserves the rights for any improvements in the above specifications, which can lead to higher efficiency and cost reduction of the system.
...moreSolar Tent Dryer
The solar drying system utilizes solar energy to heat up air and to dry any food substance or other product loaded, which is beneficial in reducing wastage of agricultural product or any other product and helps in preservation of the product. Based on the limitations of the natural sun drying e.g. exposure to direct sunlight, liability to pests and rodents lack of proper monitoring, and the escalated cost of the mechanical dryer, a solar dryer is therefore developed to cater for this limitation.
...moreSolar Steam Generation System
Solar parabolic dish concentrator concentrates radiations of sun on receiver all the day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. It tracks the radiations of Sun through automated tracking device, which rotates the parabolic dish along axis of rotation of Sun. Parabolic dish consists of set of solar grade mirrors of rectangular shape or high reflective Solar grade Mirror. Normally, parabolic dish for industrial applications has an area of 16 or 32 sq. m. of elliptical shape. SOLAR STEAM COOKING SYSTEM Technology – Parabolic Concentrators: Each parabolic concentrator of the system has a reflector frame fitted with reflecting Solar Grade mirrors, rotating support and a stand. The concentrators are installed in such a way that they focus the sunlight on to the receivers while in operation which will be attached to a steam header/ tank. The concentrators are tracked automatically with the help of suitable tracking arrangement. The concentrators are installed in series and parallel combination connected to different steam headers/ tanks depending on the size of the system. Each unit of concentrators is connected in series and has its own tracking arrangement. The stands of the concentrators are properly grouted. The tracking arrangement is such that once adjusted in the morning with the help of drive motor, the concentrators will automatically track the Sun at least in one direction i.e. in E-W, thereby focusing all the Sun light exactly on the receivers connected to the header. For cooking application water is supplied to the receiver through thermo-siphoning process and with the help of solar heat steam is generated. The steam from all the receivers is collected in steam header with the pressure of more than 2 bars. Once the steam is accumulated there after it is used for cooking application. Steam Header/ Drum Assembly and Instrumentation: Each steam header assembly is connected to a group of concentrators that consists of a steam header/ tank connected to receiver (circular in shape), pressure reducing station, steam and feed water pipelines and necessary valves. The designs of the receivers are such that they work on thermo- siphon principle and the water stored in the header is slowly converted into steam when the system is put into operation. It has a drain arrangement for cleaning against scale formation. The pressure reducing station is so designed that it reduces the pressure of steam generated in the header from 10 Kg/cm2 to 2-4 Kg/cm2 so as to ensure safety of the user while using the steam. The system pipelines, receivers and steam header are insulated with glass wool/ rock wool covered by aluminium cladding to minimize heat losses. The system is hydro tested for any leaks before insulating its various components. Feed water tank of suitable capacity, instrumentation e.g. pressure gauge and water level and temperature indicators, level controller, safety valves, steam separators are installed with the system for safety and measuring different parameters. Solar Steam Generating System For Industrial Use ?Solar thermal is getting remarkable popularity in industrial applications. Solar thermal is an alternative to generate electricity, process chemicals or even space heating. It can be used in non-metallic, textile, dairy, chemical or even process related industries. The steam generated by solar energy is sent to common header, which is in turn sent to process application. Normally, the solar system is connected before the boiler / heat source, so there is no effect on the process application. TSS reserves the rights for any improvements in the above specifications, which can lead to higher efficiency and cost reduction of the system.
...moreSolar Hot Water System
By using Thermo siphon Technology. In Thermo Siphoning Technology the water is fed through feed water line to the receiver which comes from the storage tank and the outlet of the receiver sends the water back to the storage tank (small systems). In Pressurized Hot Water applications the water is pumped by pressure so the phase change does not occur due to high temperatures. Applications Space heating Power Plants Process industries Boiler feed water ?Unlike flat plate collectors, due to high temperature at the receiver the thermo siphoning is much faster and there is no blockages in the tubes or freezing of water. TSS reserves the rights for any improvements in the above specifications, which can lead to higher efficiency and cost reduction of the system.
...moresolar high efficiency dryer
The solar drying system utilizes solar energy to heat up air and to dry any food substance or other product loaded, which is beneficial in reducing wastage of agricultural product or any other product and helps in preservation of the product. Based on the limitations of the natural sun drying e.g. exposure to direct sunlight, liability to pests and rodents lack of proper monitoring, and the escalated cost of the mechanical dryer, a solar dryer is therefore developed to cater for this limitation.
The solar drying system utilizes solar energy to heat up air and to dry any food substance or other product loaded, which is beneficial in reducing wastage of agricultural product or any other product and helps in preservation of the product. Based on the limitations of the natural sun drying e.g. exposure to direct sunlight, liability to pests and rodents lack of proper monitoring, and the escalated cost of the mechanical dryer, a solar dryer is therefore developed to cater for this limitation.
The solar drying system utilizes solar energy to heat up air and to dry any food substance or other product loaded, which is beneficial in reducing wastage of agricultural product or any other product and helps in preservation of the product. Based on the limitations of the natural sun drying e.g. exposure to direct sunlight, liability to pests and rodents lack of proper monitoring, and the escalated cost of the mechanical dryer, a solar dryer is therefore developed to cater for this limitation.
...moreSolar Dish Cooker
SK - 28 Solar Dish Cooker works like a Direct Solar Cooking System consists of Solar Grade mirrors that move to track the movement of the Sun. Each morning, the operator rotates the concentrating reflector back to a starting position in which the reflected beam is aligned with the axis of rotation of the reflector, and starts electronic panel. Every few days the operator adjusts the angle between the axis of rotation and the concentrating reflector to accommodate the seasonal variation in the height of the Sun. Once the reflected beam is aligned with the axis of rotation of the concentrating reflector and the timer is on, the reflected beam remains aligned with the axis of rotation all day. The reflecting surface of the concentrating reflector consists of a number of facets, usually flat glass mirrors. The reflecting area of the dish is 2.8 Sq. M. One can fry, roast, bake, and boil with this system.
...moreSolar Direct Cooking System
Solar Direct Cooking System consists of concentrating reflector that moves to track the movement of the Sun. In TSS Direct Cooking System the reflected and concentrated Sunlight enters a nearby kitchen directly through a secondary reflector to fall on a cooking pot or frying surface. Each morning, the operator rotates the concentrating reflector back to a starting position in which the reflected beam is aligned with the axis of rotation of the reflector, and starts the tracking mechanism (Electronic). Every few days the operator adjusts the angle between the axis of rotation and the concentrating reflector to accommodate the seasonal variation in the height of the Sun. Once the reflected beam is aligned with the axis of rotation of the concentrating reflector and the timer is in motion, the reflected beam remains aligned with the axis of rotation all the day. The reflecting surface of the concentrating reflector consists of a number of facets, usually flat solar grade mirrors. A concrete pad and a welded steel space frame provide support for the concentrating reflector. The area of the concentrating reflectors in the configurations shown here is usually about 10 sq. m. or 16 sq. m. Silent features of TSS Solar Direct Cooking System: Complete system designed as per MNRE specifications and guidelines. Specialized solar grade mirrors with 90% reflectivity. The system can sustain wind velocity of 200 Km./Hr. We provide AMC for the system after warranty period. Using TSS Direct Cooking System one can fry, roast, bake and boil in the comfort of the kitchen. Applications in Residential schools, mid-day meal program, defence teams deployed in remote and urban areas, hotels, institutions, industries providing canteen facilities to employees, temples and many more catering to less than 200 persons daily. TSS reserves the rights for any improvements in the above specifications, which can lead to higher efficiency and cost reduction of the system.
...moresolar cabinet dryer
Solar Cabinet dryer is apparently a hot box where wide range of products can be dried. It consist of a rectangle box insulated at base and covered with double layered transparent roof possibly a toughen glass. For ventilation holes are provided at the base of box to circulate the fresh air. The outlet is provided at the side and rear panel of the box. The box can be of M.S. or wood as per requirement and for higher efficiency inside rear panel can be covered through Aluminum sheet or foil or any other reflective material. As the temperature in the box increases, hot air passes out of upper aperture by natural draft creating a partial vacuum and inducing fresh air up through bottom resulting constant perceptible flow of air over the drying product placed on perforated trays to facilitate air circulation. The hot air gradually removes the moisture content of the product. Wide applications in food, herbs and spices.
...moreNatural Draft Community Cookstove
Industrial Solar Dryer
The solar drying system utilizes solar energy to heat up air and to dry any food substance or other product loaded, which is beneficial in reducing wastage of agricultural product or any other product and helps in preservation of the product. Based on the limitations of the natural sun drying e.g. exposure to direct sunlight, liability to pests and rodents lack of proper monitoring, and the escalated cost of the mechanical dryer, a solar dryer is therefore developed to cater for this limitation.
...moreFront Loading Domestic Cook stove
Very affordable and specially designed for below poverty line customers.
A major section of the Food processing industry deals with drying of agricultural products for better preservation, long term storage, gaining higher profit on product after season is over from exports. In India, a large portion of the drying is still done by drying the product out in the sun. This not only takes a lot of time - usually in days, but is also very unhygienic because of possible contamination, growth of fungus and also the dried product becomes under dried or over dried, which reduces product value and resulting in monetary losses. A more effective way is the use of Solar Dryers, they increase moisture removal rate and reduce chances of contamination and fungus. The use of Solar Dryers reducing your drying time allows you to increase your production level in quantity & quality and retains its original test and odor. For high production capacities, however, it is best to opt for bio mass fired dryers, as solar dryers require a lot of space. These biomass fired dryers reduce the drying time dramatically and thus allows high production rates. These are not standard dryers and need to be custom built according to your requirement, which is usually based on the moisture content in the product to be dried, moisture removal rate required, total production per day etc. Fortunately TSSPL offers both solutions for people in the Food Processing Industry - Design, Manufacture and Installation of Solar Dryers as well as Biomass or Gas fired dryers. TSSPL has successfully offered custom built drying solutions for a wide variety of products like drying of tomatoes, onions, chilies etc. and even other articles like handmade paper, in ceramic industry, leather industry and dying industries etc.
...moresolar fish dryer
Traditionally Fish drying has been carried out by drying in open sun. This usually takes about 5-10 days depending on the type of fish. Besides it takes a long time it also, causes contamination by dust and other pollutants and is unhygienic, also causes a lot of odor. TSSPL has here again come to the rescue of poor fishermen and fisheries industries by designing a customized solar dryer for fish and seafood drying. It not only dry the fish in 6 to 10 hours it retains fish hygienic, avoids risk of contamination with dust particles and harmful contaminants and keeps it free from bird and rat droppings etc. Also use of solar dryer gives fishermen handsome profits as the solar dried fish is not only very clean, but also can be stored for a longer time and has a better product value than normally dried fish.
...moreevacuated tubes
Linuo Ritter International distributes highly efficient evacuated tubes. We offer high performance evacuated tubes with an improved geometry and performance. The evacuated tubes consists of two concentric glass tubes which are sealed in a semi-circular shape on one side and are joined to one another on the other side. The space between the tubes is evacuated and hermetically sealed (evacuated insulation). To use solar energy, the internal glass tube is coated with an environmentally friendly, highly selective layer on the outside, thus turning it into an absorber. The selective coating is protected in the evacuated space. The aluminum nitride sputter coating used is characterized by an extremely low emission and a high absorption rate.
...moreBiomass Gasifiers
Biomass gasification is a process of converting solid biomass fuel into a gaseous combustible gas (called producer gas) through a sequence of thermo-chemical reactions. The gas is a low-heating value fuel, with a calorific value between 1000- 1200 kcal/Nm3 (kilo calorie per normal cubic metre).
...moreAir Source Heat Pump
Compared with gas, electric and solar water heaters, air source heat pump can provide all-weather hot water with low energy cost. Together with Shanghai Jiao Tong University and other research institutions, Linuo Paradigma has developed a series of heat pump products for both residential and commercial applications and manufactured by the new established production line in Qingpu industrial park, Shanghai, China. All those products adopt world-leading Copeland compressor and high-efficiency heat exchanger, and are manufactured by ISO9001 facilities with strict performance test before ex-factory. The 4.0 COP (Coefficient of performance) of our heat pump system means the operation cost is only 1/4, 1/3 and 2/3 of the electric, gas and solar water heaters’. Besides economical efficiency, heat pump system also has advantages on safety issues since avoiding of electric leakage, heat without water, gas explosion and carbon monoxide poisoning. The air source could be used in 24 hours/day and all weather conditions, which creates air source heat pump the new generation of green energy water heaters.
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