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We are offering baibidang. • english name – bidang • hindi name – vayavidnag baberang • sanskrit – vidang vidanga, tandula, krimighna baberang, vayvidang • gujarati name – bavding embelia, false black pepper and flase pepper. Bai hua suan teng guo (yuan ya zhong) arabic (3)branj cabuli, baberang, biranje-kabali persian (1)biranje-kabali leaves are astringent, thermogenic, demulcent and depurative in nature. It is useful in skin diseases and leprosy. Fruits are acrid, astringent, anthelmintic, bitter, brain tonic, carminative, contraceptive, diuretic, febrifuge, laxative, stimulant, and thermogenic. It is useful in skin diseases, leprosy, nervous debility, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, tumors, asthma, fever, ascaris infestation and general debility. Paste is being used for mouth wash and avoiding cavities. It is being also used in skin related problems. Decoction of the roots is given in insanity and heart diseases.