Mount Verml Compost
We are a renowned Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Mount Vermi Compost from India. Vermi-composting is the process of taking Organic waste and cow dunk and turning it into high quality compost using earthworms. The well- decomposed organic substance are converted into a useful castings (excreta) by earthworms and provides a nutrients-rich end product called MOUNT VERMI COMPOST. Our Vermicompost is prepared from quality ingredients, which helps to make the field fertilized in minimum time. The Vermicompos offered by us, is produced by microorganism, thermophillic bacteria and other bacteria̢۪s is order to enhance the yield of the crops and plants. Packaging Available 50 Kgs Click here For Details
...moreMount Sur Natural Fertilizer
We are into offering high quality Mount Sur Natural Fertilizer; which is useful for all types of gardens i.e. indoors as well as outdoor gardens. This Mount Sur Natural Fertilizer highly demanded by the farmers owing to its superior quality and effectiveness. Avail Mount Sur Natural Fertilizer in different quantity packaging in order to fulfill buyer̢۪s demands. We are listed as a prime Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Mount Sur Natural Fertilizer. Contents : Sheep Manure, Neem, Castor, Bone Meal and Minerals etc. Packaging Available 1 Kg5 Kgs
...moreMount Phosphorus
We manufacture Mount Phosphorus as an Organic-Fertilizer and growth promoter. As phosphorus is Vital to the Growth and Health of Plants. lt assists in converting Sun̢۪s Energy and other Chemicals, such as Nitrogen into usable food for Plants. A phosphorus deficiency will lead to stunted sickly looking Plants that produces low quality Fruits and Flower. Mount Phosphorus containts Rock Phosphate that is treated with Cow Urine and Phosphate solubilizing bacteria. lt releases phosphorus (P) in soil slowly and being 100% natural. lt doesn̢۪t reduce the fertility of Soil over longer period of time. Packaging Available 50 Kgs
...moreMount Nimbark Sar
We offer the clients with high quality Mount Nimbark Sar that is prepared from quality ingredients thus ensure effective results. It contains Neem Leaves and Cow Urine etc. All the contents are boiled in a big copper container. After boiling and cooling it is distilled and packed into 1/2 & 1 liter bottles. The Mount Nimbark Sar is highly demanded across the globe for its qualitative features and has attracted the clients to place repeated orders. Mount Nimbark Sar is offered in the liquid form and properly packaged in order to avoid any leakage during transit. Packaging Available 1 Liter
...moreMount Neem Khad
It contains Neem (Azadizachta lndica) Cake and Satyanashi Cake in Powder Form. We are engaged in manufacturing of high grade quality Mount Neem Khad that is prepared from quality ingredients. This Mount Neem Khad acts as an insecticide and disease protector in soil as well as an Organic-Fertilizer giving increased humus content in the Soil. We offer Mount Neem Khad in proper packaging and at affordable price. Today, we are reckoned as a prime Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Mount Neem Khad from India. Packaging Available 50 Kgs Click here For Details
...moreMount Neem Guard
We are instrumental in offering Mount Neem Guard that protects the crops from different types of diseases and increases the resistance power of standing crops to tight with different agricultural insects. It contains Mount Neem Seed, Dhatura, Gigantica, Peelu, Satya-Nashi, Karanj Cake, Seetaphal Seeds, etc. They are grinded to 100 mesh powder. We offer Mount Neem Guard in different quantity packaging and at most affordable price. Packaging Available 5Kg. x 10 Pack = 50 Kgs Click here For Detail
...moremount natural fertilizer
It is manufactured using Sheep Manure, Neem Cake, Caster Cake, Rock Phosphate and treated with Cow Urine and Tri Contanoi. It is 100% Natural so that it improves the quality of Soil and reduces the use of Pesticides and insecticides. It provides all the Micro Nutrients needed for plant and crops growth. We are reputed Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Mount Natural Fertilizer from India. The Mount Natural Fertilizer is Natural yielding and organic fertilizer; which is useful for bio plantations and for large- scale production of all type of grains or any crops. Packaging Available 50 Kgs Click here for Details
...moreMount Gavya Sar
We are a prominent Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Mount Gavya Sar from India. The Mount Gavya Sar is prepared from quality base materials under the strict vigilance of the experts. It acts as growth promoter. It increases Chlorophyl content and cell number thus increases the rate of photosynthesis. It also increases root activity i.e. added efficiency to uptake of nutrients and increased rate of photosynthesis combined vigorous growth of plants. Our Mount Gavya Sar is known for its effective results and superior quality among the farmers. Moreover, the clients can avail Mount Gavya Sar in safe and leak proof packaging. Packaging Available 1 Liter Bottles
...moreMount Aranda Khad
It contains Aranda (Caster Oil Seeds) and treated with some Natural Products. We offer Mount Aranda Khad that helps in the growth of all types of agricultural crops and simultaneously acts as an Organic-Fertilizer. The Mount Aranda Khad offered by us, is well-acclaimed for its excellent ingredients and effectiveness among the farmers. Mount Aranda Khad helps to improve the plant growth. We offer Mount Aranda Khad at most affordable prices. Packaging Available 50 Kgs
...morenatural fertilizers
Vermicompost Fertilizer