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Asafoetida powder, also known as Hing, is a crucial ingredient in Indian cooking. Derived from a species of giant fennel, asafoetida has a unique smell and flavour. Asafoetida is the dried latex (gum oleoresin) exuded from the living underground rhizome or tap root of several species of Ferula (three of which grow in India), which is a perennial herb (1 to 1.5 mtr. high). Asafoetida is a hard resinous gum, grayish-white when fresh, darkening with age to yellow, red and eventually brown. It is sold in blocks or pieces as a gum and more frequently as a fine yellow powder, sometimes crystalline or granulated. Botanical Name : Ferula assa-foetida Parts Used : Oleogum resin from rhizome and thickened root Other Names : Hing Packing Packing of Compounded Asafoetida Lump / Powder as per customer�s Order and choice