Bitumen Boiler Dealers in Alappuzha

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  • Tar Boilers

    Tar Boilers

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    A biomass gasifier is device that converts biomass (wood blocks, wood chips, rice husk, saw dust, and other such agricultural residues) into a combustible gas called “producer gas”. The producer gas has a lower calorific value than CNGLPG, but still can be used in ovenfurnaces where the temperature requirement is less than 900°C. The gas generated from the gasifier is called “producer gas”. The main combustible components of the producer gas are Carbon mono oxide (20-25% vv), Hydrogen (8-10% vv), methane (2-4% vv) and small quantities of other higher gaseous hydrocarbons besides other non-combustibles like Carbon-di- Oxide (8-10% vv) and nitrogen (50-55% vv). The typical calorific value of this gas is 1200 kcalm3, which much less than LPG or CNG.

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