Ampoule Filling and Sealing Machine
5,200 - 6,500 Per piece
10 Piece (MOQ)
Ampoule Filling & Sealing MachineSimple syringe type hand driven gives tenampoules per minute capacity filling adjustablefrom 1 ml to 10ml by a cam lever arrangementautomatic intake outflow of fluid all contact partsare borosil glass the sealing apparatus consists ofglass fusing burner for LPG or petroleum gas withfoot bellow and rubber tubing.
Ampule Filling and Sealing Device
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Hand Operated without gas cylinder for sealing, but supplied with gas burner (Filling capacity from 10ml to 50ml)
Best Deals from Ampoule Filling Machine
Ampoule Filling And Sealing Device
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Ampoule Filling And Sealing Device Hand Operated without gas cylinder for sealing, but supplied with gas burner (Filling capacity from 10ml to 50ml)
Ampoule Filling Machine
5,500 Per Piece
Ampoule Filling Machine
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Ampoule Filling And Sealing Device
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P-A2: Electrically operated with piston of syringe having adjustment for quantity of liquid to be filled. Completed with burner for sealing. Additional Information: Item Code: P-A2
Ampule Filling and Sealing Device
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Hand Operated without gas cylinder for sealing, but supplied with gas burner (Filling capacity from 10ml to 50ml)
Ampoule Filling and Sealing Machine
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Ampoule Filling and Sealing Machine, civil lab equipment, Volumetric Pipette
Ampoule Filling And Sealing Device
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Ampoule Filling And Sealing Device, Altimeter
Ampoule Filling and Sealing Machine
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