Thermopile Copper-Constantan
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It consists of 12 pairs of Bismuth and Antimony bars joined together in series with insulation between them. The couples thus arranged are enclosed in a brass frame having two terminals connected to the Bismuth and Antimony poles. Complete with nickel plated brass cone and mounted on an adjustable stand.
constantan wire
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For accurate determination of unknown resistance or comparison of resistance of two or more conductors. Decade dial type, with 6 dials (two dials having 4 ratio arms - one fraction and others in multiple of 1, 10, 100 and 10000) and four dials with decade resistance units, total resistance 11,1100). Coils of resistance wire, double silk covered, is wound noninductively. It is fitted with two enclosed tapping keys for battery and galvanometer. Accuracy ±O.1% of unit coils.
Best Deals from Constantan Wire
constantan wire
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EUREKACONSTANTAN WIRE, BARE A copper nickel alloy resistance wire, low temperature coefficient, reel of 125 g.
constantan wire
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CONSTANTAN WIRE, BARE A copper nickel alloy of low temperature coefficient suitable for resistance coils etc.