yarn evenness tester
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: YARN EVENNESS TESTER FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-390006 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Yarn Evenness Tester For Testing Lab Workshop. Yarn Evenness Tester - For Testing Lab Visual determination of unevenness along the length of a yarn is carried out by wrapping it in equally spaced parallel wraps over a board and comparing the appearance of irregularities against standard rating photographs. To enable yarns of different thickness to be assessed, the spacing between the warps is suitably selected so as to give a clearly distinguishable pattern. s The Yarn Evenness Tester consists of a yarn warp board and an arrangement to wrap the yarn over it at equal spacing under a desired tension. The board is rotated manual to warp yarn over it. The yarn is guided on to the board through a yarn guide, which moves parallel to the pivoting axis of the board with the help of a screw giving uniformly spaced wraps. The guide is positively linked to the rotation of the board with the help of a chain and sprocket drive. A set of change gears gives five different spacing for wrapping yarn of different counts. A spring loaded adjustable tensioning arrangement provides the desired tension to the yarn. civil lab equipments manufacturers
...moreWinTest Material Testing System
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: WINTEST MATERIAL TESTING SYSTEM FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-111013 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders WinTest Material Testing System. Features: The capability to perform all commonly used mechanical tests. The ability to create your own test methods for a variety of requirements. Save and recall test methods for accurate and repeatable testing. Password protected supervisor/operator modes allow test methods to be activated then locked under password so they cannot be changed inadvertently. Calculation of key test parameters such as Ultimate Load, Offset Yield, Modulus of Elasticity and more. WinTest features an extensive set of data analyses. Contact the factory for an up to date listing. Calculation of high, low, mean and standard deviation for a group of tests.-time data such as microscope images. Hardcopy printouts of single test reports, group test reports and X-Y plots. Storage of test data and results to hard disk in ASCII delimited format for easy import into popular spreadsheet and database programs. Up to ten user-definable test information and twenty report header fields to meet a variety of testing and reporting requirements. User selectable English, Metric and SI units. Large easy-to-read numeric displays that show live, peak and rate readings. Real-time plotting of test data. Closed loop servo control with PID compensation. Includes monotonic, cyclic and segmented control profiles with software selectable control channels which can be changed on the fly. The ability to change control gains and endpoint values during a test. Ideal for system tuning during dynamic fatigue tests. Five input channels for load, crosshead position, axial strain, transverse strain and one auxiliary input. Force and extensometer strain accuracy exceeds ATSM E-4 and E-83 standards, respectively. Three additional auxiliary input channels are optionally available. Automatic transducer identification available on all channels. Unlimited calibration tables per analog channel for multiple load cell and extensometer requirements. Up to 10 calibration points per transducer with piecewise linear fit between points for maximum accuracy.All calibrations are password protected and are saved to disk. Seamless access to many of today's popular spreadsheet programs. Access XY data real-time for alignment with other realtime data such as microscope images. Steel & Metal Mechanics Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Steel & Metal Mechanics Lab suppliers
...moreWet Sieve Shaker Soil Testing Equipment
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: WET SIEVE SHAKER FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-015036 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Wet Sieve Shaker. This is yodar type, motor driven sieve shaker for carrying out wet sieve analysis of materials. Specification: Consists of a water reservoir and a holder for sieves, which can take up to 7 sieves of 150mm or 200mm diameter. Shaker is driven by a ¼ HP motor through a belt drive. Shaker mechanism moves the sieves up and down in the reservoir. The reservoir has a water out-let for draining out the used water. Suitable for operation 230 V AC Single Phase. Soil Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Soil Testing Lab suppliers
...moreWavelengths And Frequencies Testing Multi meter
Wavelengths And Frequencies With A Quincke Tube Multimeter For Testing Lab NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: WAVELENGTHS AND FREQUENCIES WITH A QUINCKE TUBE MULTIMETER FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-047003 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Wavelengths And Frequencies With A Quincke Tube Multimeter. Principle: When a sound wave of a particular frequency is divided into two coherent components (like, for example, light waves in an interferometer experiment), and if the path of one of the component waves is altered, it is possible to calculate the wavelength of the sound wave and its frequency from the interference phenomena recorded with a microphone. Tasks: Record the extension of a Quincke tube for given frequencies in the range 2000 Hz to 6000 Hz. Calculate the frequencies from the wavelengths determined and compare them with the given What you can learn about: Transverse and longitudinal waves Wavelength Amplitude Frequency Phase shift Interference Velocity of sound in air Loudness Weber-Fechner law civil lab equipments manufacturers Acoustic Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Acoustic Testing Lab suppliers
...morewater vapor permeability tester
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: WATER VAPOUR PERMEABILITY TESTER FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-310009 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Water Vapour Permeability Tester. Water Vapour Permeability Tester - The Water Vapour Permeability of leather, that is its ability to allow moisture to pass through it, is of considerable importance, especially when the leather under test is being used for manufacture of apparels. Water vapour permeability of leather is evaluated by clamping a circular test specimen over the mouth of a bottle containing a solid desiccant and subjecting it to a rapid current of air. The air inside the bottle is circulated by keeping the desiccant in motion. The increase in weight of the bottle over a specified interval of time gives the quantitative measure of the water vapour permeability of the leather sample, under test. civil lab equipments manufacturers Leather Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Leather Testing Lab suppliers
...moreWater Vapor Absorption Tester
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: WATER VAPOR ABSORPTION TESTER FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-590001 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Water Vapor Absorption Tester For Testing Lab Workshop. Water Vapor Absorption Tester - For Testing Lab The weight of water vapours absorbed by a sample of leather is determined by fixing a circular piece of leather over a cylindrical cavity in a metal container having distilled water inside it. The test specimen is held firmly against the lip of the cavity and allowed to come in contact with the vapours left off by the water for a specified period of time. The gain in weight of the test specimen because of absorption of vapours by it is determined, from which the value of Water Vapour Absorption is calculated. civil lab equipments manufacturers
...moreWater Testing Kit
Water Testing Kit For Testing Lab NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: WATER TESTING KIT FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-015019 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Water Testing Kit. I) Acidity testing kit. ii) Chloride test kit. iii) Hardness test kit. iv) Soil colour chart. civil lab equipments manufacturers Soil Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Soil Testing Lab suppliers
...moreWater Proofness Tester
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: WATER PROOFNESS TESTER FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-310008 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Water Proofness Tester. Water Proofness Tester - Water Proofness of leather used for manufacture of gloves is determined by placing a test specimen taken from the sample of leather under test on a wetted surface of a metal anvil. The upper surface of the test specimen is tapped intermittently by a hammer, which falls on it. The number of taps required to produce penetration of water through the test specimen is found to determine its water proofness. Also, the increase in weight of the test specimen is found to determine the mass of water it absorbs during this operation. civil lab equipments manufacturers Leather Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Leather Testing Lab suppliers
...moreWater Penetration Resistance Tester
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: WATER PENETRATION RESISTANCE - VERY LOW RANGE FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-400005 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Water Penetration Resistance Very Low Range For Testing Lab Workshop. Water Penetration Resistance - Very Low Rang - For Testing Lab The ability of coated fabrics to successfully resist penetration of water through their coatings is an important criterion for determining their suitability for a variety of applications. This determination may be carried out either by applying a gradually increasing hydraulic pressure on the coated side and finding the pressure at which the first drop of water penetrates through the test specimen, or by applying a fixed known hydraulic pressure on the coated face for a specified duration of time and finding the time taken by the first drop of water to penetrate through. Depending on the final use the test specimen is to be put to, the above determination may be carried out either under a low pressure or under a high pressure. In the low pressure method, the test specimen is held over an open well having a circular opening of 100 cm² area and the pressure is either increased at a specified rate, or is kept constant at a specified value. civil lab equipments manufacturers
...moreVolume Change Gauge Apparatus
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: VOLUME CHANGE GAUGE FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-116019 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Volume Change Gauge. When conducting traixial tests on soil samples, it is observed that due to internal pressure, the cell expands, soil specimen consolidates resulting in the change of volume. Volume change Gauge is therefore deviced to accurately measure volume changes. This is measured by observing the quantity of water entering or leaving the cell as the cell pressure and axial load are changed it is achieved by the displacement of free surface between the water supplied to the cell and another fluid (paraffin or kerosene). A dye is added to the paraffin for clear demarcation of the interface. The unit consists of a glass graduated tube of the appropriate capacity graduated to parts of a ml.enclosed in a perspex tube sealed by two end caps. The unit is fitted with manifolds and valves which enables it to be used with the triaxial cell and the constant Pressure (Mercury controls) system. The cell pressure can either be directly applied to the cell from the constant pressure system or through the volume change gauge. The graduated glass tube is not subjected to any difference in pressure and its inside is coated with a layer f silicon water repellent to reduce the error in meniscus. There is an arrangement for filling the unit with water and paraffin and a drainage valve is provided in the lower end cap. The whole assembly is mounted on a panel suitable for wall mounting. The unit is supplied complete with a pressure hose with end couplings and a packet of dye. civil lab equipments manufacturer Soil Test Instruments Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Soil Test Instruments Lab suppliers
...moreVicat Softening point apparatus
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: VICAT SOFTENING POINT APPARATUS FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-370011 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Vicat Softening Point Apparatus For Testing Lab Workshop. Vicat Softening Point Apparatus - Vicat softening temperature of plastics is the temperature at which a standard flat-ended indenter penetrates one millimeter into the surface of the material under test under a specified load. The test is conducted by placing a test specimen taken from the sample under test on a flat platform inside a liquid bath and applying compression load over its upper face through a flat-ended indenter. The load is applied by placing a dead weight on the upper end of the indenter. After the test specimen attains the temperature of the bath, the bath temperature is increased gradually till the indenter penetrates by exactly 1 mm into the test specimen. The bath temperature in ºC at which this happens is reported as the Vicat Softening Temperature of the sample under test. The Vicat Softening Point Apparatus (High Temperature Model) consists of a specimen support, weights, a deflection measuring device, and an immersion bath. The specimen support consists of a circular supporting plate on which the specimen is kept and a loading plate having a bush for guiding a vertical rod carrying a hardened indenting tip. The two plates are joined together with spacer rods of same material (brass) as indenting rod so that they have identical co-efficient of linear expansion. The indenting rod is fitted with a disc near its top to place the dead weight on. Two circular dead weights are provided to enable loads of 1 kg or 5 kg to be applied on the test specimen. A dial gauge is provided above the rod to measure the indentation of the tip into the test specimen by gauging the movement of the rod. civil lab equipments manufacturers Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers
...moreVicat Needle Apparatus
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: VICAT NEEDLE APPARATUS FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-038061 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Vicat Needle Apparatus. This instrument is used for determining the normal consistency and setting times of cement and A Class limes. Salient Features Specifications : Cement and Concrete Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Cement and Concrete Testing Lab suppliersThe apparatus consists of a metallic frame bearing a freely movable rod with a cap at top, one vicat mould, split type and glass base plate and one set of needles one each initial needle, final needle and consistency plunger. civil lab equipments manufacturers
...moreVicat Method Instrument
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: VICAT METHOD INSTRUMENT FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-041010 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Vicat Method Instrument. Vicat Method Instrument - Used to determine the amount of water required to produce a cement paste of standard consistency and the setting time. The time it takes for a cement to stiffen to a standard value after addition of water is commonly known as the set time. The test involves mixing cement with water and then measuring its resistance to penetration of a standard probe at varying intervals of time, until a certain value is reached. civil lab equipments manufacturers Soil Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Soil Testing Lab suppliers
...moreVicat Apparatus - Mortar Testing Apparatus
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: VICAT APPARATUS FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-280007 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Vicat Apparatus. Technical Description The procedure, as recommended in various standards, is for determining the quantity of water required to produce a cement paste of standard consistency. The apparatus includes one of each: Vicat Mould Glass Base Plate Initial Needle (in Plastic Case) Final Needle (in Plastic Case) Consistency Plunger (in Plastic Case) Mild Steel Base Plate Vicat Method, Split Type, with Clamping Ring civil lab equipments manufacturerCement Lime Plaster & Mortar Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Cement Lime Plaster & Mortar Testing Lab suppliers
...moreVibratory Compaction Vibrating Table
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: VIBRATORY COMPACTION VIBRATING TABLE FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-120006 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Vibratory Compaction Vibrating Table. Technical Description The table top is 500mm x 500mm size and has stops along its edges to prevent moulds from sliding off the table during operation. Same as but with table top 2m x 1m Same as but with table top 1m x 1m Geotextile Technology & Concrete Technology Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Geotextile Technology & Concrete Technology Lab suppliers
...moreVibration Tester
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: VIBRATION TESTER FOR TRANSPORT PACKAGES FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-320003 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Vibration Tester. Vibration Tester For Transport Packages - The effect of vibrations experienced during transport on packaged materials is normally determined by subjected them to a simulated vibration test. In this test, the package under test is placed over a vibrating table capable of moving about a vertical axis by a fixed amplitude at a fixed frequency. The effect of a specified number or period of vibrations on the packed materials is observed to evaluate the resistance provided by packaging to such vibrations. The Globe Vibration Tester for transport packages consists of horizontal table mounted above an oscillating block and rigidly connected to it. This table is given oscillatory movement of a fixed amplitude by the movement of the block, which is in turn held over two hardened and ground carbon steel rods and is given an oscillatory movement with the help of an electric motor coupled to a V-belt and speed reduction pulley arrangement. The block has two gunmetal bushes to give it a long working life. The rotary movement of the pulley is converted into linear movement of the block with the help of an eccentric pin and a linkage mechanism. The eccentric pin is fixed to a disc mounted on the shaft on which the pulley is mounted. In the fixed frequency model of the tester, the frequency of vibrations is set at 4 Hz. In the variable frequency model it can be set at any desired value in the range of 1 to 8 Hz with the help of a variable frequency inverter drive supplied with the equipment. A six digit electronic counter with non-contact infrared sensor is provided to record the total number of oscillations undergone by the components under test. The counter has a memory backup to retain the count of number of oscillations undergone in case of accidental switching off of power supply to the equipment. A key-operated reset switch is provided to reset the count to zero at the end of test duration. The package under test is placed on the vibration table. It is prevented from dropping down by a low level guard along the periphery of the table. The table is square in shape so that the package can be rotated through 90° after every 25% of total number of specified oscillations. civil lab equipments manufacturers Paper Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Paper Testing Lab suppliers
...moreVibration Machine - Mortar Testing Apparatus
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: VIBRATION MACHINE FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-280005 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Vibration Machine. Technical Description The machine is suitable for operation on 220 V, 50Hz, single phase, AC Supply. Each machine is supplied with one cube mould (steel) with ISI Certification Mark. Optional Extras Steel, for 70.6 mm Cube with ISI Certification Mark as per ISI:10080 Spares Side Spring Supporting Springs (Set of Four) Springs, for fitting Mould (Set of Two) Endless belt Belt Guard Eccentric Shafts with bearing civil lab equipments manufacturer Cement Lime Plaster & Mortar Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Cement Lime Plaster & Mortar Testing Lab suppliers
...moreVibrating Wire Centre Hole Load Cell
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: VIBRATING WIRE CENTRE HOLE LOAD CELL FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-112002 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Vibrating Wire Centre Hole Load Cell. Accurate, robust and very good long term stability. Negligible temeprature effects compared with oil filled load cell. Fast response time. Accuracy unaffected by cable length. Suitable for remote readings Capable of reading eccentric loads. Common readout for all vibrating wire type instruments Field Monitoring Technology Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Field Monitoring Technology Lab suppliers
...moreVibrating table
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: VIBRATING TABLE FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-038060 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Vibrating Table. The Vibrating Table is used for compacting concrete cubes and cylinders. Salient Features Specifications : It is designed to carry a load of 140 kg. Cement and Concrete Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Cement and Concrete Testing Lab suppliers The apparatus consists of a motor fitted with a variable pitch pulley housed in a cabinet. The vibrations are imparted by means of off-balance masses rotating on a shaft of a vibrator clamped to the underside of the table top. The table top is 50cm x 50cm. and has stops along its edges to prevent moulds from walking off the table during vibration. A cross arm adjustable on a vertical rod at the center of the table is provided to hold the moulds while operating the table. The variable pitch pulley arrangement permits the frequency to be varied steplessly between a maximum of 3600 vibrations per minute. A speed regulation handle is provided for increasing or decreasing the frequency. A switch is provided for starting the motor, suitable for operation on 440 volts, 3 phase, 50 cycles, A.C.supply. Vibrating Tables of table top size 75cm x 75cm as well as 100cm x 100cm are also available. civil lab equipments manufacturers
...moreVibrating Machine
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: VIBRATING MACHINE FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-038059 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Also Called Mould Vibrator Or Mortar Cube Vibrator Concrete moulds are easily cast by using a tamping bar or a vibrating table.. Cement and Concrete Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Cement and Concrete Testing Lab suppliers However air tapped in cement mortar paste can not be thus removed while casting cement mortar moulds. Easy method is to impart greater vibration of lesser amplitude to the mould while casting. This is achieved in a vibrating machine. Vibration machine is used for the preparation of mortar cubes for the determination of compression strength of ordinary and rapid hardening Portland cement, low heat portland cement, portland bleast furnace cement and high alumina cements. Salient Features Specifications : The machine consists of a vibrating frame assembly and an electric motor mounted on a sturdy base. The complete frame assembly consists of a vice to hold a 7.06cm cube mould and two studs threaded at top and a hopper to feed the sample in the mould. This assembly is supported on four springs and has an in built rotating shaft which rotates eccentrically and thus imparts vibrations to the entire frame. A balance weight is an intergral bottom part of the frame. The center of gravity of the assembly is brought to the center of the eccentric shaft or within a distance of 25mm mould. The frequency of vibration is 12000 400 vibration per minute. Supplied complete with on 7.06cm cube mould with loose base plate, a time switch 0-5mins x 1min and certificate of vibration from a standard laboratory. Spares : Set of Springs, Belt and Belt guard. civil lab equipments manufacturers
...moreVertivcal Burning Test Flammability Tester
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: FLAMMABILITY TESTER(VERTIVCAL BURNING TEST) FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-370003 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Flammability Tester(Vertivcal Burning Test) For Testing Lab Workshop. Flammability Tester(Vertivcal Burning Test) - The method for classification of plastic sheets or bar materials of 94V-0, 94V-1, or 94V-2 grade flammability is based on the determination of vertical burning characteristics of the material under test. In this test, a test specimen is held from its top with its longitudinal axis lying in a vertical plane. A flame is applied for a specified duration of time to the lower end of the test specimen and removed. As soon as the material stops flaming the flame is applied once again for the same duration of time and removed. The time taken by the flame to extinguish, after the removal of the igniting flame and the duration of glowing after second application of flame are determined to evaluate the vertical burning characteristic of the material under test. The Flammability Tester (Vertical Burning Test) for determination of vertical burning characteristic of plastic consists of a drought free enclosure, an arrangement to hold the test specimen from its top in a vertical plane, a swivelable burner to apply the flame at the tip of the test specimen, arrangement to move the burner so that its tip can be brought vertically below the lower end of the test specimen both with the burner axis being vertical and inclined at an angle of 45° to the vertical, a pre-set type digital timer to measure the time of application of flame, and a digital time interval meter to measure the flaming and after glow times. civil lab equipments manufacturers Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers
...moreVertical Capping Set
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: CAPPING SET - VERTICAL - 03 FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-038013 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders For capping compression cylinder specimens. This apparatus can be used both in the laboratory and in the field.. Cement and Concrete Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Cement and Concrete Testing Lab suppliers The specimens capped in this apparatus have plane parallel faces. Salient Features Specifications : For cylinders 150mm dia x 300mm long. Consists of a base with an upright. The upright serves as a guide for positioning the capping plate and the cylinder. The 19mm thick capping plate is machined accurately. There is a recess in the plate for keeping the molten capping compound and to position cylinder. Complete with cylinder carrier and ladle. civil lab equipments manufacturers
...moreCement Concrete Testing Equipment
For 100mm dia x 200mm long. Salient Features Specifications : Same as above but for cylinders 100mm dia x 200mm long. CYLINDER CARRIER : For carrying the concrete cylinders in the laboratory and in the field.. Cement and Concrete Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Cement and Concrete Testing Lab suppliers Double handles make it easy to hold the cylinder during capping operations. Complete with snap clamp and cushioning lining. Can be used both for 15cm dia and 10cm dia cylinders. CAPPING MOULD : For capping the concrete cylinders, it consists of an accurately machined plate with a recess for 15mm dia specimen. WARMER : An electriacally heated and thermostatically controlled bath for melting the capping compound. Supplied with cover and handle. Suitable for operation on 230 Volts A.C. single phase. CAPPING COMPOUND : Used for Capping the ends of concrete cylinders to be tested. Available in packs of 5 kg. BOWL & LADLE : Metallic bowl is used to carry the capping compound and ladle is used to pour molten capping compound intothe gorves between specimen and capping plate. Supplied as set. civil lab equipments manufacturers
...moreVernier Transit Theodolite Soil Testing Equipment
NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: VERNIER TRANSIT THEODOLITE FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-015042 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Vernier Transit Theodolite. Vernier Transit Theodolite is designed to meet the requirements of Civil Engineer, Surveyor and Mining Engineer for high grade instruments giving a maximum portability. Both circles of this soil testing equipment are totally enclosed making the instruments suitable for work either above or below the ground. Vernier Transit Theodolite is supplied with standard accessories in teak wood box with aluminum telescopic tripod stand. civil lab equipments manufacturers Soil Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Soil Testing Lab suppliers
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