Automatic Knife Sharpener Microtome
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Automatic Knife Sharpener Microtome RMS-100 Automatic Knife Sharpener provides a precise, efficient and safe method for honing Microtome Knives upto 140mm in length, equipped with automatic timer 0-60 min. to adjust sharpening time. It ensure a knife edge so perfect that no subsequent strooping is necessary. The knife edge is recodtioned to optimum sharpness which is so major importance to every laboratory, where material are routinely sectioned for microscopic examinations. The transparent plexi glass cover encloses the entire working mechanism and provides a safe dust and gritfree sharpening process. The knife strokes against a high frequency glass honing plate and after three exactly equivalent strokes on one side of knife edge, a cam follower automatically flips the knife and three strokes are honed on other side.
razor sharpener
20,000 - 25,000 Per piece
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Automatic Microtome Knife Sharpener
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We feel immensely pleased to offer an excellent quality automatic microtome knife sharpener that is an electrical timing device which is set for desired time, depending upon the condition of knife. This knife sharpener can sharpener any weswox or similar knife up to and including 120mm in length. Offered knife sharpener is well tested from our side on numerous parameters so as to deliver a defect free range to customers. Features: epoxy finish long lasting quality packed in a card board box automatic microtome knifesharpener razor sharpener (a. O. Spencer type) we are engaged in offering our clients with weswox automatic microtome knife razor sharpener (a.o. Spencer type), these are available with following features: the weswox automatic knife sharpener will sharpener any weswox or similar knife upto and including 120mm in length. There is an electrical timing device which is set for desired time, depending upon the condition of knife. The transparent plexi glass cover encloses the entire working mechanism and provides a safe dust and grit free sharpening process. The knife strokes against a high frequency glass honing plate and after three exactly equivalent strokes one side of knife edge, a cum follower automatically flips the knife and three strokes are honed on other side. The stroking cycle is repeated continually for duration of setting on electrical timer. Overall dimensions 16" x 10" x 11" and approx. Weight 22 kg. The instrument is furnished in epoxy finish. Packed in a card board box spare accessories: spare glass plate knife holder coarse micro abrasive 200 ml (bottle liquid suspension) set of two bottles fine micro abrasive 200 ml (bottle liquid suspension) set of two bottles note : delivery period for this item 2 to 3 months which please note
Cork Borer Sharpener
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Plated metal cone with hinged cutter blade set in slot, with wooden handle.
Cork Borer Sharpener
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plated metal cone with hinged cutter blade set in slot, with wooden handle.
Automatic Knife Sharpener
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We provide highly advanced Automatic Knife Sharpener in the national as well as international market. The Automatic Knife Sharpener developed by us is portable and is efficient for sharpening all microtome knives up to 140 mm in length. It has a timer of 0-60 minutes to adjust sharpening time of microtome. Available With :- One universal holderTwo honing platesOne bottle honing glass compoundOne knife inspection blockOne re-dressing pad
Automatic Knife Sharpener
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Automatic Knife Sharpener:- EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT » BIOLOGY LAB » Automatic Knife Sharpener Automatic Knife Sharpener – Laboratory Equipment • Knife sharpening is the process of making tool sharp • knife edge is reconditioned to optimum sharpness, which is most important to every laboratory, • Where material are routinely sectioned for microscopic examination. • All the parts of instrument are hand assembled to ensure the trouble free and dependable service. • The instrument in mounted on sound absorbing rubber feet foe quiet and smooth operation.
Automatic Microtome Knife Sharpener
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Spencers Sledge microtomes are designed for cutting large blocks of paraffin and resin embedded material for light microscopy. The knife holding clamps allow the knife to be offset to the direction of cut, a major advantage when sectioning large, hard blocks. The microtome, which is very heavy for stability and not usually subject to vibration, can also be used to cut materials from various industrial applications (wood, plastics, textile fibres) with a feed range of 0 – 20 microns.
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With Millers assembly at its heart, the unit is unmatched even by the most skilled hard honing and stropping. It permits to set extract angle of bevel of knife edge. A perfect cutting edge is obtained by sharpening the knife on this unit. Salient features of the unit include easy operation, automatic reversing of knife at regular intervals for an equal bevel angle on both sides of its edge eliminates the need for resurfacing the glass plate as the knife execution is across the full diameter of the rotating plate. The unit comprises of the reinforced sheet metal housing with hinged doors at front and side to facilitate easy cleaning and maintenance. It has a constant speed motor to rotate the ground glass plate 500 mm dia x 12 mm thick at constant speed. Knife upto the size of 300 mm x 13 mm can be easily sharpened on the unit. A lubricant reservoir needed for grinding and polishing a supported on top frame. The unit complete in all respects and duly painted.
MKS DS Digital Microtome Knife Sharpener
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The DKS DS Digital Microtome Knife Sharpener comes with Microprocessor Controller is the latest knife sharpener designed for more fast and fine sharpening of microtome knives. The knife is sharpened on a rotary glass plate with universal knife holder. The device makes use of dual center less grinding technique for uniform grinding and complete instrument is covered with plexiglass dust cover for safe, dust proof operations. The instrument has a electronic controller for speed control and a special timer to set the sharpening time. Key Features : SCM Program Control, easy operationMulti purpose Knife HolderAutomatic Disc LevelingBuffer Adjusting Mechanism for turning knifeConvenient Loading and Unloading for knife slicingLow Noise Operation
Automatic Knife Sharpener
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With Miller assembly at its heart, the unit is unmatched even by the most skilled hard honing and stropping. It permits to set extract angle of bevel of knife edge. A perfect cutting edge is obtained by sharpening the knife on this unit. Salient features of the unit include easy operation, automatic reversing of knife at regular intervals for an equal bevel angle on both sides of its edge eliminates the need for resurfacing the glass plate as the knife execution is across the full diameter of the rotating plate. The unit comprises of the reinforced sheet metal housing with hinged doors at front and side to facilitate easy cleaning and maintenance. It has a constant speed motor to rotate the ground glass plate 500mm dia x 12mm thick at constant speed. Knife up to the size of 300mm x 13mm can be easily sharpened on the unit. A lubricant reservoir needed for grinding and polishing a supported on top frame. The unit complete in all respects and duly painted. Supplied with cord and plug without micro abrasive suitable to work on 220V, single phase 50 Hz.AC. supply.
Cork Borer Sharpner
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Plated metal cone with hinged cutter blade set in slot and metal handle. Borer restored to circular shape by cone, edge cut to correct angle by depressing blade using thumb pressure. For borer dia. 4-27mm
Automatic Knife Sharpener
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With Miller assembly at its heart, the unit is unmatched even by the most skilled hard honing and stropping. It permits to set extract angle of bevel of knife edge. A perfect cutting edge is obtained by sharpening the knife on this unit. Salient features of the unit include easy operation, automatic reversing of knife at regular intervals for an equal bevel angle on both sides of its edge eliminates the need for resurfacing the glass plate as the knife execution is across the full diameter of the rotating plate. The unit comprises of the reinforced sheet metal housing with hinged doors at front and side to facilitate easy cleaning and maintenance. It has a constant speed motor to rotate the ground glass plate 500mm dia x 12mm thick at constant speed. Knife up to the size of 300mm x 13mm can be easily sharpened on the unit. A lubricant reservoir needed for grinding and polishing a supported on top frame. The unit complete in all respects and duly painted. Supplied with cord and plug without micro abrasive suitable to work on 220V, single phase 50 Hz.AC. supply.
Automatic Knife Sharpener
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Portable, precision automatic knife sharpener with timer 0-60 minutes to adjust sharpening time. This equipment can sharpen all microtome knives up to 140 mm in length. Complete with one universal holder, two honing plates, one bottle honing glass compound, one knife inspection block and one re-dressing pad but without micro abrasives.
Automatic Razor Sharpener
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automatic Razor Sharpener : A streamlined automatic microtome knife sharpner with electric timer coupled with simple operation for razors upto 150 mm on both the wedges. Working machanism encased in metal cover and front portion covered with clear acrylic canopy to observe safe and dustfree honing. Supplied complete with glass honing plate, coarse & fine abrassives and dust cover. Additional Information: Item Code: J-9
GE-71 Automatic Razor Sharpener
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A portable and very precise automatic knives sharpening equipment for sharpening of all Microtome knives upto 180 mm in length and equipped with automatic timer to adjust sharpening time . The transparent acrylic cover encloses the entire working mechanism and provides a safe dust & grit free sharpening process.
Knife Sharpener
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Automatic Knife Sharpener
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Automatic Knife Sharpener
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Automatic Knife Sharpener
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Our high precision Automatic Knife Sharpener for microntome knives makes use of dual center less grinding technique for uniform grinding action. The key features specific to our Automatic Knife Sharpener are Plexi glass dust covers, damper control, two plates facet angle and knife pressure indicator/controls, adjustable facet angle, power switch/circuit breaker, and adjustableAutomatic Knife Sharpener is designed for safe, quick, efficient & convenient on-site re- sharpening of microtome knivesIt automates the process of manual knife sharpening to eliminate unevenness of the surface and ensures equal bevel angle giving a used knife-edge the sharpness of a new or factory- reconditioned knifeWith its compact & portable structure, built with advanced technologyAutomatic Knife Sharpeners deliver convenient use, reliable performance ensuring trouble free & dependable serviceAutomatic Knife Sharpener is furnished in a compact cabinet with superior finishThe instrument is mounted on rubber feet to absorb vibration for quite and smooth operationIts imposing finish is easily to clean, resist chipping abrasions and chemical attacksClamping it in the knife holder at a fixed angle re-sharpens the knifeThe top cover of the instrument is closed during the honing procedure to ensure safe operation and to avoid dust and grinding particles being scattered over the work placeThe knife strokes against a high frequency glass plate and exactly after an equivalent number of strokes on one side of knife edge, automatically flips the knife and hones the Knife edge on other side for the same intervalThe stroking cycle is repeated continuously for duration set in the automatic electric timerThe automatic electric timer provides the option of automatic changeover for reversal of one side of knife-edge to other at regular intervals Technical Data Effective sharpening of C-profile knives up to zoom in length Easy single-button operationKnife holder available to accommodate different knife LengthsLED Delay timer of 7 daysOption of disabling Automatic Change Over/ ReversalSelection of sharpening programmed according to wearSmooth & Calm Knife drop during operationInterior LightOperated with lid closedProven robust technology