RNA Model
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100 Piece (MOQ)
Solar System Model For School Project
2,470 - 7,000 Per piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
It is Solar System Working Model. Solar Educational Kits, Sun with Planet Model Solar Powered Bulb. Solar Educational Kits educational Kits from India. Ideal for Educating Children in Classroom or Science Fair Project with nine planets electric operated fitted on wooden base with name of the planet average distance from sun. Solar system model with nine planets, electric operated fitted on wooden base with name of the planet average distance from sun, time of revolution, unit of earth’s mass and the number of moons
Best Deals from Science Models
Pigeon model
550 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
We are engaged in offering a wide range of physics models to our clients. Our range of all products is widely appreciated by our clients.
Human Biological Model
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100 Piece (MOQ)
Model shows the major structures of cell, Different colors are used to allow teachers and students to easily identify the different structures of the cell. All significant features are numbered and identifiable on the included key. cells are magnified 2,000 times. Other models include skeleton system, Lymphatic, plant cell model, Eye model, Heart model, Ear model, brain model, Human torso model, Excretory system, circulatory system, Mitosis and meiosis demonstration model, DNA model etc.
Wheatstone Bridge Box
700 Per Piece
Water ICE Molecular Model Set
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10 Piece (MOQ)
Seed Analysis Kit
5,400 Per piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
Comprises of 1 No. Dispensing Balance, 1 No. Hand Magnifier (4" dia), 1 Set of Parkhi (9", 12" 14"), Scoop Set, 1 No. Enamelle Plate (12" Dia), 1 No. Plam husker, Measuring Cylinders (10 cc, 50 cc, 100 cc), 1 No. Brass Seed caliper, 1 No. Petri dish packed in compact brief case specially designed for Seed/Grain inspectors.
Human Skeleton Model
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We are offering human skeleton model. A life size model of human skelton mounted on stand, made of the fibre material, finished in natural colour with plastic cover and english key card. Human skeleton model - economy human skeleton model - superior
Rocksmins Rocks Science Activity Kit RO20ACPT
1,400 - 1,500 Per piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
Children wants to learn about rocks/minerals. They want to know its physical properties like hardness, colour, fracture, cleavage, streak, luster, tenacity, specific gravity, feel properties, odur/taste, magnetic/non magnetic, acid reaction. This activity kit contains 20 types of rocks specimens, streak plate, glass plate, copper plate, iron plate, garnet board, knife, iron nail, magnet, hand lens, folded lens, acid drop bottle (Empty) with instruction manual, rocks / minerals worksheet & rocks / minerals crossword game chart all neatly packed in a compartment box. This collection contains 20 types of basic rocks specimens of igneous, sedimentary & metamorphic rocks types. The rock specimens include basalt, gabbro, granite, obsidian, pegmatite, pumice, anthracite, gneiss, marble, quartzite, serpentine, slate, chalk lumps, conglomerate, diatomite, flint, lime stone, rock salt, sand stone & shale. Specimen names change time to time without any notice for making variety or lack of stock. These Rocks & Minerals Collections used for Practical Knowledge of Rocks Specimens & Minerals Specimens.
Rat Dissection (Female )
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10 Piece(s) (MOQ)
We are offering Rat Dissection (Female ). An enlarged beautifully coloured model of rat dissection(female) showing head, mouth, lip, external nostrils, vibrissae, external ear, right forelimb, left forelimb , hind limbs, tail & all external parts are clearly shown and in dissection all respiratory, digestive, circulatory, urinogential organs are clearly numbered . Mounted on base . Numbered with english key card.
kelvin cum wheatstone bridges
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We are offering kelvin cum wheatstone bridges. description:- “rai” precision kelvin-cum-wheatstone bridges model 55x-kw is important instruments in the measurement of resistance as low as 0.1 micro ohms to highest value of 1 ohm. Manganin has the quality of very low temperature co-efficient which is a critical parameter for resistance standards manufacturing. Kelvin cum wheatstone bridge is also constructed with manganin coils & sheet. Phosphor bronze silver plated switches have been used to minimize the residual resistance error. Four standard decade dials, ratio selector & plug keys facilitate accurate null detection. kelvin bridge section user can easily change over from kelvin section to wheatsone bridge section & vice-a-versa with the help of a selector switch. range of measurement 0.1 micro-ohm to 1 ohm accuracy below 0.0001 ohm +- 0.5% +- 1 slide wire division 0.0001 ohm to 0.01ohm +- 0.1% above 0.01 ohm +- 0.05% reference resistance standards 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 and 1.0 ohm dividing ratio 1 , 10 , 100 and 1000 ohm multiplying ratio 0.1 x 1, 1.0 x10, 10 x10 and 100 x10 ohm in shape of standard decade resistors. wheatstone bridge section range 1ohm to 1.0 megohm accuracy 1 ohm to 100.0 k 0.1 % +- 1 step of lowest decade dial above 100.0 k 1.0 % dividing and multiplying ratio in denominations of 1, 10, 100 and 1000 ohm variable arm formulated by decade dials of 10x0.1, 10x 1, 10 x10 and 10 x 100 ohm. accessories for kelvin-cum-wheatstone following accessories are required with the kelvin-cum-wheatstones support accessories to complete the measurement system. The bridge becomes the complete measurement system in conjunction with the following accessories: 1. conductivity attachment 2. high amperage dc source ( 0 to 50amp. Suitable for bridge) 3. spot reflecting galvanometer 4. analogue galvanometer with selector switch for protection of spot reflecting galvanometer 5. current reversing switch
Biological Kit
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We have cemented our position as a Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Biological Equipment from Haryana, India. The Biological Equipment we offer is sturdy in construction, superb in performance and outstanding on terms of long functional life. We ensure that the desired order is delivered within the prescribed frame of time. Buyers can lay their hands on the top-notch Biological Equipment, available at nominal prices.
Post Office Box Wheatstone Bridge
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Post Office Box Wheatstone Bridge With two ratio dials of 10,100 and 1000 ohms each and a resistance arm of four dials, each of ten coils of 1, 10, 100 and 1000 ohms, giving total resistance of 11,110 ohms, with 4 mm socket terminals for battery, galvanometer and unknown resistance. Highly stabel resistances are used. Accuracy ±0.1%.
Typical Flower Model
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Large size model of a typical flower, all parts detachable, ovary with a single ovule inside, on base,with key card.
Atomic Model Set
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1 Piece(s) (MOQ)
These sets consists of moulded balls of different colours and sizes along with connecting lugs of different sizes. These sets are very helpful in modelling different organic & Inorganic compounds. These are available in two different sets: SENIOR SET: This set consists of 185 lugs & 370 balls of prescribed colours & sizes packed in a moulded box having separate space for every particular colour & size of ball. JUNIOR SET: This set consists of 37 connecting lugs & 75 balls of different colours & sizes packed in a moulded box.
Human Eye Model
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Human Eye - Large Size
Biological Models
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For the complete range of Biological Models we are the perfect destination in the national as well as international market. The models are designed for varied biological studies. Advantages of Our Biological Models :- Made of fiber glassLong lasting and UnbreakableAll parts clearly indicated with a realistic colorReal life Look Range of Biological Models :- Aids virusAmoeba ProteusAnatomy of StarfishBrain ModelKidney with BladderModel of D.N.A.Model of R.N.A., etc.
Ray Optics Kit
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500 Pieces (MOQ)
Kit consists of two lamp holders, each in metal shade with two axial slots & mounted on metal support rod. Holder complete with approx. 1.2m 2 wire P.V.C. covered cable & 12V 24W axial filament lamp. One each right & left hand cylindrical lamp shields, in matt black ‘combs’; with 17 equispaced parallel slots, Two black plastic plates, each with single & triple slits, two comb & plate holders, a spring loaded clip mounted on metal support bracket, 4 metal light barriers, 4 each plano convex cylindrical lenses, 50 x 50 mm, +7D, two each cylindrical lenses 50 x 50 mm respectively, plano convex +10D, +17D, plano concave -17D.
Frog Dissection Model
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Frog Dissection Model depicts the internal structure of the frogs. With the support of highly skilled professionals, we manufacture and supply Frog Dissection Model. All the functionalities and working of the internal organs of the frog is clearly shown in our Frog Dissection Model. Our Frog Dissection Model is designed using PVC plastic that increases its durability.
Human Eye Model
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Human Skeleton Model
500 - 5,000 Per Piece
Human Eye Model
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Seed Analysis Kit
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The clients can easily avail from us high grade Seed Analysis Kit that complies with international quality standards. We are reckoned as leading Seed Analysis Kit Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters. Technical Specifications1 No. Dispensing Balance1 No. Hand Magnifier 4â dia1 Set of Parkhi (9â, 12â, 14â) 1 No. Enameled Plate 12âdia1 No. Palm Husker1 No. Forceps1 No. Brass Seed CaliperScoop SetMeasuring Cylinders (10 cc, 50 cc, 100 cc)Petri dish packed in a compact brief case specially designed for Seed / Grain Inspectors.
Portable Wheatstone Bridge
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This test set has been designed to provide an accurate and sensitive instrument for measurement of Resistance. This set is entirely contained with a dry battery and a galvanometer. Arrangement has been provided to use the external galvanometer or the high voltage source for increasing the sensitivity of the bridge. Four decades in steps of 1,10,100 & 1Kohms which can be used as series resistance box also.
human body torso model
2,400 - 6,500 Per Piece
4 Piece (MOQ)
Human body parts model made by fiberglass metal, used the school classroom and hospital
Portable Wheatstone Bridge
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We offer portable wheatstone bridge for precision resistance measurements. Built in : sensitive galvanometer (10 u amps) and a dry battery 4.5 volts. Series arm : there are 4 decades of 10x1,10x10,10x100 & 10x1000 ohms. Range multipliers : a single rotary switch furnishes 7 range multipliers of x 1000, x 100, x 10, x 1, x 0.1, x 0.01 and x 0.001. Range of measurement : 0.001 ohm to 11.1 meg-ohms. Provision for using external battery provided. Accuracy : better than 0.05% galvanometer : is provided push buttons : two push buttons for battery & galvanometer
Human Eye Model
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We have separated our infrastructural facility into several units and one of them in warehouse. In order to maintain high quality standards, we laced our facility with modern technology. Since our strict packaging guidelines, we make sure that the products are suitably packed assuring zero damage during transportation. Furthermore, our packaging professionals thoroughly check the whole batch before making the final transmit.
petrol engine model
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Animal Cell Division Mitosis Model
1,550 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
A set of 10 models, showing resting cell, early prophase, prophase, late prophase, metaphase, anaphase, late anaphase, telophase and daughter cells. Mounted on wooden board
Steam Engine Double Piston Model
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1 Piece(s) (MOQ)
We are offering steam engine double piston model. Harsaw steam engine double piston is a basic model to understand the working of a real steam engine. It consists of electric heater which boils the water to make steam which in turn is used to run the drive wheel via two pistons. A dynamo is attached to show the production of electricity using steam. > base & body :fully painted metal > water tank: hard metal > steam level: steam gauge with safety valve > piston stand & water level tap: brass > piston: brass > supply: 220v ac, 50hz