Yarn Testing Equipment Dealers in Ambala

(2 products available)
  • yarn testing equipment

    yarn testing equipment

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    Find precision based Yarn Testing Equipments at HOVERLABS to be used at industrial and educational level. Learn the skill to test the quality, thickness, elasticity of the yarn with our top quality testing products. High in demand with textile students and faculty members. Accurate testers for proved results.

    Ambala Cantt
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  • twist tester

    twist tester

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    NAUGRALABS LABORATORY PRODUCT NAME: TWIST TESTER FOR TESTING LAB NaugraLabs Laboratory Product Code: NLE-Export-390004 Description and Specification for Lab Tenders Twist Tester For Testing Lab Workshop. Twist Tester - The strength of a yarn and properties of fabrics made from it depend to a great extent on the amount of twist given to it. Thus accurate determination of amount of twist in any yarn is of prime importance in assessing its quality.   The amount of twist given to any yarn is usually determined by untwisting a known length of yarn and finding the number of rotations of one of its ends relative to the other needed to remove the twists completely. The equipment used for determination of twists of a yarn is known as Twist Tester.   The  Twist Tester consists of a set of clamps, one of which is rotating and the other fixed. The rotating clamp is driven by hand through a hand wheel and gear arrangement. A five-digit re-settable revolution counter counts the number of rotations of the rotating clamp. civil lab equipments manufacturers

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