Atis Root
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Atees (aconitum Heterophyllum )
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We are offering Atees (aconitum Heterophyllum ). • Arabic Name : Jidwaar, Zidwaar, Zadwaar, Atees • Bengali Name : Ataicha • Chinese Name : Yi zi hao, Wu tou • English Name : Indian Atees, Crowfoot, Atis Root • German Name : Eisenhut • Gujarati Name : Atavasa, Ativishni Kali, Ativikhani Kali • Hindi Name : Atis, Ateicha, Atvika, Bakhma • Kannada Name : Ativisha, Ativitayam • Kashmiri Name : Patrees • Latin name : Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. • Marathi Name : Ativisha, Visha • Persian Name : Vaje Turki • Punjabi Name : Atis, Atees, Bonga • Sanskrit Name : Ativisha, Sitashringi, Bhangura, Pankura, Upavishaaka, Prativisha, Visha • Urdu Name : Atees, Atis Description: This species does not contain the toxic alkaloid Aconitine and so it is said to be non-poisonous. Tuberous root is acrid, analgesic, antiinflammatory, antiperiodic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, bitter, carminative, cholagogue, digestive, expectorant, febrifuge, stomachic, thermogenic and tonic. It is valuable for combating debility and after fevers it is an excellent tonic. Useful in malarial fevers. Also useful in diarrhoea, dysentery, haemorrhoids, liver disorders and vomiting. It is also very helpful in cough and dyspepsia. It possesses potent immunostimulant properties. It is also prescribed in deranged metabolic conditions and internal tumours.
Best Deals from Aconitum Heterophyllum
Aconitum Heterophyllum
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We offer Aconitum Heterophyllum. Scientific name: Aconitum Heterophyllum Part Used Root Medicinal Value Contains Atisine, Heterastisine Heterophyllisine. Used for Hysterial, Throat Insfections, Dyspepsia, Vomiting, Abdominal Pain, Diabetes and Temperature.