Ayurveda Treatments for Arthritis
Ayurveda offers a comphrensive cure for bone-joint diseases, It believes that vayu aggravation in the body causes Arthritis and allied conditions, The general line of Ayurvedic treatment for Arthritis include, medications, Abhyanga, (Massage), Swedana (Fomentation), proper diet exercises yoga, rest and relaxations. Medications
...moreayurvedic treatments
The early signs and symptoms provide useful warnings and the opportunity for taking necessary action before a disease can assume dangerous magnitudes. The main signs and symptoms (roopa) reflect the true nature and intensity of the disease. Another oft used method of diagnosis is exploratory therapy (upasaya) which uses diet, medicines and routines to detect diseases otherwise difficult to diagnose. Acting either against the cause of disease or the disease itself or producing relief. For example a swelling that is alleviated by an oily & hot massage, is obviously caused by an imbalance of Vata. Though a lot of market preparations are available, it is preferable to take the advice of a Ayurvedic physician. You can have a consultation with our Doctor and get your problems sorted out. For your valuable information and perusal; here are a few of our articles related to Ayurvedic treatment.
...moreAyurvedic Treatments to Reduce Cholesterol
The word “sterol” denotes one of a group of steroid alcohols. The most important sterols are “cholesterol” and “ergosterol”. Cholesterol is a fat like material (a sterol) present in the blood and most tissues. Cholesterol is also constituent of gall stones. It is a soft, waxy substance found in all body’s cells and among the lipids in the blood stream. Cholesterol and other fats can not dissolve in blood.
...moreAyurvedic Treatments for Diabetes
Mellitus is a debilitating disease, known to man kind since a long time. Ayurvedic classics like “caraka Samhita” (1500 B.C.) contains pathological descriptions of this pernicious disease. It is really surprising that Ayurvedic physicians understood Diabetes as a metabolic disorder more than 3500 years ago and have clearly described its pathogens is, clinical indications and methods of treatment. Ayurveda has understood this disease since ancient times.
...moreAyurvedic Treatments for Hair Loss
Lustrous and Luxuriant hair not only enhances the beauty of a person, especially woman, but also it indicates the condition your overall health. A beautiful face is rendered more beautiful by a healthy, voluminous and shining hair. Throughout our life we worry about our hair, take great pains to maintain it but, unknowingly, we abuse it also.
...moreAyurvedic Treatments for Kidney Disease
Our Urinary system is very much prone to infections. The system consists of a pair of kidneys, Bladder, Ureters and Urethra.
...moreMale Problems Treatment
Sex is no longer a taboo. Even women approach Doctors these days for sexual counselling and cure. It was un – thinkable even in last decade to see a woman in the clinic of a sexologist. Now the situation has changed. This is a welcome trend.
...moreAyurvedic Treatments for Respiratory Disease
Human body has several barriers to protect it self from invaders like micro – organisms – bacteria, virus, fungi etc.
...moreAyurvedic Treatment for Skin Diseases
Can you identify skin problems? For instance, there you are, minding your own business,
...moreAyurvedic Treatments for Stomach Problems
The trusted, traditional for treating jaundice is what is called as ‘Bhumyamalaki’ in sanskrit. Appreciated as a protective shield and curative medicine for Jaundice and other liver – related diseases, this herb is easily available.
...moreReduce Weight Treatment
Every woman desires to have a slim and svelte body. Because of this over whelming desire, ladies tend to adopt wrong methods of “shedding weight”, resulting in loss of health but not loss of weight. These common mistakes are: 1.? Setting too ambitious a target.
...moreWeight Gain Treatment
Fatty, high-calorie foods aren’t the only contributors It’s no secret that the more fat and calories you consume, the more weight you’re likely to gain. But sometimes the triggers for weight gain are less obvious. The U.S. National Library of Medicine offers these examples: Alcohol consumption. Lack of exercise.
...moreAyurvedic Treatment for Weight Loss
Ayurvedic Treatment offered by Doctor Ayurvedic is the most comprehensive one, that not only alleviates the sufferings but also checks repeated occurence. The "State of the Art" Ayurvedic and Herbal Preparations used in the treatment are in the form of Tablets, Capsules and Oils, which are manufactured using 100% Pure Herbs and Herbal extracts only. Shasthrik preparations are not used as they require stringent administration methods and food restrictions. Other chemical preparations are not used, hence the Treatment can provide
...moreAyurvedic Treatment for Womens Health
Ayurvedic Treatment offered by Doctor Ayurvedic is the most comprehensive one, that not only alleviates the sufferings but also checks repeated occurence. The "State of the Art" Ayurvedic and Herbal Preparations used in the treatment are in the form of Tablets, Capsules and Oils, which are manufactured using 100% Pure Herbs and Herbal extracts only. Shasthrik preparations are not used as they require stringent administration methods and food restrictions. Other chemical preparations are not used, hence the Treatment can provide
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