Over Drive Capsule
600 Per pcs
In our day to day married life sex plays an important part, it is imperative for the male performer to have the strength, vigor, potentiality for the act. The modern day man lacks the power to perform due to many inbuilt as well as outward factors. Over Drive capsules regular intake infuses a new lease of life in to him & improves man's sexual performance. ACTION : Increase interstitial cell stimulating hormone. Increase the levels of testosterone, luteinizing hormone. Vasant kusumakar rasa possesses aphrodisiac and strength to the body. Kamchudamani Rasa effective in premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. DOSAGE : 1 capsule at bed time with milk CAUTION : Patient suffering with heart ailments or persons having high B.P. should consult their Physicians, before using Over Drive capsules. PRESENTATION : 5x6 Caps. REFERENCES Dr. M.Paramkusha Rao and Dr. Naresh Khemanic Review on Erectile dysfunction Ayurvedline Research special Sex medicine part -2 pp.99. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. 96, no. 1-2, pp. 127–132, 2005.