Withania Somnifera
We offer Withania Somnifera . Part Used Root Habitat There are over 20 other species of the Withania genus that occur in the dry parts of India, North Africa, Middle East, and the Mediterranean. These include Withania Coagulens and Withania Simonii, the roots of which are sometimes used interchangeably with those of Withania somnifera. Medicinal Value Roots have long been in use for hiccup, cough, dropsy, rheumatism, and female disorders, and as a sedative in cases of senile debility. The pharmacological activity is ascribed to the presence of several alkaloids. It is useful also for inflammatory conditions, ulcers and scabies in the form of external applications. Deserves further trials for arthropathies. Leaves used as a febrifuge and applied to lesions, painful swellings, and sore eyes. Withaferin A is the most important withanolide to which the curative properties of leaves are attributed. Tender shoots used as a vegetable, also used as fodder for goats, but suspected of poisoning stock.
...moreValerian (tagar)
We offer Valerian (tagar). Scientific Name : Valeriana Officinalis Part Used Rhizomes And Roots Medicinal Value It is an antispasmodic with depressant effect on cenral nervous system, used in hysteric, hypochondriasis, nervous unrest and similar emotional states. Also a stimulant and carminative, used for fevers and asthenic inflammations. Drug contains an essential oil, used as a tonic and stimulant in medicinal preparations; also used in perfumery and tobacco and rootbear flavouring.
...moreTribulus Terrestris
We offer Tribulus Terrestris. Part Used Whole plant, Seeds Medicinal Value The roots and fruits are sweet, coling, emollient, appetizer, alternate, laxative, cardiotonic, styptic, lithontriptic and tonic. They are useful in strangury, dysuria, vitiated conditions of vat and pitta, renal and vesical calculi, anorexia, dyspepsia, helminthiasis, cough, asthama. The seeds are astringent, strengthening and are useful in epistaxis, hemorrhages and ulcerative stomatitis. The ash of the whole plant is good for external application in rheumarthritis. Useful for painfull Micturition And Calculous Affections and also useful for urine diseases.
...moreSaussurea Lappa (costus)
We offer Saussurea Lappa (costus). Scientific Name : Hemidesmus Indicus Part Used Root Habitat Found In Central India. Medicinal Value Dried roots constitute the drug Saussurea. Roots tonic, stomachic, carminative, and stimulant; used as a spasmodic in asthma and cough, and in rheumatism and chronic skin diseases. Roots contain an essential oil, alkaloid saussurine, and a bitter resin. Alcoholic extract of roots, containing both the essential oil and alkaloid, has been found effective in bronchial asthma particularly of vagotonic type. Roots used as incense and for protection of shawls from insects.
...moreSaffron (zafran)
We offer Saffron (zafran). Saffron (zafran) Scientific name: Crocus sativus Part Used Whole plant Habitat Saffron is a perennial and prefers well-drained soil with plenty of water and sun. Medicinal Value Dried stigmas and tops off the styles consititute the saffron which contains Crocin, a yellow Glycoside; used as a colouring agent. Stimulant and Stomachic. Used as Sedative, Emmenagogue and Abortifacient. Used also as Spice, Flavouring And Perfume Agent.
...morePicrorhiza Kurroa (kutki)
We offer Picrorhiza Kurroa (kutki). Parts used Dried roots and rhizomes Habitat The herb originated in and continues to grow primarily in the Himalayan mountains. Medicinal Value Bitter Rhizomes having tonic as efficacious as Gentian. Also cholagogue And stomachic, laxative in small doses but cathartic in large doses; effective in dropsy. Contains picrorhizin, kutkin and other compounds.
...moreOx Gallstones
Emblica Officinalis (amla)
We offer Emblica Officinalis (amla). Part Used Fruits Medicinal Value Sour Fruits And Astrigent, Cooling Diuretic, Laxative. Eaten raw and cooked. Very rich source of Vitamin C. Increases appetite. Also used in hair dyes and shampoos. Seeds yield a fixed oil. Fruits, bark and leaves are rich in tannin; their tannin content being 28%, 8-21% and 22% respectively. Wood used for agricultural implements, poles, and inferior quality furniture.
We offer cedar. Cedar Scientific name: Cedrus spp. Habitat Throughout the world a variety of cedars grow and hence each variety has a typical type of climate that suits its growth. Medicinal Value It is believed that this herb is used in rituals to attracts money and is also used in purification and healing. Wood yields an essential oil called Cedarwood Oil, used in insecticides, perfumery, soaps, liniments, and as an adulterant of sandalwood and geranium oils; also used in microscopy. Wood, twigs, and fruits burnt as incense.
...moreBerberies Root
We offer Berberies Root. Small translucent red fruit of berberis vulgaris, an ornamental garden shrub. Barberries were much used both for their decorative qualities and for their pleasant sweet-sour flavour. The fresh berries in bunches were scattered over cooked meats. They were also candied, pickled, and made into jellies and syrups.
...moreAconitum Heterophyllum
We offer Aconitum Heterophyllum. Scientific name: Aconitum Heterophyllum Part Used Root Medicinal Value Contains Atisine, Heterastisine Heterophyllisine. Used for Hysterial, Throat Insfections, Dyspepsia, Vomiting, Abdominal Pain, Diabetes and Temperature.
...morecrude drugs
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