Allernil Ayurvedic Medicines
Herbal Medicines
Udvarthanam Treatment
Udvarthanam Treatment is a stimulating massage that uses a special herbal powder that helps to improve blood circulation and reduces cellulite accumulation. This treatment is beneficial for enhancing the skin texture. Udvarthanam Treatment is also known to break up fatty deposits and energize blood circulation in the body. In addition to this, Udvarthanam Treatment is known to remove excess heat from body, drawing fresh energy to the surface of the skin.
...moreBeauty Care Treatment
We offer high quality Beauty Care Treatment to our clients. In this treatment, an herbal cream is applied on the face and neck through a constant motion for duration of 30 minutes. After this, a gentle herbal steam is given, which offers a very good toning of facial muscles to induce relaxation and relief from problems such as acne and pimple.
...moreBasti Treatment
Basti Treatment involves the use of herbal extract of sesame oil and certain herbal products in a liquid base for the effective treatment of Vata disorder. Basti Treatment is used to relieve constipation, distention, fever, cold, problems such as kidney stone, backache and sexual disorder. This treatment restores the balance of body types, it increases weight in emaciated people and decreases weight in obese.
...moreNadi Swedana Treatment
Nadi Swedana Treatment is a localized treatment of steam with herbal. It is used to effectively cure body pain such as sore joints or muscles and to improve mobility and flexibility. This is a perfect therapy for people suffering from chronic pain such as tendonitis, shoulder or neck pain, frozen shoulder etc. In this treatment, fomentation is done through vapors generated through medicated decoction that is applied on the affected area with the help of a rubber tube.
...moreShirodhara Treatment
In Shirodhara Treatment, a wide mouthed vessel with a small hole at the bottom it hung on the head, such that the wick is about two inches above the forehead. In the vessel , special medicinal oil , milk etc are poured that provides a continuous stream to the upper part of the forehead. This treatment is used to eradicate nervous disorders, relieve headache and tensions, reduce should pain, prevent premature gray hairs etc.
...moreNasya Treatment
Among one of the 5 Panchkarma techniques, Nasya is an application of herbal substances into the nose. Nasya Treatment uses the sinuses to get deeper into the lung and detoxify the respiratory system. This treatment enhances sensory acuity, promotes clarity and happiness. In addition to this, Nasya clears nose and sinus obstruction and allows cleansing and flow of lymphatic fluid.
...moreAbhyangam Treatment
Abhyangam Treatment is an ancient holistic healing treatment that helps to detoxify the body, mind and spirit. Abhyangam Treatment is known to detoxify and reduce stress. This treatment uses Marma points and is essential for the prevention and correction of aging process, improvement of eyesight and nourishment of the body. In addition to this, Abhyangam Treatment promotes longevity of an individual.
...morePizhichil Treatment
Pizhichil Treatment is among the top rejuvenation treatment in Ayurveda. To say the least, it helps you become a young man again. In a Pizhichil Treatment, warm medicated oil is squeezed on a patient’s body from a cloth squeezed in a vessel containing oil. Pizhichil Treatment is an highly effective treatment for neurological ailments such as paralysis, muscle spam and diseases that affect the muscle.
...moreShirovasti Treatment
Shirovasti Treatment uses a special cap made out of leather that is placed on the head of the patient. A certain mixture of lukewarm herbal oil is poured into this cap. The oil is allowed to stay inside the cap for a period of 45 minutes to an hour and is then drained out. This treatment is known for its benefits against insomnia, neutralizing anxiety, depression, reducing hormonal imbalance and reducing travel stress.
...moreNetra Tarpana Treatment
Netra Tarpana Treatment, as the name suggests, refers to the nourishment or rehydration of eyes. This treatment uses a holistic approach to eye care. Just like any other rejuvenation treatment, it uses hot oil retention over a particular place of body. This process is used to smoothen and rejuvenate the surrounding eye muscles and skin to initiate proper blood flow in these areas.
...moreKizhi Treatment
Kizhi Treatment involves the use of heated herbs and medicine that are tied in a small cloth bag and placed on the area that requires effective treatment. This treatment is followed by a massage on the same area, done through fingers, hands of the palm. This treatment is beneficial to cure sport injuries, spondylitis, swelling etc.
...morePinda Swedana Treatment
Pinda Swedana Treatment is a process in which the whole body is made to perspire. Perspiration helps to remove toxins from the body. This treatment is done through an external application of medicinal boluses that is tied to a small cloth bag (pottali or pinda). Pinda Swedana Treatment is used to cure problems such as Paralysis, Poliomyelitis, Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc.
...moreVashpa Swedanam Treatment
Vashpa Swedanam Treatment is a unique Ayurvedic Treatment, where medicinal plants are boiled and the resulting steam is passed throughout the body. Vashpa Swedanam is helpful in removing impurities from the body. In addition to this, it helps in reducing fat and cure skin related diseases. Vashpa Swedanam Treatment helps in reducing laziness, increase flexibility of joints and improve the appearance of the skin.
...moreHridaya Basti Treatment
Hridaya Basti Treatment as the name suggests is an excellent treatment for removing heart problems. In such a treatment, the heart area is continuously bathed with Ayurvedic Oils. The benefit of Hridaya Basti Treatment is that it helps in relieving nervousness, anxiety and fear. In addition to this, Hridaya Basti Treatment helps in lowering other heart related ailments such as high blood pressure etc.
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