350 Per 60 capsule
Introduction : Rumon capsule has all the ingredients which specially work on soft tissues and joints. It removes all the types of stiffness from big and small joints. It also removes swelling from the affected part. All the ingredients are powerful anti-rheumatic drugs. Medical Description : Sinhad Guggulu :This is one of the best medicines for arthritis as it dissolves all the doshas specially vat and avoids friction of the bones by the deficiency of synovial. Trayodashang Guggulu :It is useful in all the knee doshsa and cures backache, Lumber pain and joint pain. Mahayograj Guggulu :This medicine is the best in curing vatic disorder and also works as a Rasayan. It diminishes “vayu” from the painful joints and sets the joints free. It works excellently in rheumatic arthritis too. Punarnava Guggulu :It removes the “aam” Indigested food products from all the channels and also works as a diuretic removes body toxins through urine. It diminishes swelling from the limbs and body. AshwangadhaGhan :It helps to control vat in all the effected parts and supports the weaker parts from getting fractured or misbalances. Nirgundi Ghan :This helps to pacify vayu from particular vat affected area. Rasna Ghan :Rasna is one of the best vayunashak medicines. It releases the joist from vayu and makes the mobility free from pain and swelling. Brahmi Ghan :Brahmi is a active ingredient in absorbing vayu and pitta. Hence it works combine to set free the joints. And also it frees the joints from aam and makes the movement of the affected part freely. Pipli Mool :It exerts pressure on other medicines working on the doshas and aam to reduce the swelling in arthritis. Shankha Bhasma : It helps in digestion of aam that is mucus and thereby eradicates aam from all the main channels of the body. It also helps in hyperacidity and flatulence and provides calcium for bones. Chopchini : It helps to reduce blood urea and controls pitta which causes the major problem in the body. Indications : Rheumatoid Arthritis, Synovial Arthritis, Lumbago, Frozen Shoulder, Sciatica, Neuritis, Gout, Sprain, Chronic backache. Dosage : Two capsules thrice a day with water or milk. Packaging : 10 x10 capsule strip in one pack & 30 capsule packing.