cooling tower gearboxes
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Elecon has already manufactured several sizes of gear boxes for cooling tower application which are designated as KBVCT. These are two stage gear boxes having 1st stage out of spiral bevel pair duly case hardened and lapped with another helical pair with case hardened and ground. Normally output shaft is vertically upward which takes the dynamic thrust of fan as well as dead weight of the same by virtue of thrust bearing which is provided in the gear box.
cooling tower gearboxes
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These are two stage gear boxes having 1st stage out of spiral bevel pair duly case hardened and lapped with another helical pair with case hardened and ground. Normally output shaft is vertically upward which takes the dynamic thrust of fan as well as dead weight of the same by virtue of thrust bearing which is provided in the gear box.
Best Deals from Cooling Tower Gearbox
cooling tower gearboxes
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Elecon has already manufactured several sizes of gear boxes for cooling tower application which are designated as KBVCT. These are two stage gear boxes having 1st stage out of spiral bevel pair duly case hardened and lapped with another helical pair with case hardened and ground. Normally output shaft is vertically upward which takes the dynamic thrust of fan as well as dead weight of the same by virtue of thrust bearing which is provided in the gear box.
Cooling Tower Gear Boxes
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These are two stage gear boxes having 1st stage out of spiral bevel pair duly case hardened and lapped with another helical pair with case hardened and ground. Normally output shaft is vertically upward which takes the dynamic thrust of fan as well as dead weight of the same by virtue of thrust bearing which is provided in the gear box.
cooling tower gearbox
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