GJ6 Lite Micro Supplement Powder
253 Per Kilogram
500 Kilogram (MOQ)
This product fulfills micro nutrients and also stimulates the growth of leaves and improves color of chlorophyll, and also enhances the tolerance of flower. It enhances the carbohydrates, metabolism, protein synthesis and growth of roots. It is very important for the protection and growth of flower. And also performs important role in metabolism of plants. GJ 6 is a combination of seaweed extract with various natural plant sap (contains Natural Occurring Hormones, Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes & various Phytochemicals), Natural macro & micro nutrients along with Humic Acid, Fulvic Acid & range of Acids with unique nutrient formulation. Dosage Recommendations: Soil – 40 kg/acre Drip – 20 kg / acre Foliar Spray – 0.4 – 1 Kg/ acre (Spray at 7-10 days interval)(For Horticulture Crops Spray at 15-20 days interval) General Dose - 4 - 8 g / liter Main Usage: Fulfills the Micro nutrients, improves immunity, quality and production High Performance Seaweed Extract Micro Supplement Specialist.