Saru Enterprise Amul Dairy Road, Anand, Gujarat

GST Number : 24BDJPP3951J1Z9
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  • Trichoderma Viride

    Trichoderma Viride

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    Trichoderma viride (2 x 10” cfu/gm. Minimum) Talc based formulation. Trichoderma viride is an antagonistic fungal organism present in the soil and is highly effective for the control of seed and soil borne diseases of a. majority of economically important crops, especially pulses and oil seeds.This bio control agent when applied along with seed, colonizes the seed and multiplies on its surface. It kills not only the pathogens present on the surface of the seed but also gives protection against soil borne pathogens through the life of the crop by action of mycoparasitism and antibiosis. Seed treatment with Trichoderma viride has registered higher germination in a number of studies and was at par with “ Captan". It is effective for control of soil borne diseases caused by Rhizoctonia solani, Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium spp; and is a very important weapon against diseases such as root rot, seedling diseases, charcoal rot, wilt, damping- off, collar rot, etc. The potential of Trichoderma viride in managing soil borne pathogens has been demonstrated in many crop diseases like seedling disease of cotton (Ramakrishna and Jeyarajan, 1986; Aagarsamy et al., 1987a and b) root rot of soyabean (Jharia and Khare-1986), root rot of Cowpea (Alagarasami Shivaprakasam. 1988), charcoal rot of sorghum (Sekhar and Analosur, 1986) and root rot of mung bean caused by Macrophomina phaseolina (Samiyyapan et. al, 1987).NICODERMA may also serve plants as a biofertilizer due to its Phophorus solubilizing activity and its ability to decompose organic matter into growth promotary humic matter, resulting in increased availability of micro nutrients to plants.Packaging 500g LDPE bag 1 kg LDPE bag

    Shelf Life : 1 Year

    Purity : 98%

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  • Trichoderma harzianum

    Trichoderma harzianum

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    Trichoderma harzianum (2 x 10” cfu/g min.) is an antagonistic fungus that is capable of hyperparasitizing pathogenic fungi. Its importance as a biocontrol agent is because it is able to ttack a large variety of phytopathogenic fungi responsible for major crop diseases, such as: Botrytis, Fusarium and Penicillium sp., R. solani, S.rolfsii and Phythium aphanidermatum. T-harz produces various metabolites such as several lytic enzymes, including a [3-1,3-glucanase, and antibiotics which control disease causing microbes. In addition it stimulates plant defense mechanisms.  T-harz increases the rate of plant growth and development by developing more roots which help the crops to become more resistant to drought. T-harz has an additional benefit of being able to solubilise phosphates and micronutrients.Packaging 500gm LDPE bag 1 kg LDPE bag

    Purity : 100%

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  • Pseudomoas Fluorescens

    Pseudomoas Fluorescens

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    Psedodomonas fluorescens (2 x 10” cfu/g min.) is a rhizosphere bacteria which protects plant roots against parasitic fungi such as Fusarium or Pythium as well as certain phytophagaous nematodes such as Meloidogynesps.Fungi such as alternaria cajani and curvularia lunata grow on plant surfaces causing disease and death of plants. Plant treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens can limit these fungi from growing and prospering. It is non-specific in its ability to protect plants and, once established, it works against several different pathogens while inducing systemic resistance in the host plant. Production of secondary metabolites plays an important role in plant disease suppression and PF produces substances like 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol, which is responsible for the anti-phytopathegenic and the biocontrol properties of PF.PF aggressively colonises the roots of the crop and suppresses disease by inhibiting phytopathogens in the soil or on the roots by competition and/or antagonism. It has shown potential benefits in bio-remediation against several strains of plant pathogens.

    Shelf Life : 1 Year

    Purity : 99%

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  • Plant Growth Promoter

    Plant Growth Promoter

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    A carefully researched biological concentrate, which can be readily diluted with water in a homogeneous, emulsifiable form ready for foliage spray in agriculture and horticulture crops. NICO PLUS contains fatty alcohol, bio stimulants and other growth factors having higher absorption capacity through foliage. It enhances growth in a natural way that allows plants to make better use of available moisture and plant nutrients. It also increases cell division and enlargement which can lead to better quality products. It provides the strength to withstand abiotic and biotic stresses like drought and diseases. It also reduces immature flower/ fruit dropping. NICO PLUS increases the photosynthetic rate and the rate of translocation in a crop plant, thus improving its harvest index. lt should be applied early in plant ontogeny to get the maximum effect. NICO PLUS exhibits higher chlorophyll content. It yields higher numbers of transplantable seedlings while maintaining the same degree of seedling greenness.Dosage Mix 5 ml per litre of water. 1st Spray : 30-35 days after sowing. 2nd Spray : 55-60 days after sowing or at the onset of flowering. Typically 400-600  of spray soiution is required per ha. Packaging 1000 litre tank 200 litre barrel 5 litre carboy 1 litre plastic bottle 500 ml. plastic bottle

    State : Liquid

    Packaging Size : 1 Kg Bag

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  • Paecilomyces Lilacinus

    Paecilomyces Lilacinus

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    Paecilomyces lilacinus (2 X 108 ¢lU/8m- mlmmum) (Mother culture: Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore) Talc based Formulation. Paecilomyces lilacinus has been one of the principal genera of importance in bio-control studies in recent years. Paecilomyces lilacinus, a bio-control fungus, protects the root system against diseases caused by plant parasitic nematodes, specifically root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.), reniform nematodes (Rotylenchulus reniformis), burrowing nematodes (Radopholus similes) and citrus nematodes (Tylenchulus semipenetrans). These nematodes infect agricultural and horticultural crops of economic importance. This bio-agent colonizes the root surface and is an antagonistic fungus, strongly parasitic to eggs and egg-masses of plant parastic nematodes. BIONICONEMA can destroy upto 90% of eggs and 75%-80% of egg- masses of nematodes. Therefore, after one tor two applications, you observe a plummeting fall in the nematode population. This is because few eggs survive to hatch new generations.Packaging 500gm LDPE bag 1 kg LDPE bag

    Shelf Life : 12 Months

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  • Organic Nicoderma

    Organic Nicoderma

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    Purity : 100%

    Shelf Life : 2 Years

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  • Nutrient Mobilizing Liquid Biofertilizers

    Nutrient Mobilizing Liquid Biofertilizers

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    BioAll has the unique ability to enrich the soil with Nitmgen, Phosphorous and Potash. It efficiently fixle atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizes insoluble ans chemically fixed phosphates and has the abilit mobilize and solubilize soil potash and potash compounds thus making all three of these essential nutrients available to the plant in a ready available form. lt also enhances the availability of Mn, Mg, Fe, Mo, Bo, Zn and Cu,amongothers, in the soil.Bio All provides the major nutrients (NPK) to the soil which results in higher yield. BioAll produces certain growth promoting substances such as Thiamine, lndol and Acetic Acid which help impart resistance to the plant from plant pathogens such as Alternaria and Fusarium. It produces organic acids like Citric, Tartaric, Nlalic which increase the availability of phosphates in the rhizosphere.

    Application : Agriculture

    State : Liquid

    Purity : 100%

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  • Nitrification Inhibitors

    Nitrification Inhibitors

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    N-GUARD is a unique oleoresin formulation based on a blend of five different natural materials, including biologicals. It helps maximize the Nitrogen Use Efficiency of nitrogenous fertilizers like Urea, while minimizingthe loss of Nitrogen by virtually eliminating the risk of volatility, nitrification and leaching. The Epinimbin in N-GUARD has maximum nitrification inhibition potency followed by Desacetylnimbin, Salannin, Desacetylsalannin, Azadirachtin and Nimbin.A large percentage of the Nitrogen in nitrogenous fertilizers such as Urea is lost due to the action of nitrifying bacteria and ammonification This leads to ow fertilizer use efficiency and also proves to be an environmental hazard because of nitrate leaching.What happens to Nitrogen post-application? When Urea is applied to the soil only approximately 33% is actually utilized by the plant. Once applied, Urea hydrolyses rapidly to Ammonium Carbonate. This Ammonical form of Nitrogen is subsequently converted to Nitrite (NO2)and then to Nitrate(NO3) by the action of nitrifying bacteria viz. Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter respectively. The processes of hydrolysis and nitrification of Urea "fertilizer is, to a large extent, completed in about 15-20 clays under conducive agro-climatic conditions, 51,-‘Ce tha duration of most cultivated crops extends beygnd 9O_ 100 days, nitrates formed as a result of the relatively rapid hydrolysis and nitrification of Urea - being highiy soluble and in excess of the limited quantities required by crops at their early stages of growth - are liable to leach beyond the active root zone. Therefore, apart from being directly responsible for a huge monetary loss, it is also an underground environmental hazard through nitrate leaching and ammonification. This gives rise to ground water contamination which poses a serious threat to the environment and human health. This problem can be considerably alleviated by treating such nitrogen fertilizers  with N-GUARD. In order to ensure the continuous and optimal supply of Nitrogen to match the requirements of crOP5 at different stages of growth it is necessary t0 Iegulate the Nitrogen Supply to crops by slowing " the late of hYdF0lysis or nitrification or both. The antibacterial properties of Neem have been found to help nitrification inhibition. We significance of Neem in increasing fertilizer Nitrogen efficiency has been studied extensively. Results of the effect of Neem coating or blending of prilled Urea are available from a large nurnber of experiments on several crops. Experiments on rice, in which losses of nitrogen are reported to be the most, reveal that the increase in rice yield due to Neem coating/blending of prilled urea ranged from 0.9% to 54.2%. Packaging 1000 litre tank 200 litre barrel 5 litre carboy 1 litre plastic bottle 500 ml. plastic bottle

    Other Names : Corrosion Inhibitor

    Purity : 90%

    Application : Industrial

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  • Neem Seed Fertilizer

    Neem Seed Fertilizer

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    ORGO NEEM is a natural organic fertilizer approved for use in organic systems by Drganic Farmers & Growers (UK), OMRI (USA) and EcoCert. It has shown tremendous potential as a fertilizer and is widely used for sustainable agriculture as well as horticulture application. When ploughed into or mixed with the soil, ORGO NEEM acts naturally as a broad spectrum defense mechanism working against a wide variety of phytonematodes and soil borne insect-pests, thereby improving root development and, in turn, plant growth and yield. This dual activity of ORGO NEEM as a’fertilizer and a pest repellent has made it a favoured input and it is widely used in the cultivation of cash crops.Details lt is a wholly organic plant food which increases  productivity, soil fertility and soil health. The application of ORGO NEEM to crops provides them with various essential nutrients and prevents and treats ailment disorders of plants due to the lack or imbalance of nutritious trace elements. It helps to increase the uptake of nutrients by the plant and improves yield as the nutrients are released into the soil uniformly and over a longer period of time unlike in the case of conventional fertilizers. It is active in increasing growth and foliage, resulting in rich blossoming and strengthening of the roots, all of which help to improve the general appearance and quality of fruits and vegetables. It protects the crop against damage caused by soil insect-pests, fungi, bacteria and nematodes by way of reducing the numbers of such pathogenic organisms. Studies conducted by the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore, have shown that an application of Neem seed fertilizer on nursery beds can reduce Root-knot and Reniform nematodes by more than 80%, thus resulting in healthy and vigorous seedlings/saplings. In protecting young plants from insect-pests, ORGO NEEM allows them to grow sufficiently and build their natural defenses and augments them with its nutritional and pest repellent properties. It can also reduce alkalinity in the soil by producing organic acids when mixed with the soil. The calcium and magnesium present in italso assist in reducing alkalinity. It acts as an excellent nitrification inhibitor. By curbing the activity of nitrifylng bacteria like Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter, it reduces the nitrification rate which ensures availability and controlled release of Nitrogen required by the crop during its critical growth stage. Hence by blending with chemical fertilizers (UREA, DAR etc.), the use of these chemical fertilizers can be reduced by up to 30%. It boosts the population of beneficial micro flora and fauna in the soil. ORGO NEEM is safe for earthworms and, in fact, an increase of more than 20% in their population has been reported. Application Guidelines Working ORGO NEEM into the soil by ploughing and mixing with the soil gives better results than surface application. Apply with any standard fertilizer spreader and incorporate into top 10-'15 cm of soil. ORGO NEEM can be used by itself orcan be combined with chemical fertilizers or organic manures such as farm yard manure, poultry manure, compost, press mud, etc. Though we recommend mixing at least 25- 50% of ORGO NEEM, even as little as 10% shows excellent results. The quantity of chemical fertilizers can gradually be reduced. It can also be combined with potting compost for better results. FormulationAvailable in pellet form, granulated and as a coarse powder Packaging 1 ton jumbo bag % 50 kg HDPE/ LDPE bag 25 kg HDPE/ LDPE bag For gardens 8 kg plastic bucket 2 kgplastic bucket 2 kg Cardboard box

    Application : Agriculture

    Cultivation Type : Organic

    Packaging Type : Plastic Bag

    Standard : Bio Grade

    Moisture : 0-10%, 10-20%

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  • Neem Oil

    Neem Oil

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    Grade : Superior

    Form : Liquid

    Extraction Type : Cold Process

    Packaging Type : Packed in bottles

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  • Natural Nematicides

    Natural Nematicides

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    A novel granular pesticide of botanical origin, used for the control of soil borne pests including nematodes. It i5 recommended for soil application. The active ingredients include a careful blend of neem seed constituents collectively called neem bitters. They are coated or absorbed on to a selective carrier material of agricultural origin, so that the persistency and stability of the active compound is enhanced in this medium. The mode of action is both systemic and contact type.Advantages Can be used as a substitute for Methyl Bromide for nematode management. Can be used as a component in Integrated Pest Management(|PM). Ready to use. (No mixing required!) Safer to handle as particles settle quickly and there IS no spraying. Q Requires simple application equipment, such as seeders or fertilizer spreaders. Moe persistent than wettable powders (WPs) or emulsifiable concentrates (ECs). The chemical pesticide Carbofuran is widely used to control nematodes. However, Carboturan has a very short effective period, moreover it is banned in many countries because of its adverse effect on the environmentand its inherenttoxicity. Details A botanicai pesticide, NEEMATE-10G is free from the toxicity of Carbofuran. Comparative bio-efficacy of NEEMATE-1 OG and Carboturan for control of root-knot nematode in chick pea (3 years mean).

    Application : Control Bacteria

    Purity : 100%

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  • Micronutrient Mobilizing Liquid Biofertilizers

    Micronutrient Mobilizing Liquid Biofertilizers

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    BioMicro, a biological mix, is capable of mobilizin *5 Iron, Zinc and Sulphur and making them available to the plant. This combination of selected and compatible bacteria acts to give essential micronutrients to the plant. lron mobilizing bacteria efficiently make iron availableto the plant. The metabolites secreted by microorganisms into the soil as strong chemical reagents and the activities of microbial enzymes are principal factors in this process.5ulphur Mobilizing bacteria mobilize Insoluble and chemically fixed sulphates and make them available to the plant, Zinc mobilizing bacteria - play an important role in increasing the availability of Zn in soil, thus enhancing Zn accumulation. It fortifies the soil with bacterial metabolites . BioMicro produces many organic acids like Ferric acid, Nicotinic acid, Tartaric like Ferric acid, Nicotinic acid, Tartaric acid, Mallic acid etc. resulting in an overall increase ii the availability of important micronutrients in the rhizosphere.

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  • Liquid Plant Growth Stimulants

    Liquid Plant Growth Stimulants

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    BIO ORGO represents a Formidable advance in harnessing bio-chemical growth stimulants for the benefit of agriculture, floriculure and horticulture. it beneft micronutrients provide ready bio-availability of these vital elements to the growing plantfor better yield. Amino acids and peptides provide ready nutrition to microorganisms inducting more of Nitrogen fixation and Phosphorus solubilization. A Potash rich formulation is a good source for improving  crop quality. Presence of natural PGR in the formulation available during the early stages of plant growth (before it is able to produce its own supply), also helps to develop healthy crop-stand on the field. All these factors result in a stout plant which resists insect-pests and diseases, early crop maturity, improved crop quality and higher yield. Fruit and vegetable crops when grown with BIO ORGO have shown improved fruit set and retention. For example, tomatoes and watermelons have a higher content of soluble solids. Onions can maintain their quality over a longer period. As for roses (especially the hybrid variety), the Planl has bearing with biggerflowersize than normal. Packaging 1000 litre tank 200 litre barrel 5 litre carboy 1 litre plastic bottle 500 ml. plastic bottle

    Purity : 99%

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    Numerous studies have shown Karanj oil to prevent many pests from feeding and laying eggs and to kill pests such as mites, aphids and leafminer larvae. It shows excellent efficacy as a stored grain protectant and is known to act synergistically with Neem. Karanj oil may also be used as a base for blending other botanicals to provide a broad spectrum of pesticidal activity. The active ingredient, karanjin, is known for its outstanding anti-fungal activity. Karanj oil also contains several fatty acids which help increase soil quality.Karanj oil has shown strong control of Aphids in several university trials. The oil has a high content of triglycerides, and its disagreeable taste and odor are due to bitter flavonoid constituents, pongamin and karanjin, which stimulate plant immune function. It lasts longer on plants than other botanical insecticides. Furthermore, Karanj, makmgiteasy omix Karanj Cake is an excellent organic fertiliser, being a rich source of organic matter and helping alleviate soil health and boost productivity. Can be used as a ingredient in ‘organic' NPK blends: When mixed with NPK fertiliser complexes, Karanj acts as an excellent source of organic matter, helping increase plant nutrient uptake and improve soil characteristics. Karanj also has proven nematicidal properties.

    Application : Cooking

    Cultivation Type : Common

    Shelf Life : 1year

    Packaging Type : Glass Bottels

    Feature : Fine Purity, Freshness, Good Quality

    Packaging Size : 100ml, 200ml, 50ml

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  • Granulated Plant Growth Stimulants

    Granulated Plant Growth Stimulants

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    A granular product based on a specialized plant extract, rich in amino acids, humic acid and growth promoting substances as well as organically chelated  macro and micro nutrients.Mode of Action The growth promoting substances present in ORGOZYME are gradually released to the plant resulting in steady growth of the plant. Its application increases the activity of rhizosphere microbes as the product is rich in amino acids, peptides and micronutrients, especially Fe and Zn. Rhizosphere microorganisms induce Nitrogen fixation and Phosphorus solubilization. Humic acid chelated micro nutrients like Fe and Zn are readily available to the plants which results in increased productivity and improved quality of cereals, vegetables, fruits, flowering plants, cotton, sugarcane, tobacco and other crops. Being rich in potassium, it imparts resistance to plant against abiotic and biotic stresses. Special Features A ready to use granulated product which can be applied in nurseries as well as field crops. It can be applied with most pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Safe for crops, the soil and the environment. Application Guidelines In a nursery: Apply @ 125 kg/hectare 10-15 days after germination. In field crops: Apply @ 20 kg/ hectare at 30 and 60 days of crop growth. Packaging 25 kg HDPE bags 4 kg HDPE bags 8 kg Plastic Bucket

    Purity : 99%

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  • Botanical Pesticides

    Botanical Pesticides

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    Purity : 100%

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  • botanical fungicides

    botanical fungicides

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    NEEM-F is an oil based formulation for control and prevention of fungal diseases such as sheath blight, anthracnose, black spot, powdery mildew and rust. Neem-F prevents fungal spores from penetrating plant tissue and slows the advance of fungal diseases.Mode Of Action It has both antisporulent and a fungistatic action. The mycelial growth is arrested and sclerotial germination of causal organism is prevented. This results in reduced fungal growth and development, thus making the product effective for curative action. Active IngredientsAzadirachtin, Salannin and Nimbin.Special features Does not leave any residue in the soil, crop or the environment (highly bio-degradable). Reduces chances of cross-resistance by pathogens thus rendering it suitable for IPM programmes. Has a waiting period of O days for crop harvest after its spraying. ls an economical product for disease management. Can be used both as a preventive and a curative fungicide. ls safe for crops, the soil and the environment. ls atruly environmentfriendly product. Application Guidelines The eniulsiliable concentrate can easily be diluted with water‘ to make a colloidal suspension which should be sprayed on the crop. Being oil based it is recommended that NEEM- F be diluted with water in a separate container befo refilling into spray pump. In order to avoid clogging of spray pumps, do not leave any left over mixture in it. Mix a fresh batch for each application. In case of rain after spraying of NEEM-F, re-apply the dose. As NEEM-F is photodegradable it is advisable to spray the mixture during evening hours. For 100% organic NEEM-F the natural emulsifier is sold separately and can be mixed with water along with NEEM-F. Packaging 1000 litre tank 200 litre barrel 5 litre carboy 1 litre plastic bottle 500 ml. plastic bottle Storage Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight

    Wettability : Within 30 seconds in water.

    Shelf Life : 2 years

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  • Blended Organic Fertilizer

    Blended Organic Fertilizer

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    ORGO is made by scientifically blending naturalorganic substances in such a way as to provide thenutrients and micronutrients necessary for crop growth and soil health/fertility. Nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulphur, Calcium, Magnesium as well as Iron, Zinc, Copper, etc are contained in ORGO. With an organic content of 65% (minimum), ORGO performs the important function of preserving the organic, chemical and physical characteristics of the soil. The fertility of the soil increases and it becomes soft and porous. The humidity is also protected. ORGO can be used by itself or can be blended with conventional fertilizers to augment the results and improve soil fertility.ORGO has a three tier effect on soil Supplies Nutrients Protects soil health Conditions Soil It increases enzymatic activity in the plant giving rise to increased chlorophyll synthesis. This results in Lush Green Growth in the plant which increase; solar energy utilization and thus boosts the net photosynthesis and crop growth at key stages. A natural growth promoter present in ORGO helps to enhance plant growth in a natural way. This allows plants to make sufficient use of available moisture and plant nutrients to enhance crop growth at key stages. ORGO minimizes the use of synthetic pesticides because of the presence of natural repellents in its formulation and due to the presence of bio-active oil cakes of Neem, Castor and Kara nj. ORGO contains some natural soil nitrification inhibitors like Epinimbin (Neem Cake) and Karanjin (Karanj Cake). These bio-chemicals minimize nitrification, leaching and run off. ORGO remains in the root-zone for a longer time. therefore plants can make more efficient and effective use of available nutrients. Its use leads to consistently improved crop yields from 5-25% or more.Uging ORGO in the fertilizer mix (suggested dose 50:50) reduces the need for split application of inorganic/chemical fertilizers, thus assuring overall economy in production as well as minimizing environmental pollution through leaching loss and ground water contamination. The use of ORGO helps produce a good harvest, particularly of fruits and vegetables which are nutritionally superior, taste better, have good lustre & better keepingquality.Application Guidelines Recommended as a basal dose followed by a 2" application in mid season. Working ORGO into the soil by ploughing and mixing with the soil gives better results than surface application. Apply with any standard fertilizer spreader and incorporate into the top 10-‘I 5 cm of the soil. ORGO can be used by itself or can be combined with chemical fertilizers or other organic fertilizers such as farm yard manure, poultry manure, compost, etc. The quantity of chemical fertilizers may be reduced gradually. ORGO can also be combined with potting compost for good results. A soil application of ORGO combined with NICODERMA (Trichoderma viride 1%w.p) or BIONICONEMA (Paecilomyces lilacinus 1%w.p) helps to manage soil borne pathogens and nematodes. Formulation Available in pellet form, granulated and as a coarse powder  Packaging 1 ton jumbo bag 50 kg HDPE /LDPE bag 25 kg HDPE/LDPE bag For Gardens 8 kg plastic bucket 2 kg plastic bucket 2 kg cardboard box

    Application : Agriculture

    Cultivation Type : Organic

    Packaging Type : Plastic Bag

    Standard : Bio Grade

    Moisture : 0-10%

    Packaging Size : 25kg, 50kg

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Exporters
  • Secondary Business Type Service Providers
  • Year of Establishment 1900
  • No. of Employees Below 20
  • Ownership Type Corporation/Limited Liability Company
  • GSTIN Number 24BDJPP3951J1Z9

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Established in year 1900, Saru Enterprise is Exporters of [Soil Additives & Fertilizers] - Blended Organic Fertilizer, Granulated Plant Growth Stimulants, Liquid Plant Growth Stimulants, Neem Seed Fertilizer, Nutrient Mobilizing Liquid Biofertilizers, [Pesticides & Insecticides] - botanical fungicides, Botanical Pesticides, Micronutrient Mobilizing Liquid Biofertilizers, Nitrification Inhibitors, Paecilomyces Lilacinus, [Edible Oils] - KARANJ OIL, Neem Oil from Anand, Gujarat.
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Contact Information

Saru Enterprise

  • Mr. Umed Patil
  • new postal colony,, Amul Dairy Road, Anand, Gujarat