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Botanical name: myristica fragransFamily name : myristicaceae Nutmeg is unique in the sense that it yields another spice known as mace.It is dried arill which covers the shell.It is present as a yellow red to red soft broken layer that surrounds the seed.the reddish pigment is lycopene,which is the main pigment of tomato.Generally the myristicine content of mace is higher and the aroma ius regarded as superior to nutmeg. The mace being skinny, dries easily compared to kernel,nutmeg.Besides,Mace and nutmeg are dried separately in to two different spices.Mace gives 10 to 16% volatile oil. Mace and its oil are used in many foods where nutmeg is used.But being more costly it is used in more expensive foods.Mace’s strong aroma is similar to a combination of pepper&cinamon