Cold Rolled Coils
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Features : The widest cold rolling mill for automotive steel in India (Up to 1870 mm.) A cutting-edge continuous galvanizing line with dual pot system for GI and GA production. Higher strength products (up to TS 980 MPa), meeting the SEDDQ Grade. A seamless, automatic material storage, tracking, retrieval and transfer system. Proven global technology from SMS Siemag for PLTCM and JP Steel Plantech for CAL and CGL Continuous pickling line with 1.3 MTPA capacity; the supplier: Flat Products India Ltd. Twin stand 6-high reversing mill, with a 0.850 MTPA capacity; the supplier: SMS Demag, Germany Electrolytic cleaning line with a 0.6 MTPA capacity; the supplier: Flat Products India Ltd., India Automation by ABB Batch Annealing Furnaces; the supplier: Ebner, Austria 4-high single stand skin pass with a 0.875 MTPA capacity; the supplier: SMS Demag, Germany A higher reduction in finishing stands, with transfer bar thickness up to 55 mm.