Quality Bitumen Private Limited Aurangabad, Maharashtra

  • Shellmac PR Construction Material

    Shellmac PR Construction Material

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    Shellmac PR is an instant repair pre-mix for permanent repair of pot holes, cracks, depressions on the roads, it is ideally designed to withstand extreme temperatures and heavy traffic conditions,Shellmac PR cold mix consists of nominal aggregate size of 9.5mm down size.Shellmac PR incorporates specialty additives that impart unique performance properties to the mix. Features & Advantages of Shellmac PR Increased convenience and reduced cost of maintenance. Ready for immediate use with pre-mixed aggregates (cold technology) No heating or mixing or additions to the product before or after application Requires simple equipments such as hand brushes, shovel and a rammer. The use of roller is not necessary No pretreatment of repair areas is required i.e cuttingout, Use of tack coat Instant curing / setting partly by air-drying and partly by compaction All-weather usage product. Instant repair od roads with Shellmac PR can be made in monsoons & wet conditions, extremes of heat (60° C+) and cold conditions. Advantages & Benefits of Shellmac PR Eliminates necessity of plant & machinery at site Very fast setting as compared to other options After repair, the road can be immediately opened to heavy traffic reducing the traffic hold up time. No sticking/picking-up of material by vehicle tyres Highly stable at high pavement temperatures Highly resistant to stripping by water Offers high skid resistance Leads to no raveling, no bleeding, no depression / permanent deformation No wastage of material Minimum unskilled labour required Long service life of the repaired potholes No pollution during maintenance How to Use Shellmac PR Comes in convenient ready to use packing of 50kg net HDPE bags with inside LDPE liner Preparation prior to repair is minimal. For optimum results, remove standing water/loose debris/dust with a brush from the pothole. However, where this proved impossible, repairs have always remained in excellent condition Pour Shelllmac PR directly from the bag into the pothole and overfill by 10mm Where deep potholes are to be repaired, it is economical to first compact approximately 10mm Shellmac PR across bottom of pothole, then fill remaining cavity with 6/10 mm metal chips well compacted and then top with 25mm of Shellmac PR as a final course Compaction can be done using a simple hand rammer. for large repairs, using a roller shall ensure smooth/even compaction. Do not use plate compactor Cures instantly and compacts further with traffic Open to traffic immediately since it does not stick to tyres.

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Quality Bitumen Private Limited

  • Abdul Wahab Khan
  • No. 104, Sidharth Arcade, Opposite MTDC, Railway Station Road, Aurangabad, Maharashtra