Wheat Seeds
Crop Duration 100-102 days Plant Height 80-90 cm Grain Colour & Size-Attractive Golden, medium bold Special eatures-Soft & Tasty Chapati,higher market rates, more yield with minimum irrigations, resistant to rust.
...moreVegetable Seeds
Green Fields Seeds-Shop And Grow Vegetable And Fruits Seeds Perfect For Your Home Garden And Farmer, We Provide Tomatoes, Pepper, Onions, Beans, Cucumber, Carrot, Brinjal, Okra, Bottle Gourd, Sponge Gourd, Ridge Gourd, Bitter Gourd, Palak, Radish White, Coriander, Beet Root, Cauliflower, Peas, Corn, Dolicho Beans Etc.
...moreTomato Seeds
Semi-determinate plant habit, first picking 50-60 days after transplanting. 80-100 gms weight, flattish round, Suitable in high resistance form TLCV.
...moreSweet Corn Seeds
It is a Acidic Hybrids Plants are vigorous, Tall dererminatem good foliage, cover, medium late. Green shoulders, flat round 80-90 gms. Very firm, smooth, high yielding is tolerant to TLCV.
...moreSSG Jowar Seeds
Duration 100 - 110 days Dark Brown colour, round grains. High yield potential.
...moreSesame Seeds
Vigorous plant with branches Medium plant height Seeds colour is milky white 70-75 days maturity after sowing
...moreRidge Gourd Seeds
Early variety, vigorous plant. Resistance to downy mildew virus and fusarium with, highly resistance to moisture and heat. 45-55 cm length, 3-5 cm diameter, medium green colour, 350-400 gms weight. Good planting for maharastra, andhrapradesh, Karnataka and west Bengal.
...morePepper Seeds
Plant are vigorous,excellent early maturing hybrid Fruits are green colour, 13-14 cm length 2.5-3 c.m dia. Average weigh 30-35 gms with mild pungency Starts in 55-60 days after Transplanting
...morePalak Seeds
N-53 – is a bright red, high yielding variety. The bulbs are almost globe in shape. The flesh is very hard and pungent. The inner scales are also red. Specially recommended for early sowingl.
...moreOnions Seeds
N-53 – is a bright red, high yielding variety. The bulbs are almost globe in shape. The flesh is very hard and pungent. The inner scales are also red. Specially recommended for early sowingl.
...moreOkra Seeds
Vigous plant habit with short inter nodes and having good braching. Dark green colour glossy and thin fruits, 12-14 c.m length. Highly resistant for YVMV.
...moreMustard Seeds
Duration 100 - 110 days Dark Brown colour, round grains. High yield potential.
...moreMuskmelon Seed
Green Field Seeds is an exporter & supplier of superior quality Muskmelon Seeds that give high germination rate. The different varieties of Muskmelon Seeds that we offer are packed under the most hygienic conditions ensuring the presence of zero external contaminants. Our Seeds are widely used by the farmers and cultivators, our Muskmelon Seeds are appreciated for their organic cultivation, longer shelf life, freshness and insect-free attributes
...moreMusk Melon Seeds
A vigorous plant habit, cantaloupe segment hybrid, A very high. yielding variety. Maturity days are 55-65 days after sowing. Dense netting round to oval shape. Orange flesh 1.25-1.5 kg weight. 12-14 % sugar content, excellent variety for long ditstance. transportation. A very popolur hybrids in northern and southern India.
...moreMelon Seeds
Melon seeds, A vigorous plant habit, cantaloupe segment hybrid, A very high. yielding variety. Maturity days are 55-65 days after sowing. Dense netting round to oval shape. Orange flesh 1.25-1.5 kg weight. 12-14 % sugar content, excellent variety for long ditstance. transportation.
...moreMaize Seeds
Duration 95-100 days. Average plant height 250 to 260 cm. Attractive Orange yellow dent grain texture. Special Features–Excellent tip filling with uniform cobs. Yield–75 to 80 Q/ha.
...moreLucerne Seeds
Duration 75 - 80 days Average plant height 170 to 180 cm. Round medium bold grains with attractive colour. Tasty Roties Tolerant to downy mildew disease.
...moreHybrid Multicut Bajra
Duration 95-100 days. Average plant height 250 to 260 cm. Attractive Orange yellow dent grain texture. Special Features–Excellent tip filling with uniform cobs. Yield–75 to 80 Q/ha.
...moreGreen Gram Seeds
Duration 60 - 65 days Plant height – 55- 60 cm Pod – Medium Long , 10 -12 Seeds/ pod Seeds Colour – Deep Green 1000 Grain Weight – 40 gm. Special Character – Tolerant to Powdery mildew.
...moreFruit Seeds
It is prolific bearing with early maturity with first harvest starts from 45-50 days after Sowing. Fruits are 30-45 cm in length and 120-130 gm in weight. Fruits are thick spindle in shape, shiny dark green having thick tubercles on the surface.
...moreFodder Crops
Green Field Seeds - We Provide a supper quality seeds to Farmers or any Shopper, Hybrid Multicut Bajra, Types of Bajra, Lucerne Seeds, Alfalfa Seeds, Bajra Seeds, Exporter and Suppliers in India Etc.
...moreField Crops
GFS - Possess superior quality Bean seeds and also includes other Best seeds Like as Maize Seeds, Bajra Seeds, Best Bajra Seeds, Mustard Seeds, Seeds of Mustard, Green & Black Gram Seeds, Green Gram Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Best Sesame Seeds, Wheat Seeds, Wheat Seeds Suppliers & Exporters, Best Quality Wheat Seeds in India
...moreDolicho Beans Seeds
Determinate variety with compact plants, High yielding variety,processing and also used for fresh market Mature red fruits are square round in shape, 100-120 gms weight,maturity days 70-75 days after transplanting Widely adapted to hot days and cool nights and with stands extreme in temprature)
...moreCluster Bean Seeds
Cluster bean seeds, A very popular cowpea variety. First harvest in 45-50 days after sowing. Bushy plant, green colour pods. Continous picking 5-6 months after first plcking.
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