Air Pollution Control Equipment Dealers in Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore

(57 products available)
  • Air Blower

    Air Blower

    1,690 Per Piece

    We have hired quality auditors who keep a strict check on the quality of the raw materials and also check the inputs against varied quality parameters before procuring them. We understand how important packaging is. Therefore, we make sure our products ate packed properly, have smudge-proof labels and are aesthetic to look to lure in more customers. Specifications : Part No  - F012 860 0JD Input power - 600 W No-load speed - 0-16,000 rpm Air flow - 3.3 m3/min Variable speed - Yes Lock-on feature - Yes Dimensions without nozzle (L X H) - 300 X 200 mm Weight - 1.7 Kg Power cord length - 3 m

  • Centrifugal Air Blower

    Centrifugal Air Blower

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    • Certification: ISI Certified
    • Weight: 0-10kg
    • Driven Type: Electric
    • Warranty: 1year
    • Presssure: Medium Pressure
    • Material: Metal
    • Size: Standard

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  • Kitchen Fume Exhaust Systems

    Kitchen Fume Exhaust Systems

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    Kitchen Fume Exhaust Systems аrе an essential part оf уоur kitсhеn vеntilаtiоn system. Thеу еliminаtе odors аnd improve indооr аir quality. Cоmmеrсiаl kitchen fan is tо rеmоvе moisture аѕ wеll, whiсh inсrеаѕе thе humidity. High humidity саn cause mоld аnd bасtеriа grоwth that саn eventually lеаd to mаjоr health code viоlаtiоnѕ. A typical kitchen exhaust system consists of one or more hoods, connected to a centrifugal exhaust fan by a GI duct run. The hoods have grease filters to retain oil and other greasy particles. The hoods and grease filters are made of stainless steel. Thе twо tуреѕ of fаnѕ аrе impeller fаnѕ аnd blower fаnѕ. A rаngе of fаnѕ: Thiѕ will mоvе аir with blades that look like airplane propellers. A blower fаnѕ: Lооkѕ likе hamster whееlѕ – they are оftеn called ѕquirrеl саgе fаnѕ and аrе mоrе еffiсiеnt than imреllеr fаnѕ. Mоѕt соmmеrсiаl kitchen fume еxhаuѕt ѕуѕtеmѕ have an exhaust fаn, рiрing, аnd a hооd. Sоmе оf thе buildings hаvе сеntrаl exhaust ѕуѕtеmѕ, whiсh is one or more fans, drawing air ѕuсtiоn frоm thе еntirе building (or parts thеrеоf) with a network оf channels. KITCHEN FUME EXHAUST SYSTEM: HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST FOR RESTAURANT  Choose thе quiеtеѕt, most еnеrgу-еffiсiеnt fаn оr blоwеr in thе оrdеr оf magnitude iѕ needed. Mоѕt tаgѕ extractor and blower hаvе ratings so thаt you саn compare thе sound аnd fоrсе performance. Look fоr a fаn thаt hаѕ changeable соmроnеntѕ аnd реrmаnеnt lubriсаtiоn. A fаn ѕuitаblе for соntinuоuѕ ореrаtiоn is рrеfеrrеd. Bе rеаdу to рау mоrе for a quality fan.  Sеlесt lоw resistance (quiet) еxhаuѕt duсting. Clоѕе the jоintѕ аnd inѕulаting sections whiсh аrе саrriеd оut in unhеаtеd rooms. Plасе the hood when mоiѕturе will саuѕе dаmаgе tо exterior ѕurfасеѕ. If you hаvе hеаting instruments with сhimnеуѕ, mаkе ѕurе thаt thе fans will nоt саuѕе thе аррliаnсеѕ bасkdrаft. Inѕtаll the аррrорriаtе rеgulаtоrѕ. THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN SELECTING A COMMERCIAL KITCHEN FUME EXHAUST SYSTEM Noise: Lооk for a fаn titlеd ‘low noise’ оr ‘silent’ аnd сhесk thе HVI or db (decibels) rаting. If it iѕ not аррrесiаtеd, there iѕ a good сhаnсе thаt it will bе nоiѕу. Loud fаnѕ аrе generally оf inferior vаluе, uѕе mоrе electricity аnd dерrесiаtе until thеу ѕtор tо function. Fаn Power аnd аir flоw: Thеrе iѕ mоrе еnеrgу-еffiсiеnt thаn the selection of аn еnеrgу-еffiсiеnt fаn. Pipes can аffесt fаn performance. Un-insulated, undersized, оr drоору flеx рiреѕ, оr fоul bасkdrаft restraints and еxhаuѕt lоuvеrѕ саn сut rated аirflоw by more thаn fiftу (50) реrсеnt. Cleaning: Fans gеnеrаtе static electricity whiсh drаwѕ dirt likе an аttrасtiоn tо thе fаn and hоuѕing. Thе dirt саn ѕtimulаtе fungаl growth, аnd tо limit аir flоw.

  • Dust Collectors

    Dust Collectors

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    Features Modular construction, up to 1,150 m2 filter area in a single module, capacity range in excess of 1,000,000 m3h with multiple modules. Temperature rating up to 2500C Available in filter lengths from 1000 mm to 5000 mm Uses injector nozzle pulsing for most efficient online cleaning of filters, eliminates energy sapping conventional venturi and requires minimum pulsing at large intervals saving on compressed air energy. Laser cut bag holding plates and easy to install snap band filters ensure zero leakage, critical to emission control. Long lasting, light weight, spirally stiffened galvanized bag cages minimize deformations while handling & transport. Large & high capacity rotary airlocks with adjustable vane tips for dust discharge designed to operate under (-) 800 mmwc. High capacity screw conveyors for larger modules, designed to operate without hanger bearings for maintenance free operation.

  • Bag Filter

    Bag Filter

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    Based in Karnataka, we are entrusted with the task of supplying superior-quality Bag Filters to every nook & corner of the country. Procured from the entities with the proven track record, these Bag Filters are highly appreciated for their precise & innovative design and optimum filtration performance. Tested for flawlessness, we furnish ample specifications of these Bag Filters. For nominal pricing & on-time delivery, trust us!

  • Powertech Soldering Fume Extractor

    Powertech Soldering Fume Extractor

    110,000 Per Piece

    1 Piece (MOQ)

    • Brand Name: Powertech
    • Material: Metal
    • Application: Industrial
    • Feature: Best Material Used, Easy Maintenance, Good Qulality
    • Voltage: 220V
    • Type: Fume Exhausters
    • Warranty: 1 Yr
    • Country of Origin: India
    • Flow Rate: 250CMH
    • Automation Grade: Semi Automatic
    • Efficiency: 95%
    • Output Current: 0-100 Ampere
    • Frequency: 50 Hz
    • Suction Capacity: 250 CMH
  • FumeKiller - Fume Extractor

    FumeKiller - Fume Extractor

    100,000 - 10,000,000 Per piece

    1 Set(s) (MOQ)

    • Type: Fume Extraction Systems
    • Certification: ISO9001:2015
    • Application: Extracting Fume, Smoke, mist and fine dust
    • Weight: 250 - 2500kg
    • Color: Grey
    • Voltage: 220V, 440V
    • Condition: New
    • Automatic Grade: Automatic
    • Power: 9-12kwf
    • Driven Type: Electric
    • Warranty: 1year
    • Country of Origin: India
    • Brand Name: Fumekiller®
    • Material: Powder Coated MS / SS304
    • Efficiency: 95 - 98%
    • Current: 0.5amps and above
    • Extraction Capacity: 250 - 48000 Cubic Meters per Hour
    • Brand Name: Fumekiller®
  • Centrifugal Blowers

    Centrifugal Blowers

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    1 Piece(s) (MOQ)

    • Driven Type: Electric
    • Material : Mild Steel
    • Automatic Grade: Automatic
    • Application: Air Cooling, Air Ventilation
    • Voltage: 220V
    • Type: Centrifugal Blowers
    • Warranty: 1year

    Nominal data Type D2E146-AP47-22 Motor M2E068-EC Phase 1~ 1~ Nominal voltage VAC 230 230 Frequency Hz 50 60 Type of data definition ml ml Valid for approval / standard CE CE Speed min-1 2050 2550 Power input W 300 330 Current draw A 1.31 1.45 Motor capacitor µF 8 8 Capacitor voltage VDB 400 400 Capacitor standard P0 (CE) P0 (CE) Min. back pressure Pa 200 400 Min. ambient temperature °C -25 -25 Max. ambient temperature °C 30 25 

  • Ceramic Hydrocyclone

    Ceramic Hydrocyclone

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    • Application: Industrial
    • Diameter: 125-550 mm
    • Production Capacity: 99%, 11-600m3/h
    • Power: 24 kW
    • Feeding Pressure: 0.15 MPa
    • Colour: Lite Green

    Hydrocyclones are used in upstream oil production to separate solids from water or liquid hydrocarbon streams. They prevent the build-up of sand in separators and pipelines, which protects sensitive items such as export pumps and heat exchangers. The liquid-solid mixture is forced through an apparatus at the top of the hydrocyclone and the rotational motion causes dense sand particles to separate from the less dense liquid. The solid particles “fall down” the tube and the liquid is “forced up” the tube into a separate cavity. The hydrocyclone system is manufactured in alumina ceramic, which need to be robust to withstand severe abrasion caused by the rotational flow of the abrasive sand.Hydrocyclones are also used in water treatment as part of the in fracking process offering value in solid / liquid separation from produced water. There is increasing legislation to prevent discharge of solid-contaminated water and a cyclone process can be very effective to remove large solid contaminant from water as a pre-treatment.We manufacture robust ceramic hydrocyclones for efficient sand seperation in harsh environments for the oil and gas industry. The ceramic components are hard nonwearing and offer a long service life, reliably protecting downstream equipment enabling users to save costs associated with maintenance and replacement parts.These cyclones are manufactured from SS96 grade alumina as it has high mechanical strength and has been specially designed for wear applications. SS96 also offers high thermal stability and excellent corrosion resistance, enabling it to give high performance in harsh environments.These ceramic hydrocyclones are custom built in multiple sections using specially formulated joint technology and can be manufactured in a range of sizes from length 100 mm to 700 mm. We can offer ceramic cyclones from ½” up to 4” diameters. Components can be accurately machined to effectively separate particles as small as five microns in diameter, enabling innovative solutions in internal swirl shape and joining technology.We have the ability to manufacture high quality ceramic components with complex geometries and tight tolerances, enabling customers to effectively separate particles down to five microns in size.For more information on our ceramic hydrocyclones and how they can be used for your application, contact us today.

  • Hydrocyclones


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    A hydro cyclone is a device to classify, separate or sort particles in a liquid suspension based on the ratio of their centripetal force to fluid resistance. This ratio is high for dense (where separation by density is required) and coarse (where separation by size is required) particles, and low for light and fine particles. Hydro cyclones also find application in the separation of liquids of different densities. Hydro cyclones are highly desired because of their: Reclaim valuable ores by separating light and heavy minerals such as gold, copper and iron ore from feed and tailings In pulp and paper mills to remove sand, staples, plastic particles and other contaminants. Wash and classify material easily Relatively Low cost Large capacity per unit area Simple Structure and High Volume Amenability to computerized control    

  • Bag Filter

    Bag Filter

    20,000 Per Piece

    • Features: Reliability, Efficiency, Precise designing
    • Condition: New
    • Usage/Application: Industrial
    • Automation Grade: Semi Automatic
    • Is It Portable: Portable
    • Vessel Height: 500-800 mm
    • Flow Rate: 3000-4000 m
    • Vessel Diameter: 200-400 mm
  • Welding Fume Extractors

    Welding Fume Extractors

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    Welding fumes can be captured and controlled using specialised welding fume extractors marketed under the brand name Fumekiller™. These fume extractors are available in a wide range of suction capacities starting from 1000 cu mtrs per hour (CMH) to 6000 cu mtrs per hour (CMH) as standard, fitted with our self balanced fume extractor arm. The welding fume extractors work on the principle of electrostatic filtration and can control all types of welding fumes. One large capacity Fumekiller™ equipment may be used for multiple welding stations for the capture and control of fumes. This product is extensively used for removal of fumes from specific generating sources such as: TIG/ MIG welding Arc Welding Plasma Welding Soldering Dip tinning These fume extractors are fitted with self-balanced extractor arms of various lengths for added flexibility in capture of welding fumes from generating sources. Centralised fume extractors can be supplied upto 1,00,000 CMH suction capacity in modular form

  • dust separator

    dust separator

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    Luwa's Dust Separator is an automatic dust separator system which removes dust and fibres, along with discharge and compacting of waste. The unit requires no maintenance at all as it has an automatic cleaning mechanism and very small waste discharge. Technical Details  Raw material: cotton, blends, synthetic, etc. Application: for textiles and non-wovens   Key Features  Dust is separated using air cyclone The filter cartridges charged with dust are automatically blown off Waste is automatically conveyed to a disposal station Waste is compacted by a worm shaft which is controlled by a pneumatic cylinder

  • Nomex Filter Bag

    Nomex Filter Bag

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    The nomex filter bags are manufactures from the nomex staple fiber. The nomex filter bag works efficiently at the high temperature, up to 240°c. It is fire retardant filter bag. It is anti corrosive filter bag contains the anti-acid and anti-alkali properties. Nomex filter bags are also consist of the good abrasion resistance. It is anti break filter bag having low pressure drop.

  • Non Woven Filter Bag

    Non Woven Filter Bag

    440 Per Piece

    • Material: Non Woven
    • Thickness: 3 Mm
    • Country of Origin: Made in India
    • Brand Name: 3 Madhura
    • Usage/Application: Dust Filter
    • Diameter: 180 mm
    • Length: 6 mtrs
    • Head Shape: Round
  • Fume Extractor

    Fume Extractor

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    We are offering fume extractor. Power tech is not a new name in the industry. It is well known company into pollution control which manufactures fume extractors of utmost quality in india. The fume extractor’s brand name fumekiller ® is a renowned brand in the market. The company has even got fame in the international market as it not only manufactures the product but also exports it. The suction capacities of the fume extractors are quite high and ranges from 250 cubic meters hour (cmh) to 8000 cubic meters per hour (cmh).

  • Dust Collection Bag Filter

    Dust Collection Bag Filter

    48,000 Per Unit

    • Material: Stainless Steel
    • Frequency: 50 Hz
    • Automation Grade: Automatic
    • Dimensions: 850(H) x 400 (W) x 360 mm
    • Capacity: 500 to 1000 Cu mtr per hour
    • Surface Treatment: Color Coated


  • Bag Filters

    Bag Filters

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    We are offering bag filters aircon bag filters are a cost effective dust extraction system designed and engineered to meet the stringent laws of pollution control. With the users becoming more and more aware of the importance of environmental hygiene, there has been a change in the outlook of industries towards keeping the place of work dust and pollution free. The vision of law enforcing authorities also has altered drastically in the last few years, making the regulations on industrial emissions more and more stringent. The regulations on emissions for iso and other certifications also have accelerated the momentum of achieving clean working environment in factories. Mild steel bag filters have distinct advantages on many others, by having accessibility to the latest technology in environmental engineering. Engineered to suit any applications. Aircon bag filters offer the best and cost-effective solution in industrial ventilation. Every finer aspect of the problems on the shop floor is studied in detail, by a competent team of qualified design and application personnel, before making any offer, needless to say that, engineered to such a fineness and perfection, aircon bag filters offer the optimum efficiency in dust extraction. the other prominent features and advantages of going for aircon mild steel bag filters are: * efficient in performance * advanced features in design * options of power saving by selecting fans with optimum power consumption * construction in m s / ss and other material also to withstand chemical corrosion * built in with spiracages, eliminating the damage of costly bags on account of failure of welding * hardware and bought out items like motor, electrical parts etc. Of most reputed make with manufacturer's performance warranty * one year warranty covering all manufacturing defects and error in workmanship who could benefit from aircon bag filters: * chemical plants process industries food, industries cement, fertilizer plants * ceramic paper crushing plants * industries generating dust and engaged in crushing of solids and handling bulk solids.

  • Dust Extraction System

    Dust Extraction System

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    The casing of Rotary Polygon Screen will be fabricated from 3 mm thick m.s. sheets suitably reinforced with rolled steel sections. The bottom part of the casing will be rectangular in the shape while the top part will be pentagonal or hexagonal in shape and bolted to the bottom part. Removable panels/doors will be provided in the top part of the casing for inspection purpose. A feeding/receiving chute will be provided at one end of the top part to receive sand from conveyor, elevator or similar feeding device. Provision will be made in the top part of the casing in the form of circular opening for connection to dust extraction system. The main driving shaft of mild steel will be carried at each end in externally lubricated self aligning ball bearing blocks. Keyed to the shaft will be m.s. or cast iron hexagonal hubs fixed to which will be m.s. radial arms on which will be bolted the frame carrying replaceable wire mesh screen. Product ranges from capacity of 10 tons/hr to 80tons/hr. For removal of large pieces of scrap and hard lumps of sand etc. which cannot pass through the wire mesh screen and which travel right through to the end of the screen, suitable reject opening will be provided. Drive will consist of  motor with gearbox . Necessary sheet metal steel guards will be provided over the coupling. 

  • Centrifugal Blowers

    Centrifugal Blowers

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    Koshyma offers a wide range of latest generation centrifugal fans with tested and proven design and performance. The impellers are backward curve, aerofoil with stright blades. Highly efficient with less noise by virtue of blade design & volute casing. Well designed to meet high static pressures and high volumes, Our centrifugal fan's  handle higher dust concentrations, our fans airflow range up to 3,20,000 m3 / hr and Pressure up to 950 mm. The material of construction is optimal such as Mild Steel, rubber lined, FRP and Stainless Steel to suit their applications. Special wear-resistant lining is done to handle high abrasive dusts. All fans are tested as per I.S. specifications with comprehensive test rigs. The impellers are dynamically balanced as per standards to ensure vibration free, noiseless operations even at high speeds.  Various Types of Centrifugal Fans like Backward Curve, Aerofoil , Straight Blade Efficiencies up to 80 % Airflow up to 3,20,000 m3 / hr and Pressure up to 950 mm. Fans in various Material of Construction like MS ,SS and PP

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