Terminalia bellerica is a large tree, upto 40 m high found in deciduous forests throughout the greater part of India. This tree, called Vibhitaki in Sanskrit, meaning fearless, was avoided by the Hindus of Northern India, who would not sit in its shade as it is supposed to be inhabited by demons.
Banaba is a deciduous tree growing to 40 to 60 feet and is bushy; with smooth oblong leathery leaves, up to 12 inches long.
...moreSida Cordifolia
The botanical name of bala is sida cordifolia and it belongs to family malvaceae . Bala grows well throughout the plains of india, especially, in damp climate.
...moreAzadirachta Indica
Mature green leaves are collected and allowed to dry partially. Then these dried leaves are then crushed and powdered.
Shilajith or Rock asphalt is ejected out of rocks during hot weather in the lower Himalayas, Vindya and other mountain tracts and Nepal where iron abounds, naturally following out from between the fissures in the rocks; or it may be a tarformed in the earth from the decomposition of vegetable substances.
Shatavari, asparagus racemosus, is a climbing plant which grows in low jungles areas throughout india. As per ayurvedic texts, this sweet and bitter herb is particularly balancing to pitta dosha.
According to ancient texts, aswagandha is strong. As per the earlier belief, there is no other plant in ayurveda, which can provide as much strength. It is said to be very effective in case of bronchitis, leucoderma and asthma.
...moreArjuna Bark
Terminalia arjuna is a tree up to 25 meter hight. It grows along the river banks, plains of northern India.
we offer Andrographis. Kalmegh is a bitter annual erect herb with small white flowers. The fruit is a pod with 10-12 seeds which are yellowish brown and glabrous.
We offer amla or emblica officinalis is a natural, effective antioxidant with the richest natural source of vitamin c. Amla is one of the most frequently used of the ayurvedic herbs.
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