Rotor Filter Basket
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1 Carton (MOQ)
F7 T Filter Chamber
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Using premium packaging materials, we secure our products properly for transportation and label it properly to provide information such as address of manufacturer/distributors, MRP, quantity, etc. Bulk as well as retail order of the product can be fulfilled by us with ease. In addition, we guarantee to make delivery as per schedule. Typical applications : Plating, etching, solar and process industryFeatures Compact and robust, service friendly No metal parts, all PP construction Threaded cover for fast and easy opening Welded bottom (no seal) Max. temperature PP 80oC Large choice of filtermedia String wound filter cartridges (double or single open ended) Melt blown filter cartridges Carbon cartridge Pleated cartridges High flow pleated cartridge Discs with filterpaper/cloth Filterbag Standard Union connection for rigid piping (PP or CPVC sockets) EPDM gasket 10" and 20" chambers Manometer Air release PP cover maximum pressure 3,5 bar PP reinforced cover (black) max 5,5 bar Options Hose connections, flanges Viton gasket 30" chamber Customized mounting plate in-tank or floor mounting (4 PP legs 300 mm) Safety switch on threaded cover Contact manometer
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