ICON Monitor of Cardiac Output
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Product Description: The ICON™ monitor is a portable, cost-effective monitor for the measurement of cardiac output in neonates, pediatrics, and adults. Portability: The ICON monitor is the first and only portable battery-operated cardiac output monitor available in the world. The size of the ICON, at 8’’ x 4’’ x 1”, 3 lb, makes it the ideal monitor during medical emergencies, medical transport, and situations where space is limited. ICU: The handheld ICON comes equipped with a 2 hour battery life that can be used for continuous monitoring, or for routine spot-checks during clinical rounds on multiple patients in the ICU. OR: The ICON’s portability is ideal for maximizing the space available during preoperative and intraoperative settings. Often in the OR, wires become bundled or entangled; ICON’s patient cable follows a grouping system that allows for easy arrangements for a clutter-free operating room. Emergency: The size of the ICON allows it to be easily incorporated into any ground or air transport units. Additionally, the 2 hour battery life allows for continuous measurement throughout the transport, as well as for interdepartmental transport/transfers. iControl iControl is a dedicated PC program which facilitates the exporting of data, management of ICON software updates, and customization of features. Bluetooth ICON provides a wireless connection with any PC that is Bluetooth compatible, which can be used to export data through iControl software. Furthermore, the ICON status report can be printed wirelessly with any compatible Bluetooth printer. Data Logging Data logging feature allows for the ICON to streamline data in realtime to a PC at specified intervals of beat to beat, 10s, 30s, 1min or 5min. VueLink Utilizing the VueLink technology provided by Phillips, the ICON can sync with most models of IntelliVue patient monitoring systems. This allows for the measurements from the ICON to be displayed alongside other conventional parameters on central patient monitors. Electronic Medical Records EMR With a VueLink interface, the ICON parameters can be directly exported out of the patient monitoring system in the universal EMR language HL7.
Cardiac Monitor
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Cardiac monitor A single lead ambulatory ECG device for long term monitoring of the heart for diagnostic and post-operative purposes, is lightweight and extremely easy to use. Equipped with CDL’s propriety algorithms and workflow software, PADMA can analyse ECGs in real-time and effectively detect a wide range of arrhythmias. PADMA enables a remote cardiologist to view live ECG, review and report from his mobile phone.
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Cardiac Monitor
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