Chipboard Screw Dealers in Chickpet, Bangalore

(3 products available)
  • Chipboard Screw

    Chipboard Screw

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    Excel Trading Corporation is reliably distributing the Chipboard Screws, which are manufactured by experts in the most precise manner. The efficient functioning and robust construction have earned us a huge clientele in the global markets. Advantage : Cut through Sun Mica and Hard Woods easilyCompatible with hard core machines Made from premium quality metalNon-abrasiveLong life Grades : DIN 604DIN 605 DIN 963DIN 964DIN 965DIN 966DIN 7969DIN 7991DIN 609SIN 610ISO 7379ISO 7968DIN 920DIN 923DIN 921DIN 927 DIN 7513DIN 7516DIN 84DIN 85DIN 912DIN 6912ISO 7380DIN 7984DIN 7985DIN 558DIN 933DINDIN 6914ISO 8676ISO 8765DIN 464DIN 653DIN 603ISO 7380 Applications : Wood structure worksCarpentering work Furniture industry

  • Chipboard Screws

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    We are reckoned as the prominent Importer and Supplier of the quality Chipboard Screws in India. Our Chipboard Screws are known as the ideal furniture fasteners, providing high pull out resistance. The Chipboard Screws can also be reused. The choices of diameters and lengths ensure proper selection for application. Attributes : DurableRobust constructionAnti-abrasiveSturdy

  • Best Deals from Chipboard Screw

  • chip board screws

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    chip board screws, HSFG Friction Grip Structural Bolts

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