During the development phase of various aircraft programs, one of the major equipments necessary to test the systems being built is the Multi Function Display (MFD). Considering the fact that MFDs are expensive and in short supply, ComAvia started building a MFD simulator. This effort resulted in MFD-SIM as a product being created. It performs like an actual MFD when connected to the Mission Computer Display Processor Open Architecture Computer Core Avionics Computer Open Systems Architecture Mission Computer, etc. The RS 422 interfaces have also been incorporated wherever necessary. MFD-SIM is a comprehensive tool extremely useful for system designers and developers. This product has been widely accepted by the avionics community working on various aircraft programmes like the MIG 27 and Jaguar Upgrade, LCA and Sukhoi.
...moreHUD SIM head-up display
During the development phase of various aircraft programs, one of the major equipments necessary to test the systems being built is the Head-Up Display (HUD). Considering the fact that HUDs are expensive and in short supply, ComAvia started building a HUD simulator. This effort resulted in HUD-SIM as a product being created. It performs like an actual HUD when connected to the Mission Computer Display Processor Open Architecture Computer Core Avionics Computer Open Systems Architecture Mission Computer, etc. The RS 422 and UFCP interfaces have also been incorporated wherever necessary. HUD-SIM is a comprehensive tool extremely useful for system designers and developers. This product has been widely accepted by the avionics community working on various aircraft programmes like the MIG 27 and Jaguar Upgrade, LCA and Sukhoi. HUD-SIM..A head-up display on the ground
...moretesting avionics systems
FIAT is the mother of all test facilities. It is highly configurable, modular and fully software. FIAT can be used in any aircraft programme to do virtually any kind of Avionics testing for any LRU over various interfaces like MIL-STD-1553B, ARINC 429, AFDx, Ethernet, RS 422485232, DIO. Analog, Synchro, etc. A comprehensive software application unparalleled in this domain, it has the power to simulate, monitor, analyse and control data flowing between any two subsystems. The power of this application is greatly enhanced by a module called SID (System Interface Designer). FIAT can be used during the design and development phase and during production.
...moreDigital Map Generator
ComAvia's DMG has the ability to display moving maps, overlaid with useful avionics symbols, to the pilot of an aircraft. The DMG greatly enhances the pilot's awareness of his current flight situation and improves his navigational, attack and defense capabilities. It has three main display modes, rendering to the pilot terrain data, aeronautical chart data and satellite data. The first mode of display is fully three dimensional (3D) as seen by a pilot in flight. The other two display modes can be overlaid with avionics symbols such as position of aircraft, its heading, navigational aids VOR and ILS, Ground Proximity Warning (GPW), way points of the flight plan and threats specified by a threat radii. All modes have zoom facility. Comavia's DMG works with five types of data - Digital terrain data used by the Open Source flight simulator FLIGHTGEAR (FG), aeronautical and civil charts used by the Open Source mapping software ATLAS, satellite imagery in the GeoTiff format (eg. from LANDSAT), Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and Compressed Arc Digitized Raster Graphics (CADRG) for aeronautical charts. Comavia's DMG accepts the aircraft's flight parameters from a network socket, using the UDP protocol or MIL-STD-1553B, at a nominal rate of 50 Hz. Two additional features that are normally considered part of EGPWS (Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System) and TAWS (Terrain Avoidance and Warning System) have been integrated with the DMG.
...moreMIL-STD-1553 Standard Avionics Bus
With increasing use of FPGA technology and the MIL-STD-1553B avionics bus on airborne equipment there is a technological need to use 1553B IP cores for well defined functions in future implementations. One of the IP cores that ComAvia has developed is the 1553B core which completely meets the MIL-STD-1553B requirements of an RT and BC. This core can be ported onto an existing FPGA thereby eliminating the need for an add-on RTBC interface card inside the equipment. The core has been validated as per the Standard. MIL-STD-1553B is here to stay and our 1553B IP Core is an extremely useful product.
...morePats - Portable Avionics Test Solution
Dynamic Avionics Mission Simulator
Digital Map Generator