Data Processing in Cox Town, Bangalore

(4 service providers available)
  • Claims Forms Processing

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    The key to our medical claims processes has been the methods that we have shaped and evolved over the years. We have integrated several small points that are unique to insurance claims processes like software tweaks in some cases or changing the process for a particular set of claims. We have experience in working with several systems including emc's captiva, trizetto facets and emc's action point and have also built our own systems that we use for some clients. Depending on the client and their particular needs, we and are able to come up with just the right system to improve our customer's business outcomes. we can support your needs by processing the following types of claims: 1. Hcfa1500cms1500 2. Ub92ub04 3. Dental 4. Miscellaneous (complex and non-standard) 5. Pendscorrespondence 6. Enrollment forms processing. 7. Enrollment & eligibility 8. Vision.

  • form processing service

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    form processing service, data conversion service, open e-book, BPO service

  • Looking for Data Processing Service Providers

  • Data Processing Services

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    Data Processing Services, Engineering Consultant, erp software services

  • data scanning service

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    data scanning service, Card Printing Services

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