MME - EAT2148 Embedded Arm Trainer with Zigbee
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ARM Trainer from Minmax Electronics is based on the popular Philips / NXP ARM-7 Microcontroller LPC 2148 This 32 bit Micrtocontroller has 512 K Bytes of flast memory 32 K bytes of RAM, It is working with 12 MHz crystal. All the portlines, USB, ADC, DAC, SPI, IZC and JTAG are terminated in connector points for external interface. The ARM Processor is programmed through VARI / channel from the PC Sample ‘C’ programmes are provided to display a message on LCD, Scan a matrix Key board and display Keycode, read the analog value of trimpot connected to A to D converter and display the value, generate difference waveforms through onchip DAC displaying some message on the 7 Seg. LED display etc.
Electronic lab trainer
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