Organic Fungicide
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Ingredient Powder Formula Liquid Formula
Eugenol 00.01% ww min. 00.01% wv min.
Potassium Salt of fatty acids 00.10% ww min. 99.99% vv max.
Sodium salts 99.89% ww max. -
Blast, Leaf Spot, Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildew, Early Blight etc. on Paddy, Potato, Tomato, Grapes, Mango, Pomegranate, Papaya & Vegetables.
Mode of Action
Physiologically active ingredients block the metabolic functions of pathogens. The potassium salt of fatty acids helps the spray spread evenly, activate the functions of the active ingredients and help the spray remain active for longer time. Works protective as well as curative.