tool inspection
Pre Stuffing Inspections
Pre stuffing inspections are done by our teams at indian ports all over india .
...moreChartered Engineer Certificate
We issue chartered engineer certificate for imported items or other items or exported .
...moreExport Inspection
We carry out export inspection /certification for exporrt to countries belonging to european union and also us for expecially pepper cardamom coffee tea and other agricultural.
...moreNatural Rubber Plantation Consultancy
We are registered consultants to indian rubber board.we render complete consultancy on natural rubber plantations.we undertake advisory services,field services,field visits etc .we liaison with rubber board and with financial institutions.
...moreAgroforestry Planning Services
we render complete consultancy and planning for agroforesrty /silviculture for open cast mines of iron ore,bauxite,coal in india.we operate in karnataka ,,tamilnadu,andhrapradesh,odish
...moreCoffee Plantation Consultancy
We render complete consultancy for establishing coffee plantations in india. we liase with coffee institutions etc we set up quality control laboratories for coffees,we set up coffee curing works. We inspect export consignments of coffee at indian ports and also european ports.we undertake pre stuffing inspection of
...moreContainer Terminals
We undertake complete turnkey consultancy for establishing container terminals.with all governmental approvals etc.
...moreArbitration for Agricultural Commodities
We render complete comprehensive arbitration [quality arbitration] for coffee exports . Our arbitrations conform to indian arbitration act. We have expert panel of arbitrators
...moreSetting Up Minor Ports Consultancy
We provide complete consultancy for setting up minor ports,fishing ports etc we have highly qualified and experienced team wh m have served in top positions in ministry of shipping and in top management of major ports of india .
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