Wet Scrubber
75,000 Per unit
Fume Extraction System
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We are offering fume extraction system.aircon fume extraction system is the real solution for green revolution. With the increase in discharge of hazardous waste from various chemical process, environmental safety has been a great concern. At present the increase environmental awareness requires a good scrubbing and fume extraction system which is inevitable and mandatory part of all chemical process as well as material handling plant that may pollute atmosphere beyond permissible limit. Industries which need fume extraction system: acid manufacturers, aluminum plants, acid wash plants, iron ore, chemicals, foundaries, paper and pulp, fertilizer, acid washing before galvanizing, galvanizing plants, waste water treatment. following are some of its essential features: • corrosion resistant • dimensionally accurate • durable • high in performance • cost effective • perfectly suitable for temperature (up to 450 c) dust & all types of fumes
Best Deals from Industrial Scrubbers
Electrostatic Precipitator
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We are offering electrostatic precipitator. The elex electrostatic precipitator is the most economical system available for removal of dust from industrial gases at temperatures up to 400 oc.
Fume Extraction System
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We are offering fume extraction system. aircon fume extraction system is the real solution for green revolution. With the increase in discharge of hazardous waste from various chemical process, environmental safety has been a great concern. At present the increase environmental awareness requires a good scrubbing and fume extraction system which is inevitable and mandatory part of all chemical process as well as material handling plant that may pollute atmosphere beyond permissible limit. Industries which need fume extraction system: acid manufacturers, aluminum plants, acid wash plants, iron ore, chemicals, foundaries, paper and pulp, fertilizer, acid washing before galvanizing, galvanizing plants, waste water treatment. following are some of its essential features: • corrosion resistant • dimensionally accurate • durable • high in performance • cost effective • perfectly suitable for temperature (up to 450 c) dust & all types of fumes
Welding Fume Extractors
250,000 - 600,000 Per 200kg
Welding fumes can be captured and controlled using specialised welding fume extractors marketed under the brand name Fumekiller™. These fume extractors are available in a wide range of suction capacities starting from 1000 cu mtrs per hour (CMH) to 6000 cu mtrs per hour (CMH) as standard, fitted with our self balanced fume extractor arm. The welding fume extractors work on the principle of electrostatic filtration and can control all types of welding fumes. One large capacity Fumekiller™ equipment may be used for multiple welding stations for the capture and control of fumes. This product is extensively used for removal of fumes from specific generating sources such as: TIG/ MIG welding Arc Welding Plasma Welding Soldering Dip tinning These fume extractors are fitted with self-balanced extractor arms of various lengths for added flexibility in capture of welding fumes from generating sources. Centralised fume extractors can be supplied upto 1,00,000 CMH suction capacity in modular form.
FumeKiller - Fume Extractor
100,000 - 10,000,000 Per piece
1 Set(s) (MOQ)
Kitchen Fume Exhaust Systems
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Kitchen Fume Exhaust Systems аrе an essential part оf уоur kitсhеn vеntilаtiоn system. Thеу еliminаtе odors аnd improve indооr аir quality. Cоmmеrсiаl kitchen fan is tо rеmоvе moisture аѕ wеll, whiсh inсrеаѕе thе humidity. High humidity саn cause mоld аnd bасtеriа grоwth that саn eventually lеаd to mаjоr health code viоlаtiоnѕ. A typical kitchen exhaust system consists of one or more hoods, connected to a centrifugal exhaust fan by a GI duct run. The hoods have grease filters to retain oil and other greasy particles. The hoods and grease filters are made of stainless steel. Thе twо tуреѕ of fаnѕ аrе impeller fаnѕ аnd blower fаnѕ. A rаngе of fаnѕ: Thiѕ will mоvе аir with blades that look like airplane propellers. A blower fаnѕ: Lооkѕ likе hamster whееlѕ – they are оftеn called ѕquirrеl саgе fаnѕ and аrе mоrе еffiсiеnt than imреllеr fаnѕ. Mоѕt соmmеrсiаl kitchen fume еxhаuѕt ѕуѕtеmѕ have an exhaust fаn, рiрing, аnd a hооd. Sоmе оf thе buildings hаvе сеntrаl exhaust ѕуѕtеmѕ, whiсh is one or more fans, drawing air ѕuсtiоn frоm thе еntirе building (or parts thеrеоf) with a network оf channels. KITCHEN FUME EXHAUST SYSTEM: HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST FOR RESTAURANT Choose thе quiеtеѕt, most еnеrgу-еffiсiеnt fаn оr blоwеr in thе оrdеr оf magnitude iѕ needed. Mоѕt tаgѕ extractor and blower hаvе ratings so thаt you саn compare thе sound аnd fоrсе performance. Look fоr a fаn thаt hаѕ changeable соmроnеntѕ аnd реrmаnеnt lubriсаtiоn. A fаn ѕuitаblе for соntinuоuѕ ореrаtiоn is рrеfеrrеd. Bе rеаdу to рау mоrе for a quality fan. Sеlесt lоw resistance (quiet) еxhаuѕt duсting. Clоѕе the jоintѕ аnd inѕulаting sections whiсh аrе саrriеd оut in unhеаtеd rooms. Plасе the hood when mоiѕturе will саuѕе dаmаgе tо exterior ѕurfасеѕ. If you hаvе hеаting instruments with сhimnеуѕ, mаkе ѕurе thаt thе fans will nоt саuѕе thе аррliаnсеѕ bасkdrаft. Inѕtаll the аррrорriаtе rеgulаtоrѕ. THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN SELECTING A COMMERCIAL KITCHEN FUME EXHAUST SYSTEM Noise: Lооk for a fаn titlеd ‘low noise’ оr ‘silent’ аnd сhесk thе HVI or db (decibels) rаting. If it iѕ not аррrесiаtеd, there iѕ a good сhаnсе thаt it will bе nоiѕу. Loud fаnѕ аrе generally оf inferior vаluе, uѕе mоrе electricity аnd dерrесiаtе until thеу ѕtор tо function. Fаn Power аnd аir flоw: Thеrе iѕ mоrе еnеrgу-еffiсiеnt thаn the selection of аn еnеrgу-еffiсiеnt fаn. Pipes can аffесt fаn performance. Un-insulated, undersized, оr drоору flеx рiреѕ, оr fоul bасkdrаft restraints and еxhаuѕt lоuvеrѕ саn сut rated аirflоw by more thаn fiftу (50) реrсеnt. Cleaning: Fans gеnеrаtе static electricity whiсh drаwѕ dirt likе an аttrасtiоn tо thе fаn and hоuѕing. Thе dirt саn ѕtimulаtе fungаl growth, аnd tо limit аir flоw.
Soldering Fume Extractor
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We are offering soldering fume extractor. Due to rapid increase in industrialization in the recent decades, air pollution has increased alarmingly and started disturbing the whole ecosystem. Air pollutants can be natural or emitted by manufacturing units. The air pollutants emitted by factories are very harmful and can cause serious health problems related to lungs, skin and eyes for both the workers and people living around. Some pollutants like aerosol sprays and welding gases if inhaled frequently for longer period of time then can cause asthma or even lead to permanent lung damage. The workers of these manufacturing units suffer the most and their health is affected badly leading to poor productivity of the organization. To prevent this situation and to provide a healthy work environment, powertech has introduced a powerful device called soldering fume extractor.
Welding Fume Extractors
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Welding fumes can be captured and controlled using specialised welding fume extractors marketed under the brand name Fumekiller™. These fume extractors are available in a wide range of suction capacities starting from 1000 cu mtrs per hour (CMH) to 6000 cu mtrs per hour (CMH) as standard, fitted with our self balanced fume extractor arm. The welding fume extractors work on the principle of electrostatic filtration and can control all types of welding fumes. One large capacity Fumekiller™ equipment may be used for multiple welding stations for the capture and control of fumes. This product is extensively used for removal of fumes from specific generating sources such as: TIG/ MIG welding Arc Welding Plasma Welding Soldering Dip tinning These fume extractors are fitted with self-balanced extractor arms of various lengths for added flexibility in capture of welding fumes from generating sources. Centralised fume extractors can be supplied upto 1,00,000 CMH suction capacity in modular form
Soldering Fume Extractor
41,000 Per Unit
Fume Exhausters
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Welding fumes can be captured and controlled using specialised welding fume extractors marketed under the brand name Fumekiller™. These fume extractors are available in a wide range of suction capacities starting from 1000 cu mtrs per hour (CMH) to 6000 cu mtrs per hour (CMH) as standard, fitted with our self balanced fume extractor arm. The welding fume extractors work on the principle of electrostatic filtration and can control all types of welding fume
Fume Scrubbers
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Features: Venturi scrubbers are sensitive to variations in dust particulate sizes, their distribution and gas flow. With the provision to adjust the venturi throat, desired efficiency can be attained even when actual conditions differ from the design parameters at site. Collection efficiency of +99% is possible for dust particulate sizes of even 1 µm. Capacity range up to 300,000 m3h. Temperature rating up to 1200 0C. High performance nozzles for homogenous mixing of airliquid. Automated constant efficiency and constant ˆp under varying inlet flow conditions
Dry scrubber system
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Dry scrubber system, Dust Pollution Control Systems, Centrifugal Fan
scrubber systems
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scrubber systems
Fume Exhaust Systems
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Fume Exhaust Systems, industrial chimneys, Storage Tanks, Heat Exchangers
Gas Scrubbers
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Gas Scrubbers, Heat Exchanger, Cooling Towers, Hydraulic Motors
Fume Exhaust System
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Fume Exhaust System, Mild Steel Storage Tanks, Stainless Steel Storage Tanks
Fume Exhaust Systems
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Fume Exhaust Systems, air exhaust systems