Best HRIS (Human Resource Information System)
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factoHR offers a free, easy-to-use, and extremely comprehensive HRIS software which is geared toward enhancing the capacity of HR management to learn new and promising technologies, simplify work-flow, optimize precision, stability and credibility of workforce data, simplify the deployment and collection of data. Simplicity is the master key to success you shall realize when you use HRIS module. It is the solution where your HR can work with the lean team by empowering employee. factoHR does exactly the same what it is meant for. You can use without much training as it is made simple, intuitive and fast.
train information display system
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System consists of Central Data controller, Platform Data Controller, True color Display Boards at different sizes & input signals to CCTV and Audio Announcement system.Display's Train Number, Name of Train, Expected Train, ArrivalDeparture of Trains and Platform Number for multiple trains at a time on IVD & OVD Boards. IVD & OVD shall displays the commercials, entertainment programs and other information for passengers.
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Employees Information System
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Employees Information System